Friday, September 25, 2015

"PAPA" the LAND of the "FREE"??

Who? ... You??

Preaching the GOLDEN RULE in a place where those with the most GOLD, Rule; Pope Francis, aka "Poncho", is a BIG HIT!!  He has been doing the "hitting", however, from a place, high up, in the House of Representatives, where it will be most difficult for the Legislators in our Federal Government to "miss" his message!  This occurred within hours of his "Conquering" Cuba, in a way that was most spectacular!  Maybe those, most Greedy, who have been licking their lips to get back at the Cubans, after years of Batista and Fidel, will take pause?  You THINK??  Not on yer life!!

Talking to the Oppressors, and their paid lackeys in Official positions, "Papa" warns that the Greedy have dangerously overreached!  Massive outpourings of Migrants are flooding Europe from the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, as examples.  He spoke against the arms merchants, our death penalty, ... his Laundry List was long!  (Read the Speech)

Millions of people in this Country, Catholic and non-Catholic have become "Fans", and seem eager for his message of "Forgiveness".  Citing, among others, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, he raises a question for those of us who struggle:  "What is the Price of Forgiveness, and WHO "Pays" it??  In both cases, Lincoln and the Civil War, and, King, and the Civil Rights Movement, one hundred years later; the BLACK VICTIMS paid the price, and are still paying it; in a land where white Leaders bend every fiber to keep them Marginalized.  Beginning, in the early days of JIM CROW, these Leaders have been assisted by a Cynical Class of Black (known today as "Conservatives") who have found their way to riches and fame by serving the interests of those Leaders who work to Oppress.  Two, most prominent today, are Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice.  Both, the handi-work of Bush(es)!

Undoubtedly, Nelson Mandela could be added to the list of Leaders like Lincoln and King.  The "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions" that followed the surface collapse of Apartheid, also serve to reinforce the notion among whites that Blacks, somehow, "deserve" their suffering; and that no whites should ever be punished!  The Cycle is a Vicious One!
The ghosts of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Walter Scott can attest the the fact that JIM CROW today has become institutionalized in our Police Organizations, acting in league with Big City Mayors to maintain the marginalization of those Blacks who are too poor to escape their assigned habitats.. We can trace the early days of this phase, to Los Angeles and Mayor Bradley's Chief, Daryl Gates.

Stay Vigilant!  The POISON has worked its way deep into the Fabric of Society, throughout the Americas; from Argentina, to Alaska.  It'll take a HEAP of Prayin' to some GOD more powerful than any we have yet known, to make this CRAP STOP!! 

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