the "FACE" that "Hooked" a DEMOGOGUE??
Is this what the "smart Money" was waiting for? Are we about to see the "Towering TRUMP" topple?? Paul Solataroff, discussed his Article in the up-coming Rolling Stone Magazine, on T.V. tis morning. He quotes TRUMP's comment about Fiorina's "face"! Responses are raging in our MEDIA -- it "ain't pretty"!! What's that old SAW, about a "Woman, scorned"?? I guess we'll see if TRUMP wiggles out of this one.
Solataroff's senses TRUMP's special insights; to see deep inside people, and feed their innermost thoughts back to them. He speculates that TRUMP has used that skill to "take away" the "BASE" of the Republican Party. It is not clear to anyone, yet, what the result of that will be. Can the Republicans EVER get their "Base", back?? If not, what will TRUMP do with it? Will he give it to Senator Cruz??
So far, TRUMP's ability to winnow-away members of the Super-Religious, and Racist, Republican BASE -- while ADDING more whites to it; continues to increase his power of command over the huge stable of Repoob Candidates. The "Rain" TRUMP makes, so far, has washed away HILLARY's claims of "inevitability"; invited more Candidates on the LEFT; and threatens Boehner's hold on the Leadership of the House of Representatives. In the Mean-Time, President Obama continues his six-year winning streak; to swat-away more of their puny and mean-spiritied actions to deny Obama the Powers of his Office!
Stay Vigilant! There is much more FUR to FLY on the political Right in the United States! On the other side of the Pond, the EU appears to be crumbling in the face of stampeding former citizens of Nations of the Middle East. The Global Economy is still in it's ARRIVAL Stages, it appears! Hold on to your britches as this process goes forward. Russia is placing Troops in Syria, as well as Ukraine! Where will Putin venture next? Our "trivial pursuits" in the USA must provide quite a lure to those whose talents run toward MAYHEM??
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