...In Public! ; Check -Out C-SPAN today
Turn away from your daily dose of "Hee-hee", and pay attention to, what I think, may be the story of your lifetime! The details, and what we do about it, will determine what lifetime lies ahead for us.
C-SPAN, at the opening of today's Morning Journal, gives excruciating details of what underlies this story, so far!. It is chilling! This portends the un-raveling of various Cheney/Bush "operations": from 2000 to 2006. It also shines light on actions in the House of Representatives under Hastert and Delay.
Why now? It just might be that Senator Feinstein has "had enough" of being "rolled" by our Hard Right. It is today marching behind a "False-Front" of Obamacare to regain the control of our Congress that they lost in 2006. Last night's election results in Tampa show how much "muscle" they have heading into this year's off-year election for Congress. Check-it out! Even our most intellectually challenged should be able to understand the basics. They may also be able to see more clearly the stealth activities taking place in the politics of their own state and locality.
Unabashedly "supportive" of Putin and his move to bring back "Conquest by Plebiscite", these "fellow travelers" in our country are not unlike the Big Money Boys who undermined FDR's efforts to assist Britain in their attempts to resist Hitler. The installation of Hitler in power in Germany, and the subsequent loss of their Democracy took more than a decade to accomplish.
Their goal could be to simply "fix" it so that Ted Cruz can easily be installed in the Presidency in 2016. The implications of this story show that Hillary (and Bubba) may be slated for the same drain that Christie is currently swirling down.
Stay Vigilant! If Churchill was right about the "American People"; this might be our 11th Hour! The Supreme Court was mortally weakened by Bush v. Gore, and then crippled us with Citizens United. Sandra Day, our First Woman on that body resigned "for health reasons". Similarly, the Cheney daughter suddenly quit the race for the Senate, citing "family health" issues. The Wicked Tricky-Dick-II is apparently healthy enough with his new heart to become our first ex-V.P. to publicly engage in most-foul attempts to cripple a sitting President. Are we at the door of "Banana Republic" politics in the United States? The battle unveiled by Senator Feinstein has been raging for several years. Our Department of Justice in investigating the allegations. Brennan, in his response to Feinstein's speech said he would "appeal" to President Obama.
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