There Are MANY, (and growing) in the U.S.!
Will this macabre "March 2014" EVER shuffle off into history? This is its last day; lets hope April brings some relief? In our MONEY and MEDIA-mad world, where the eyes rule the ears and both overpower the brain, the likes of FOX-Blend Media Crap tends exclusively, to what I have termed the CRACKER mind-set. It is that minds-eye-view fed, for more than 200 years to slaves, indentured servants and, European outcasts that washed up on these shores. It has been controlled, throughout our history, by the Sewer that has been known as Dixie; with a slide toward Texas after our Civil War (propped up also by a string of Presidents from Ohio --Boehner's "haunts").
Putin sees his European adversaries as "Fascists", indicting that he does not see himself as one of those.
The Republicans and their Fellow Travelers, both inside and outside our Federal Government, see President Obama as "Fascist","Czar", "Dictator"; and, at the same time, "Weak", "Feckless" (for those few with Cracker Minds that are "educated"; and they can't see the contradictions in that. That explains why the CRACKER MIND, is specially adapted to FOX, Murdoch, and Ailes: it is teeny in size,utterly beyond any ability to reason, and perfectly suited for FOX and Limbaugh. Seems EVERYBODY can see Fascists; but NOBODY IS a Fascist? Only the likes of FOX could pull this mental ju-jitsu!
If you read yesterday's Blog, you will see that I also am aware of a BLACK mind-set, that is tended only by "spill-over" from the dominant white-controlled Media in the U.S. That Media, and our "public" schools, manage very well to block access to any other information or influences. A new, BLACK & FEMALE Mind-set is emerging, most alarmingly, among BLACK and Female Millennials (a "gift", perhaps to them from Condi and Oprah?).
So stay tuned, perhaps you can join the game of identifying new, and unique, Mind-Sets, as our nation and the world drift, inexorably, into madness.. What Mind-Set does Scarborough and his ding!-ey sidekick represent? Those whites who can't get too close to the crap that reigns at FOX, and in our politics. They don't want to follow Stern and Imus down the Media-Sewey-Hole, perhaps. They also provide cover for other whites who need to "stay in touch" with the CRACKERS. Anybody who's been a parent of young males in this country recognizes, perhaps, the Mind-Set on display by Chrisite? Think about it!
Stay Vigilant! Putin may be "crying Uncle"? He should have consulted with Jan Brewer before he pulled his Crimea Caper? MONEY talks; but I guess Putin is too much in love with his guns and his new religion in which he, of course, will be GOD!
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