Thursday, March 19, 2015


We fought, and "won" World War II, to defeat Fascism.  That fact of History seems to have gotten lost; overtaken by "Vietnam", "Cuba", and their aftermath.  Today, we see echos of those days as we view the events in Israel, the Middle East, Russia, and Latim America.

It is fairly well known that most Fascists fled Germany when it fell, and came to the Americas: the United States, and throughout Latin America.  They found a home in our Far-Right-Wing politics.  Tacitly supported by Richard Nixon, as Vice President to Eisenhower, the Republican Party took a hard swing to the Right with McCarthyism.  This was "covered" as "Anti-Communism".  In that nurturing environment, the Hard Right Elements turned what was the more Liberal, Republican Party, in a Racial direction that suspected all non-whites of being "Communists".  Following the Debacles of Cuba and Vietnam (both initiated under Eisenhower, with an "involvement" of the CIA), that prompted then retired, President Truman, to question whether we should let it continue to exist.

President Kennedy inherited both "blunders" and tried, in vain, to correct them; succeeding more with Cuba, than with Vietnam.  President Johnson, following the assassination of President Kennedy, (the first of four prominent State Murders that convinced the Hard Right that the American People could be easily fooled); handled Vietnam, so badly  that Richard Nixon -- who hung on by his nails under Eisenhower -- became a "shoo-in" for President in 1968.  Goldwater made a run at Johnson in 1964, but was easily defeated because the Nation was still in Mourning for President Kennedy.  By 1968,the other three (Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy and Malcoml X) had been murdered, and Nixon began to "look good" to the voters.

Then Nixon stumbled, J. Edgar Hoover, a stalwart supporter of the Extreme Right and a "Terror" to Congressional Politicians, died in 1972.   Agnew, Vice-President to Nixon was caught stealing and removed; Nixon Resigned in 1974,and Ford warmed his seat until Jimmy Carter, in a "squeaker of 1976" ousted him.  Before leaving, Nixon switched the Party's labels; changing the Republican to the race-baiting haters the Democrats had been since Reconstruction.  Carter fumbled Iran, setting the stage for the "affable dummy" the Hard Right had been looking for, when: Ronald Reagan ascended to the Presidency.  

Reagan opened the door to the Vatican and "winked at Facism (German variety), in Bitburg,  He embraced the race-bitten South by fouling the place of martyrdom of Schwerner/Chaney/Goodman, and  introduced Lee Atwater's racism to American Politics.  The RACE stencil was cut for the Hard RIGHT, and deeply RACIST Republicans we have today.  The "tunes" they wrote have been danced to by Romney, McConnell, Boehner, and, their even more extremist brethren.

Enter Netanyahu, who had a bit of a race problem of his own.  He went South, covenened with Falwell and others who, like "Bibi" had no problems with mixing Politics and Religion.  Facing
a tough re-election, "Bibi" utilized the best of the bad crap Republicans use to win votes, and "voila" we have a "broken" Israel and we're on a path of worldwide racial pathology, mixed with Religion for purposes of pursuing POWER!  Enablers for "Bibi" ?? Andrea Mitchell, his "Media Collaborator" and John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives.  STRANGE BEDFELLOWS!!

Stay Vigilant!  EVERY Young citizen, especially those Black and Brown, should know this much of their History!  We went from World War I to World War II in a little over 10 years.  It has taken that bunch who "lost" World War II, 70 YEARS to bring the planet back to our current, sorry state of affairs!

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