The 21st Century Face of TERROR ??
Get out your Dictionaries (if you still have one). The Wicked Vladimir, channeling old evils practiced from the time of Catherine The Great, to Adolph; is returning to that time-worn method. It was used here by Texans in their dealings with Tejanos and Santa Anna. The trick: place your kith, kin, or kind in some territory you want to steal; then bring all of your firepower to bear in the process of taking it over; in the name of protecting kith, kin, or kind. Nation-states, Religions, and Race represent the "old" containers for this crap!
Putin has chosen March 17, 2014, (St Patty' Day, here) as his "coming-out" event.
It is told, somewhere in the Bible, that God confounded the wicked by giving them different languages and making it difficult for them to understand each other. Today, with the Internet, Contact is growing, while Communication (the kind that seeks understanding) is dying rapidly!
This is the stuff that defines what I see as the Cracker-Mind-Set, here at home. Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe, along with his mind-bent, stick-stiff, side-prop with the Peter-Pan haircut, are the Media's most recent
attempt to serve the kool-aid to that mind set early in the morning. He's the latest attempt to replace Imus, I guess.
Well, Joe, the rest of us might be watching also. We can see through you. I must admit, yours is a much "slicker" approach, that is also more sophisticated and dangerous than your Grandfather's skin-color racism! It encourages whites, at all levels, to continue to think they are in control; and deserve that control! Any non-whites who are viewing the show are assumed to be "properly conditioned", I guess!
In domestic politics, Giuliani and Christie work this crowd, appealing to those who base virtually all of their relationships on friends, neighbors, relatives, (blood-line, and otherwise), and family lineage. On a Global scale, this represents the ultimate threat to mankind! Condi, our little-miss-mushroom-cloud, is back in the news; trying to "help", I guess. I think she, and "W", and Cheney have done enough to set this mess up.
This could prove to be worse that 9-11 and the 2008 economic collapse (combined)! Hope and Pray that our wiser heads come up with a workable, lasting way out of this new front.
Stay Vigilant! Take YOUR mind out for a spin; see if it still works.
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