Saturday, September 26, 2015

Upon Coming to AMERICA!

CHANGE is "on the Wind"

Speaker Boehner, third in succession to the Presidency of the United States, "washes his hands"  of the Republican Leadership of the House of Representatives!! He is the first, to "voluntarily" resign, under no visible pressure, and within HOURS after hosting the first Papal Visit to that Body!!  Has he also become convinced that Republicans have become a "Down-Low" Party; a FACTION, like the threat our Founders warned us against??

Every-day White Catholics are being restored, before our eyes, from the weight of the Scandal that arose when long-lasting, widespread, Sex-Abuse of minor children was  found among Catholic Priests, world-wide.  Those most prone to practice their FAITH from a position that is Judgmental and imbued with an Air of White Supremacy, unfortunately, are also "restored".

You could see evidence of that if you looked closely at the faces of the darkest-skinned children among those assembled at the school in Harlem.  There was the stark look of fear, uncertainty, and doubts of acceptance that their parents suffered in Catholic Education.  The Dexel Family of Philadelphia targeted Native and Black Children within their "service tradition".  As we know from other sources, the Bible and Christianity were common tools used by Whites as they pursued a program of Killing Off adults, while impounding their children for indoctrination to favor "whiteness"; while, "forever" remaining Marginalized!  In my early days in the Air Force, I could easily spot a Black Officer from Philadelphia or New York, for that reason.  "Missionaries" from other FAITHS pursued the Native and Black children West of the Mississippi.

Also present in the Harlem School (Spanish Harlem, that is) were Immigrant Families from Non-White parts of the world.  Once prominent in large cities, such schools are now rare, due to the fact that Whites have done better economically, and have moved away, and taken away their financial support.  Traditionally, a Blue-Collar element, jobs for less-educated Catholic males, today, are found on Police Forces, and in Fire-fighting.  Those groups are feeling an economic pinch, thanks to DickandDubya, and are taking it out on Blacks across our Country.

Stay Vigilant!  Boehner's Resignation may bode more "Evil on the Way"?  The FACTION-alized Whites, who cheer Trump, have made impressive gains in both Houses of Congress, and show o signs of seeking Good Governance! 

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