Wednesday, March 11, 2015



A Black member of the SAE chapter at O.U., said in a televised interview: "I can't wrap my brain around it"!  He was speaking in terms of his experiences in that House, and as a prominent member of the Fraternity.  As a parent of children who entered "integrated" schooling in the United States, beginning in 1968, I understand at least some of what he must be feeling.  Young Blacks who were subjected to "integrated" education in the United States were caught between perceptions of the Black Community and those of whites; facing conflicting treatment by their school administrations, and white teachers in their classrooms.  They can be excused for not detecting significant differences in perception between the black/white "worlds".

If you listen carefully to, or read, the speech of President Obama at Selma this past weekend, and then observe the pronouncements and actions of the White and Right-Wing Republican members of our Congress, you might see more clearly the ASYMMETRY in race perceptions that "dog" the United States, and, may eventually cause our collapse, as a country.  These different preceptions are worlds apart, and have very different goals.  Wishing or Praying will not narrow or erase gaps.  In fact, a "gap" could be better understood as "trains" or different tracks.

The White student who apologized, sounds like someone waking from a drunken stupor!  Whites can step in and out of "character", depending on the setting, who else is in that setting, who is "in charge", etc.  The treasonous nature of the latest steps taken by the Hard-Right Republican members of our Senate, show that they are willing to sacrifice the nation to preserve their racial beliefs and perceptions of who can be a "legitimate" leader of the United States.

It should be clear to everyone, after Trayvon, the rash of Police killings, and the trashing of our Judicial System by slick lawyers, that "dialogue", alone, will go no further than Prayer, alone, to reach that place of "understanding" everyone says they want.

This Asymmentry derives from facts; like blacks equating "race-mixing" with "Integration; like whites view of "Integration" as "Invasion"; likes Blacks believing that anything the whites have is "better: that what Blacks have!  Whites KNOW that their God is White, and only whites can be "real" Christians; Blacks don't have a clue about the real differences in the black/white perceptions of Christianity.  My first clue came early in my life, when I learned that Blacks could not be buried in the same graveyards with whites because the "Heavens" for each were "different".
The O.U. incidents should scare HELL out of everyone when they realize how quickly, and how vociferously,  old perceptions can return within white youth;  (If they ever "departed").

Stay Vigilant!  Operators like Putin and Netanyahu understand the power of this phenomenon and use it with reckless abandon.  As a result, no one is safe, wherever they live on the planet!

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