Friday, September 4, 2015

"PITIFUL" (or, Pitiable) IGNORANCE??

TRUMP's "Game"??
Is The Donald, purposefully exposing to everyone in ear- or eye-shot of MEDIA; the PITIFUL (black-word; "Pitiable" is the white-word) IGNORANCE of those of our Citizens who are attracted to him; like filings to a magnet?  I think he gets perverse pleasure from doing exactly that!!

Seen by others to be Born in a "land of  milk and honey"; both, Black and White U.S. citizens are displaying in our MEDIA their utter lack of learning of  basic facts and Law, that most of us understand as our "birthright":  Examples:

SEPARATION of Church and State
Equal Justice, Under Fair Laws
Innocent, until proven Guilty
Judged by a Jury of Your Peers
Freedom from STATE controls over your Person and Property, under Fair Laws

These are just a few things that people who are not U.S. Citizens come to believe exist for ALL Citizens of the U.S.  The  ignorance, is, unfortunately, WILLFUL.  If Religion says one thing, and the State says another, TRUMP followers are more likely to choose their Church as Law!  TRUMP followers come from those white citizens who have always believed that they did NOT have to be BRIGHT, if they were WHITE!  They felt that have the Freedom to confiscate whatever they lack from the "less fortunate", the "Weak", and all Non-Whites.  These ignoramuses believe THEY have these RIGHTS; and, can DENY Rights to any of their fellow citizens who are "Not Their FRIENDS"!

Blacks, born in to places where Whites have deliberately placed heavy restrictions on all activity, and limited access to basic human needs; make the Pitiful Mistake, of thinking they can "Take Charge" in their Hell Holes; leading to all of the basic evils known to Man!  Cops move through these "Bantustans", enriching themselves by drug-dealing, and engaging in other criminal activities.
The size of the PITIFULLY IGNORANT segment of the U.S.  (black and white) appears to be much larger than we realized.  MEDIA has no interest in exposing this facet of "Amerikan Life", because that would conflict with their "slice" o this ROT!

Stay Vigilant!  The EXPERIMENT in Democratic Republican Government in the United States of America, is under greater attack today, than I have witnessed in my long life-time!
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