Saturday, March 22, 2014

"TYRANTS" (RETURN) --21st Century Version ??

"Metastasized" Tyranny ??
From the monster emerging in Russia, Old-Soviet Style, to the white boys lining up to "enjoy" the "blacks"  in our annual March Madness; our throw-back to the old Plantations days in our history; we can see the new face of tyranny as it strides this planet.  Each person in this country is culturally-conditioned to practice some type of "aversion" in regard to those individuals around them who are darker in hue, or, are not kith, kin, or "kind"..  Our malignant White-Right  is poised to use this principle to take down our Democracy in the coming 2014 election.  Corporate Dominance is poised to replace it.

In between these two extreme versions, the single individual dictator that Hitler hoped to be; and the many other variations that pop up in relationships in virtually all places, it is found everywhere on the globe.   Religions, Religion-in-Politics Groups like AIPAC, Culture-in Politics Groups, like the NRA, Anti-Abortion, and Anti-Gay Groups, and, of course the We-Hate-All Blacks groups in our old South and Southwest; are all fairly obvious examples of groups, who,  with powerful spokespersons, or insidious money they contribute to intimidate already "skittish" politicians, have been operating for a long while building the "mess" we have that threatens our Democracy.  As it was in Germany in the run-up to World War II, it took many groups, or "factions" a decade or more to set the stage for Hitler's take-over of the German Democracy.  Today, Putin has our "sluts-in-the-Media, who play this game for their "30-pieces of Silver" to lead his way.  Technology has "advanced" to a point where its potential for mass evil is only beginning to become clear.  Take the "disappeared nite-flite, for example.  Do we really think we're the only power that has "Dark Operations"??

The individual faces of this new form of tyranny ("My/Our Way, or the Highway") shows up in police uniform, in places like New Mexico, where a very ambitious, and mysteriously-motivated female Hispanic Governor, fashions herself as a "player" in this crowd  - first hitched to Christie, and, given his impending fate, is switching to the old safe haven of "Bush"??

It shows up in inter-personal relationships where children "tyrannize" their parents, Bosses, traditionally white and male, but more and more Machiavellian females (white, of course -- nobody believes black versions are "competent"), all drink from the principle of "aversion".   Aimed at  those who are not "like themselves", and must be put under "control" through some particular brand of Tyranny.  "We don't care; we have nothing to hide";  We don't care; it doesn't affect us";  these are common responses from those single-issue voters who follow the FOX/CNN propaganda that fuels this phenomenon.  The "lock" on this social-psychology is their belief that the chaos that is all around us is the "fault" of their individually-devised "other".  Dunn and Zimmerman, and perhaps Lanza, are examples of these deranged players.

Stay Vigilant!  We've all heard of the "frogs in a tub".  Well, we're all in this one, Baby! Are Right-Wing Think Tanks "running" your local or state government?

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