Saturday, March 15, 2014

OVERTIME: where "HELP" meets "12-YRS" ??

The "True" POWER of "Computing"?
The "Real" "Road to 'Serfdom'" ??
R U "included" ?
If the "Ol Massas" of chattel-slave operations in the Americas, from 1530 to the end of Our (first) Civil
War (1865); had TODAY's "Computing Power" ; chattel-slavery would not have been defeated in that War; and Texas might have succeeded in its plan to extend slavery to California!  They would have the "computing" power to calculate the optimal mix of water and corn meal to work their slaves to death most efficiently!
Our Corporations, today, have that power; all industries, all levels, all "market-caps".  President Obama's
Executive Action yesterday reveals to those (who are not still brain dead) how those in our Upper-Middle-Class "get this"!  Watch C-Span today and get the "Overtime-101" that everyone must understand how they do it; and you can escape the Bullsh*t our MEDIA  and the Hard Right are handing out.

Thank GOD for Bill Maher! (oops); No one, not even Pope-Too; Not even his nemesis, Paul Ryan; who is busy "dog-whispering his carefully-selected messages to the differing segments that adhere to the Cracker-Mind Set on our Hard Right.  For the rest of us who are infected by, and under sway of, the Cracker-Mind Set, and who who pose as Liberals, Independents, Progressives, and, whatever you can call what Rand Paul is morphing into; I rely on Bill Maher to keep me up to date on our race against time to prevent the INTERNALLY-driven COLLAPSE of these United States of America!   Big Money and the mindless, race-mad loonies of the Right and the Republican Party are poised to achieve in the 2014 election the "victory" they failed to get in the 2012 election.
Today, when we're also terribly distracted by "Red-Eye-Flights" that "vanish" in the night; and those truly evil
enemies, in Russia; of this world as we have known it.  To fully understand these things, we all must also understand what National Technical Means, means.  If you are one of those among us who still swallow the story that 9/11 occurred without access to these Means; that 19 or so smart, young, Arab, engineers pulled it of; on their own;  you need serious help with your ability to think!

Stay Vigilant!  So many messages, so little TIME (for anything).  The clock is ticking!   DoesMarch Madness replicate the worst aspects of chattel slavery??  We must ALL become Elijah Cummings, or "Di-Fi"!
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