"Bantustans" ??
At the end of World War II, the United States created (largely with dollars from ALL taxpayers)
"Suburbs" -- for WHITES Only!. Following the Civil Rights "win" in 1954, to integrate public schools, Whites left the Cities in "droves"; heading, into the Suburbs. They did NOT leave their jobs, behind, though. Taking their tax base with them, they left the Cities to Rot! They INSISTED on continuing to "Police" the Cities, though. Fast-Forward to 2015, and the Rotting Cities (St. Louis, MO,, for example) are hemorrhaging "Blacks and Borwns into the Suburbs, which, some decades ago, began to wither and decay. The early suburbs also discriminated against OLD whites; one of my fellow Air Force officers told me he was afraid of his Grandfather, because he had never seen "old" hands!
As a result, we have "Bantustans" today in the U.S.; like Ferguson, where two cops were shot last night.
My Grandfather, born in Missouri in the late-1800s, had it right, when he described Race Relations to me in the 1950s: Rich Whites, empower and pay POLICE, to suppress in any way they like, Blacks and other "undesirables"; but they MUST protect the interests of well-to-do Whites. That system still persists across this country today (mostly, East of the Mississippi River). It is becoming harder and harder for Cops to continue their "games", today. They don't have a clue, however,for what they can do to change; in ways that would lessen the stresses they carry. Strangely, Rich Whites, in places like San Francisco, New York City's Harlem, and Detroit, are GENTRIFYING the Cities by throwing out the Blacks and Browns AND Poor Whites!. It will be interesting to see what becomes of the Cops in the "Gentrified" Cities, with few, or no poor whites or non-whites to POLICE! My Solution: NO COP, or Fire-fighter, CAN WORK where they CAN'T, or WON'T, LIVE!! Problem Solved!!
How did the Cops get so smart that they have grown fat and rich off this corrupt system for so many years? The Financial System (Banks, foremost), and the Real-Estate Industry set in motion this rotten system. They have also grown fat, and rich, from criminal real-estate dealing with the poor and non-white members of our nation; and successive real-estate "bubbles".. Time may be running out on their games. Why, because the Blacks and Browns are getting smarter, and the number of poor whites is growing!
Stay Vigilant! This country prides itself on getting rid of Aparttheid for the helples and hapless black South Africans. That's a LIE, of course, BUT, they could do a lot to get rid of Apartheid here at home?
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