Saturday, March 29, 2014

"UNCHAIN' (our) "HEART"?? ...

... AND your's Too; If YOU HAVE One!

.. "Unchain (Our) "Heart"
.. "Set" (us) Free!
"Unchain" (our) "Heart"
"You don't care" (for Democracy)
(Apologies to Ray Charles -1961)

As we suffer yet another incredulous day under the ever-growing weight of the oppressive Propaganda Machine that our Media, driven by the Hard Right and their FOX-den Backers; we get "spun" even faster by (Screaming-B's -- both genders) in our media who are more interesting in boosting their personal images than accurately informing anyone, on anything, we learn that the Chinese have, accurately, told us where the "disappeared, mystery nite-flite) can be found!  Why didn't the Russians?  Does anybody believe they didn't know?  They probably still believe the crap the "Conservative Media" has been spreading about Snowden!

Maybe Michelle Obama touched the "hearts" of those Suffering Chinese families, prompting their government to, belatedly, "cooperate"?? 

We're "under your spell", "Like" (someone) "in a spell".  "But" (we) "don't stand a chance", as the world plunges toward HELL?  The Democrat Party is scared of its own spit, and the Evil Funding of the Hard Right Media is poised to take our Senate this Fall; betting that the voting public will NOT go out to vote in this Fall's election.  This morning, House Speaker Boehner is in the Media openly undermining a sitting President, by propagandizing the public to believe that Obama will not "faithfully execute" the laws of our nation.

Not once in my lifetime has a House Speaker done such a thing!  The Republicans must think they are swooping "in for the Kill" of our Democratic form of a Republic, designed by our Founders.  We're on the road to Germany in the 1930s.  Remember, our economy rebounded somewhat after the Market Crash of 1929; only to fall into Deep Depression by 1933.  They're betting they can, with the Senate, cripple our economy once again, making Hillary run away from 2016; leaving the field to Romney, or Jeb.  Christie's Toast!

The Europeans have grown rich anddrunk on our Blood and Treasure since 1945.  If they get oil from us to replace the fuel they fear losing from Putin, they'll have little incentive to grow a spine.  Pope-Too, like the other, Nazi, Pope. clearly has his own Fish to Fry, as he tries to safe Christians from a fate set in motion by Cheney/Bush when, after 9/11, they invoked a return to "The Crusades".  The generalized FEAR they loosed has rattled around this planet like a "pin ball"!

Stay Vigilant!  Do everything you can to stop the onslaught the "Conservatives" have amassed for Nov 14!!

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