MAD: "Limits" to "Non-Violence"??
My entire adult working-life has been involved with fighting the Cold War abroad, and a stealthy Race War at home. Mid-way through my military career, Nixon ended the DRAFT. He did so to capitulate to angry white kids in the streets of this nation's cities. Their unwillingness to fight in Vietnam (or, as it turned out, ANY war) marked a turning point in the history of our nation. I witnessed the immediate impact, INSIDE the military, of Nixon's decision; along with a continuing version of this nation's race wars, raging INSIDE our military services. Nixon took the Republican Party, and the nation, in the direction of appeasing and feeding old, festering, hatreds and resentments that have lingered in our Sewer States since the end of our Civil War. He began the turn of the Republican Party, into a White Party; by taking in, wholesale, Southern Democrats. The nation LOST Vietnam, and, every war or skirmish we've entered since, has ended in less-than-clear victory. Our military has grown thinner and thinner and more over-tasked, ever since. The War Hawks have grown louder, and have found a way to bring in the State of Israel in their dastardly cause!
Eisenhower, who knew something about the Evils of European cultures, warned that Laws, alone, would not solve this nation's problem with Race. He said the "hearts" of the Southern White had to change. It's clear, with the successes of Mitch and Boehner, that they have only hardened more, over time, for those at the BASE of the Republican Party.
It was MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) that ended the Cold War (if it, indeed, has ended)!! It was NOT "Non-Violence", per-se! It has become clear, 50 years on, that "Non-Violence" at Selma and throughout the South in the Fifties and early Sixties, "worked" mostly because of Television! Since that time, Television, and the rest of our Tabloid, Papparazzi MEDIA, has gotten a lot smarter, and operates effectively as a Propaganda Machine -- for Hire!
LITHUANIA?? It is instituting a DRAFT!! It is being made aware of what they need to do to DEFEND themselves; while NATO takes whatever time it will use to come to their aid. Smart Lithuanians!! They're so small, Putin could take them as easily as he did Crimea!
Jeb Bush has given whites in this country a tool (Stand Your Ground) that augurs EVIL for non-whites. He, clearly, is not an advocate of non-violence! Wilson, Zimmerman, and others, aided by the legal acumen of the likes of O'Mara, can murder non-whites at no cost. They only have to note that they were "afraid"! That's what Republicans have reduced "Justice" to in this country. Blacks and Browns who ignore this; do so at their peril. Ferguson, Sanford, New York, Cleveland, and now Wisconscin and Texas are showing us daily that this phenomenon is spreading rapidly and WHITES WILL NOT DEFEND non-whites!! Katrina warned us, but we've ignored it.
Stay Vigilant! It's O.K. to Pray, but you'd better do some serious THINKING along with that! Colonel Wilkerson, Deputy to Colin Powell, stated on the Maddow Show that those yelling for "boots on the ground" must be willing to bring back the DRAFT!
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