exclusion, the "real" face of EVIL??
We can TRUMP something, and stop it "dead in its tracks"; AND, we can also "TRUMP-Up" SOME CONCEPT, and ignite an horrendous, world-wide EVIL. The Donald's SECRET?; he does BOTH!! Maybe that explains why he signed the PLEDGE? Under his Strategy, YOU get to choose whom to victimize.
He is Preaching EXCLUSION, folks; plain and simple! But: EVERYBODY does THAT, you say?
Yes, that's the PROBLEM! Liberals are the WORST, because they practice EXCLUSION, while preaching INCLUSION! Pope Too may be doing exactly that also -- by teaching Catholics to practice LESS Exclusion?? Think About it?? Hillary could LOSE, Big Time, if her Liberal Feminists have their WAY with her? Mayor Emmanuel is practicing a twisted form of EXCLUSION, ever AS MUCH as the DALY(s); designed to keep Black Children ignorant, and murdering each other? Black Parents have to "get a grip" and stop looking for "sympathy and empathy"??
TRUMP is RIGHT about JEB; however! Any person who would sign a LAW, named "STAND YOUR GROUND", is UNFIT to lead a Democratic Republic!! Making it easy for Whites to Murder Non-whites, and escape the LAW, is Criminal!! We must all STAND OUR GROUND against JEB, or any other BUSH!! We know what they're really all about, by now!
As Refugees TRAMP across Europe, as a result of centuries-old European Policies in the Middle East and Africa, they face EXCLUSION, more, and more, as formerly Liberal Nations, turn more CONSERVATIVE.
Kentucky Far-Right Christians are ripping off Martin Luther King as they turn Non-Violent Resistance into an EVIL that subverts Constitutional Government! Their ANCESTORS came to this side of the Planet, to escape Religious EXCLUSION in Europe; for Christ's Sake!!
Stay Vigilant! Blacks and Browns, who practice internal EXCLUSION, as they struggle, individually, like Crabs, in attempts to escape the "Buckets" in which they're born, have to realize the FUTILITY and false achievement of INTEGRATION. That Concept has been subverted by a new, WHITE JUGGERNAUT, that wears faces like TRUMP; O'Mara; McCollough; Dillyan Roof; Repoob Conservative Candidates; Murderous Cops, Education "Experts" ... you get the point. Mass Action may now work against efforts to reach INCLUSION! As the Enemy shifts and borrows ideas to pursue their Strategies of EXCLUSION: so must those who need to "break" the Juggernaut?? TRUMP! - TRUMP?? must be the new Slogan?? Don't be surprised if many Liberals aren't stealthy supporters of TRUMP??
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