What "Links" Them??
It seems that every generation produces at least one; in these United States. Dylann Roof, born in 1994, was enabled by technological advances that ensures his "message" will reach everyone on the Planet; in some fashion. He is our latest, and most riveting example! We see their faces in pictures of Lynchings, over the last two centuries; throughout the United States. We see their "kin" on Police Forces, today, throughout the United States. They appear with almost "certain"predictability"!!
Why?? Are there genetic links? or: Is it "socially-induced" after birth, within certain social settings that can be described? One thing is for sure, however: its Roots are very old, and, are nourished by succeeding generations. They follow their paths with a "certainty" that resembles Religious Faith. The examples they provide, are followed, across generations. A "shunning" of Dylann, by MEDIA, following an initial MEDIA-ORGY, only adds fuel to the suspicion that we KNOW, Why?; but are not willing to face some awful TRUTH that lives amongst us. Our new Attorney General recently revealed that "Nobody is Safe", given the availability of Guns in this country. For that, we can thank the NRA and our "Political Leadership" in Congress. "John and Mitch", from opposite banks of the Ohio "Ditch"; man-the-controls-now, it seems. http://abcnews.go.com/US/attorney-general-sad-fact-safe-now/story?id=33481933
No other topic has dogged my path, throughout life: from Klan Rallies in the 40's; Emmett Till, in the 50's; King/Malcom/John and Bobby - Assassinations in the 60's; Race Rioting in the 70's and Police Rioting since!! It was something else, though, in the Fifties, that I saw as the possible ROOT!
When White Teens began to disobey their parents in droves to get access to "Black" Music, the constant phrase you heard from the older generations was: "Its THE DEVIL's Music"!! As Whites made more and more Millions of Dollars from the Music, that characterization disappeared. The Message lingered, however. Why the Devil? At its Root, the Slaves were believed to be "Devils", as taught by Christians; who invented that System. They taught the Slaves that they were "children of the Devil", and unfortunately, behaviors of too many of their descendants show that they still believe those teachings. The Black Church was born out of that Pathology. Thus, we have deeply-rooted beliefs, stemming from a Religion with the same name, but; informing its Victims and Victimizers with opposite, and not-quite-equal motivations!
Stay Vigilant: Beliefs that Whites are "Chosen" by GOD; and that GOD is White, are still deeply rooted in populations throughout out Planet. These "Devilish Beliefs" must be "cast-out" in some way!
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