Our "Wild-West" meets "Medicine"??
To paraphrase Moms Mabley: People's goin' Crazy, Today, That's neva' gone crazy befo! . Today, when we're all distracted by Ukraine, a "vanished" nite-flite, and Vladimir; ( all Wet Dreams for Hollywood and our Fascist-leaning Media, --big-time); we have to "break-lock" from the spell being woven by any tallking head before a camera, who immediately feigns "expertise", and then springs their personal phobias, drawn from their "cracks"; the drive toward mass insanity accelerates!
Our National Security State, formed in 1948, has been the foundation for rule of the planet since that time. Our CIA, formed as part of that structure, brought selected Ex-Nazis to this country. The Baby Boom, begun in 1947, quickly joined the babies of these Nazis into our national bloodstream. Sympathizers to Hitler, before this country entered World War II, be-deviled FDR, from our Congress, similarly to the tactics we see today. After Ike, who feintly warned us as he "got outta Dodge"; after McCarthy, aided and abetted by the likes of Reagan; andafter the Bay of Pigs; Harry Truman stated that creating the CIA was a "mistake".
We then lurched to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of Kennedy (our FCP?), Malcolm, Martin, and Bobby; this element (strangely traceable to Texas, beginning around 1960) had its "head". The National Security States is in shambles today, except for the POWER OF MONEY! ( and FEAR, as Cheney/Bush demonstrated in their "uses" of 9/11). Our Congress today is the FOX-HOLE this element operates from.
After the voting results in Tampa a few days ago, this Cabal smells blood as they march behind the false-front of Obamacare to regain total control of Congress. They will have the power to "shut-down" Obama. The United States, as Hollywood portrays it, but never was, will be GONE!! This mess, begun by Nixon
allied with the AMA, and called "The Best Health-care System in the World", was joined by Hospitals, and, fatally,big Insurance and big Pharma, quickly threatened to bankrupt the country. Its a false choice to choose between "Entitlements" or "Big Spending". Health-care costs drive all of it!
Good medicine-practicioners, caught on, and started voting with their feet during the Clinton Administration.
The, experienced, amazingly capable doctors were the heart of whatever kept this country healthy since the last Depression. They believed in the Hippocratic Oath http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocratic_Oath.
The mostly-foreign, or foreign-trained doctors who are rapidly replacing them in our system pose life or death risks to us all. The only thing that stands between them and the government money our present system pormises is the Patient! THESE doctors have the same power to "bury their mistakes" left to them by the AMA. All Greedy, Racist, and philosophical backers of the anti-Obamacare forces shoould THINK TWICE.
Stay Vigilant! "Dime-Novels" and Hollywood created the myth of "John Wayne" and the "Good Guy v. Bad Guy"; in our old Wild West. That crap, assisted by racist Comic Books during the last Depression maintained, updated and spread globally by Hollywood, is now deep in the mass "blood stream" of this nation, and Cracker-Backers around the world. CLEAN OUT CONGRESS WITH CAREFULLY SCRUTINIZED CANDIDATES in 2014!!
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