Monday, March 3, 2014

"LASH" (new ones?) ..

Out with the "Old" ??
As the Americas steel's itself to confront, finally, THE LASH;  We can only hope that it will confront the Bible, the "tool" in the other hand of the Slave Masters as they ground the humanity out of people of color.  The King James Bible (1611), is what they used!.  It was re-written at the behest of the King of England.

12 Years A Slave WON!  Best Picture, in last night's Academies; AND, Lupita Nyongo's WON! as Best Supporting Actress.  Our Cracker-controlled Headline-writers are virtually mute, this morning,  about this!  Each  of us have to write Headlines for "our own", these days, I guess.  "Cinderella" has turned BLACK"!  What's Pope Too and his white world to do??

Back to the Lash!  That old Bullwhip has been replaced by two new ones:  MONEY and RACE, now replace MONEY and WHITE SKIN??  (Rich Whites, here and in Europe, can no longer afford to "share wealth with their poorer brethren.  We're all about to learn how cruel the "Lash" of concentrated money can be.
Will the victims of the "Old" system understand this change?  Probably Not!  They remain deceived by the so-called "power" of appealing to a questionable "morality" within the bosom of whites on this planet.  The Martin Luther King "solution" will blow out like a candle in the wind as the power of concentrated wealth marches ahead.
If you paid attention last night, foreign accents were the REAL winners.  All citizens in the Americas, black and white, should be quaking in their boots.  We may be facing a "dump" of  the poorer Europeans into the Americas;  to rival the original "dump" that began in the early 1600s.  The white-skinned ones can walk in and out of the United States without concern for our Immigration issues.  These new "accent" invaders are universally regarded as "Superior" to whites in the Americas. (Bogardus, 1926).
The Cold War is Gone!  Bullies like McCain and Graham ("war-mongering "Katzenjammers" in our domestic politics), AND Putin;  have to realize this.  The Soviet Union is Gone!  All the kings horses will not bring THAT back.  We have over-relied on DEFENSE, both domestically and in our blind support of Europe and Japan.  Over-spent, or, Mis-Spent defense dollars WEAKENed our country -- it did not STRENGTHEN it. Eisenhower sensed it, but, only warned us; as he was "gettin' outta Dodge")!  We have spent the past 44 years pursuing race-based uses of our DEFENSE Department; both at home and abroad.  We have virtually destroyed The Defense Department in the process.  Now, a weak, ineffectual, racist, STATE DEPARTMENT has to be relied; on as we go forward.  All you John-Wayne types have to suck that crap up!
Stay Vigilant!  This ol' World continues "to turn".  There's big trouble ahead for the Blue Planet:  did u check out Lupita's dress)?
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