This One really IS "Different"??
John Boehner, a Catholic, may "rue the day" he invited THIS Pope to Visit our Congress!
Currently under seige by the most radical and least intelligent Rabble this Country is capable of producing, our Country, our President, and our Congress are severely hampered in their ability to "govern"!! The Rabble, emboldened by their stupendous number of "candidates" in the Republican Party, smell "victory", so far, in 2016!
This Pope tells them that the Bible and the Koran are "equally valid"? Really?? THAT must blow
the tiny brains of our Rabble!! Not only those who take their Christianity "straight", i.e., Catholic, are most directly affected -- those who take their Christianity "with chasers", i.e., Protestant, are also sent reeling by this Pope's message about their Beloved Bible!
Another DIFFERENCE; not yet in much evidence through pronouncements or actions, comes from the fact that he is the first Pope of the "Americas". That is very important because this side of our Planet is where the Inquisition moved, and set up shop to work those Evils that produced, and still perpetuate a deeply-embedded sense of White Supremacy! Profits from their evil trade and teachings have been used to enshrine their perpetual message in the Paintings of European "Masters", and on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. These pictures portray an indelible message that God is White, God prefers those who are lighter in skin color, and, therefore, Jesus, the Son of God must also be White. History and Geography tell us otherwise, but the "Flock" is not exposed to much of that kind of "knowledge", through their "education". These "Teachings" have worked economic miracles for White People on our Planet, over the past half-Millenium, and have trained non-whites to act in ways to limit their abilities to live fully-human lives!
Stay Vigilant! Until all persons on this Coil get this message through their thick heads, and erase their various Beliefs in being "chosen", or Exceptional"; nothing of substance will CHANGE!! The special perniciousness of the Americas as the Incubator for this Evil, has been the ability of Christian Churches, Schools, and "American" Institutions and Movements, from "Scientific Racism", "Eugenics", and similar efforts to "seduce non-whites", and to keep their color-racism alive. How else to explain a Dylaan Roof in 2015, or murdering white ethnic Cops?
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