Sunday, March 2, 2014

U-N-I-T-E-D?? (Really?)??

R Whites Unitin'; while Non-Whites R Innergratin ( in the USA)
What About The Gays?

Ever since bombers chased Reagan out of Lebanon, and started taking hostages,  the people on this planet SHOULD have discarded any focus on events that was narrower than GLOBAL!  The events of the past week should make that crystal clear to everyone (even our massive, uneducated, citizenry; of all colors)!

It was also noted then, that people on this planet were "returning to the basement of their existence and clinging to the pillars that rooted them".  Syria shows this phenomenon has progressed on steroids in the 30 years that have passed since the days of Mad Ronnie.  We thought that the days when wars BETWEEN nations were over, and wars WITHIN nations were beginning.  We can thank Sharon for this!

Lithuania, however, may show that Putin is bringing back the old-style of war between nations??

On this day of the Oscars, "Americans" of every stripe and bent should ponder seriously: who we really are? Who we have been, and where we're heading.  It appears the whites are clearly on a different track from that of our "Integrating" groups. From Boehner, to Romney, to Ted Cruz (take your pick).

At the "Brothers Keepers" talk the other day by FBP, "Siko Riley" was there to represent the Cracker Mind Set that is regaining stature among our citizens.  BUT:  the "usual suspects" of the Black "Community" that claims to be responsible for all of the spectacular performance in improving the lives of Black Youth; were ALSO there (from Powell to Sharpton).  These guys have access to a lot of white "guilt" money; and, obviously are looking to get a lot more.  WHEN WE LEARN HOW TO MAKE THESE SPOOKS ACCOUNTABLE, AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS WE ALL CAN SEE????????

Whites, Liberal, or otherwise, will NEVER do that.  As with Catholic Indulgences, they get PAID when they give their money to the "fuzzy-headed" and the Craven.  Remember Judas, you Bible Lovers!

Gays are busy making Hay on the back of the Arizona wins.  Having keen insights into this group for more than 50 years (Gore Vidal was the only one them that can close to being human); I watched them up-close and personal on the West Coast from 1984 until 1995.  Not a pretty picture!

While you watch the Oscars tonight, see if you can spot the fact that the whites who are competing don't really like their fellow whites.  They have their own version of "being somebody"!  At the same time, we could be witnessing the tightening of the stitching, begun by Reagan, to bind deep-South racists to our Ethnic racists. 

Stay Vigilant!  Who R U "snuggling-up" to??   Root for, and Watch! 12 Years A Slave (its about the whites U know).

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