Saturday, March 21, 2015

TEUTONIZATION: "RACE" -- for the 21st CENTURY?? (global?)

"HIDDEN" in Plain Sight??

President Obama muses: "what if everybody voted?"   I muse:  what if there's NO ELECTION in 2016??  Almost two dozen "potential candidates" -- both Political Parties  -- are in  "pre-announced" campaigning mode -- for immediate BIG BUCKS; yet NONE have "Declared" their candidacy!! Strange?
Not if you realize that no politician is in the game, post-Reagan, for the "Good of the Country"!
If you still believe that; you belong among the "Un-educated Fools".  The "Educated Fools" are "laughing us" all the way to our Doom!!

Why do I say this?  Because I have read and understood; and "lived" enough History, to know that most of the Public, today (globally), has been seduced, by MEDIA, to a peculiar "blindness" to what is in plain sight.  I know that the steps taken in the United States by the HARD RIGHT, since the Heritage Foundation reeled in Reagan (and SDI; both, tragedies for us; in the long run); have largely followed "the book" used by the Extreme Right in Germany in the 1930s to destroy that Democracy from within.  Once they gained the Reichstag (equivalent to our Congress) they TERMINATED elections!  It's clear the Repoobs prefer Ted Cruz, but there are Constitutional issues.  NOT so, if they set the Constitution aside and INSTALL Ted.  Heritage is probably planning that now.  Congress, under mis-guided "Patriot Acts" have already set the stage for the termination of all Rights.

Cheney and "W" used the Presidency of Polk as their "play-book"; right down to the "Opportunistic" invasion of Iraq; patterned on the "Opportunistic" invasion of Mexico in 1846.  If you read the "blow-back' from that act, penned by the likes of Melville, and Thoreau, you can see the REAL reason for our Civil War.  You will also understand why MEXICAN immigration causes an "Immigrant Nation" to recant its History!  (20% of "old-world" Indians are un-Documented, or Illegal,  Cubans who are "white-enough" get to walk in at will.)

Blacks are "stuck" on billy clubs, dogs, and water-hoses of a half century ago.  Whites are "stuck" on Hollywood products like "Gone With The Wind" (South) and "Birth of a Nation" (everywhere else).
Neither fit the 21st Century.  Failing in their Abortion Fights, spectacularly, at the Ballot Box, and facing dwindling white "numbers", among the electorate; the Hard Right has its back against the wall!  Under the cover of "dysfunction" and "ineptness", they are marching, steadily, toward an outcome in which White Rule can be established in these (formerly) United States forever!

Stay Vigilant!  "Teutonism", more commonly known as "Aryanism" is a belief system featuring a "pure-white" Race, shared by our Founders, Winston Churchill, and French writers, who influenced Jefferson (read the vile racist writing of Jefferson).  To fight Pure-White-Racism today, effectively; you have to get inside the heads of people like Scalia; who fashions himself an "Origionalist", (clearly not Teuton, but a Teuton "Muse"); Thomas, Scalia's "pet Muse"), and Condi Rice, who was "trotted out" by Cheney/Bush to "cover" for the fact that they deliberately left this nation under-Defended for the attack of Bin Laden., that we know they knew about for more than 10 years!

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