will TRUMP "win" -- by "Default"??
You saw it again, if you watched Charlie Rose's interview of Tennis Coach, Nick Bollettieri, last night!
You saw two "Non-Colored" Males, discussing a Woman of Color, for the benefit of viewing and listening Whites! All Non-Whites have to contend themselves with whatever "News" whites choose to report about us; "whenever" it suits their Fancy, to do so! Blacks, in particular, will NEVER achieve the Freedom our ancestors sought for us, until we put a STOP to this practice! We can no longer "mollify" our way forward!
Why? Because this practice feeds the "Melting" part of our vaunted "Assimilation" Myth in the USA -- for Blacks, Natives, and Immigrants of Color. The ultimate goal of such Assimilation is that we effectively, and functionally, DISAPPEAR! (more than we have, already). Were it not for the Ferguson(s) and the occasional slaughter of a black male by whites, the MEDIA might declare us non-existent -- except for those topics they think will pique the interest of White Audiences; that is.
Last night's interest(?): why did Serena "clutch", or melt(?) at the last moments, in the US Open; while she sought to win her Grand Slam?? When asked by Charlie why the Williams Sisters became such a phenomenon in Tennis, Coach Nick gave credit to their Father, while ignoring the role their Mother, Oracene Price, played in their training; starting from their age of Seven. Coach Nick went on to infer that he was a more strict "Father" for Serena, when he coached her! He compared Serena to Tiger Woods; claiming that both display an "inability to win"; when times are tough! WHAT A CROCK! White Males must believe this Crap, it seems.
TRUMP, also seems to believe this; about Blacks, Women, and, all of the Repoob Lilliputian Candidates he is CURRENTLY vanquishing. His strategy may be to wipe out the Republican Field (with Jeb's help); to be left standing, alone, against whomever survives, on the Democrat side of the aisle. Trump signed the PLEDGE, assuring that the 2016 choice will be an "Either-Or"! Whether Hillary beats Sanders or not, Trump would either face a Socialist, or a fatally-weakened Hillary!! He knows that Whites, and far too many "Progressives" (of all colors), will CHOOSE HIM!! The compulsive, non-stop coverage; by all types of MEDIA, virtually assure this!
Stay Vigilant! German and British Politicians are looking to the "Assimilation Miracle" pursued by the United States; hoping to survive the un-stoppable flood of Refugees (and whatever else manages to float in with them), from the MIDDLE EAST. "Civilization", our history teaches, originated in the Mediterranean Region of the Earth. We now face Spreading DEATH in Middle Earth!! Russia may be emerging as the "winner"; from what is transpiring there now (Syria, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan) as it attempts to build its new Eurasian Empire? Even the Demography Clock ticks in favor of this sorry spectacle; because Europe needs workers to replenish their dying populations.
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