Can you envision $Trillions$ ??
A French Citizen explained to me some years ago what the COST was to France, when their "Riff-Raff" took over their Government during the French Revolution (1789-1799). Reason and Fact were the first casualties! For the second time in the past four years, we see the "Clown Car" reappear during a Republican Primary Season; as they vie for the Presidency of the United States. There are many more of them, this time; there is still the requisite "woman" and "black"; both of whom are easily "expendedable" by the White Males?
The mind-set of the entire Nation has been "dragged" by these Obama-Hatin' Riff-Raff, sharply to the Political RIGHT! No matter who wins the 2016 Election, the Nation will find itself with a Less-Intelligent President, whose World-View is dangerously limited. The more they Act or Speak "Stupid", the more they rise in the Polls. These "candidates" all seem to believe they can "do better" than Obama, because they're White, or, in the case of Dr. Ben, they have bona-fides as a "Booker-T" Consort! (Think Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice)??
As the relentless Demography Clock ticks against males who run on white skins; who believe they have a Divine Right to Rule; the scene shifts to toward white males who are Billionaires? Non-whites and Women may have to develop strategies that will work against the POWER of White Male Billionaires!
As an Immigrant Nation, that desperately needs Immigrants to grow and prosper, it is Suicidal to focus on White Males (with or without BIG MONEY) for "Leadership!!. Even Mark Cuban seems to "smell" that!
Stay Vigilant! White Male "Leaders" are a dying breed of "Emperors without Clothes"!!
It remains to be seen whether their MONEY will make up for their lack, in numbers. In the meantime, the "white skin" effect still seems to work on Blacks in the Sewer States; and on those States, where the sludge, that has oozed out of our sewer, infects, and turns RED!
These old beliefs may still work for gaining office, but, once in Office, they can't GOVERN! Republicans in our House and Senate, and the deranged Clerk in Kentucky, are examples??
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