Monday, March 31, 2014


There Are MANY, (and growing) in the U.S.!

Will this macabre "March 2014" EVER shuffle off into history?  This is its last day; lets hope April brings some relief?  In our MONEY and MEDIA-mad world, where the eyes rule the ears and both overpower the brain, the likes of FOX-Blend Media Crap tends exclusively, to what I have termed the CRACKER mind-set.  It is that minds-eye-view fed, for more than 200 years to slaves, indentured servants and, European outcasts that washed up on these shores.  It has been controlled, throughout our history, by the Sewer that has been known as Dixie; with a slide toward Texas after our Civil War (propped up also by a string of Presidents from Ohio --Boehner's "haunts").

Putin sees his European adversaries as "Fascists", indicting that he does not see himself as one of those.
The Republicans and their Fellow Travelers, both inside and outside our Federal Government, see President Obama as "Fascist","Czar", "Dictator"; and, at the same time, "Weak", "Feckless" (for those few with Cracker Minds that are "educated"; and they can't see the contradictions in that.  That explains why the CRACKER MIND, is specially adapted to FOX, Murdoch, and Ailes: it is teeny in size,utterly beyond any ability to reason, and perfectly suited for FOX and Limbaugh.  Seems EVERYBODY can see Fascists; but NOBODY IS a Fascist?  Only the likes of FOX could pull this mental ju-jitsu!

If you read yesterday's Blog, you will see that I also am aware of a BLACK mind-set, that is tended only by "spill-over" from the dominant white-controlled Media in the U.S.  That Media, and our "public" schools, manage very well to block access to any other information or influences.  A new, BLACK & FEMALE Mind-set is emerging, most alarmingly, among BLACK and Female Millennials (a "gift", perhaps to them from Condi and Oprah?).

So stay tuned, perhaps you can join the game of identifying new, and unique, Mind-Sets, as our nation and the world drift, inexorably, into madness..  What Mind-Set does Scarborough and his ding!-ey sidekick represent?  Those whites who can't get too close to the crap that reigns at FOX, and in our politics.  They don't want to follow Stern and Imus down the Media-Sewey-Hole, perhaps. They also provide cover for other whites who need to "stay in touch" with the CRACKERS.  Anybody who's been a parent of young males in this country recognizes, perhaps, the Mind-Set on display by Chrisite?  Think about it!

Stay Vigilant!  Putin may be "crying Uncle"?  He should have consulted with Jan Brewer before he pulled his Crimea Caper?  MONEY talks; but I guess Putin is too much in love with his guns and his new religion in which he, of course, will be GOD!

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

"SPOOK(s) - 0.2014 ??

Is a "Gender" Switch Looming ?

Some of my 12,000 (plus) readers might have noticed that I use many terms to describe those Blacks in the U.S. who, like the Sonderkommandos of World War II,  Jews who assisted the Nazis in the extermination of their own people,;  use their "talents" to hinder the progress or hasten the demise of their own people.  "Lawn Jockey", and "Spook" are most common terms I use for these folk.  Clarence Thomas is a ready example that most of us recognize in this role.  Condi Rice, "little-miss-mushroom-cloud" is the most readily recognizable female member of this group.  The Hard Right has a knack for finding and exploiting these folk, in their ridiculous attempts to hang on to their centuries-old practices of oppressing and exploiting blacks and other persons of color in the Americas, and around the world.  They're now cruising a mushy-headed retired black surgeon as their new "Herman Cain"!

Over the past few days, I was able to see two young, non-white, highly ambitious Millenials (?), who appeared in the Media, to push their careers.  Mindy Kaling, and  Patina Miller,  Patina performed "live", "pimping" the memories of her deceased grandmother, in a shameless attempt to boost her own, meager talents.  With the imprint and "promotion" that comes from Universities today, rather than those old, wise, black folk at the Apollo Theater, who gave us Ella, Sarah, Dinah,  Billie, and Carmen, (some of our really talented black performers).  I fantasize the ghosts of those wonderful performers; assembling to "kick the sh*t" out of hucksters like Patina.

The other, Mindy Kaling, is also a young, non-white performer with her own, carefully constructed, Television Show.  Eager to show that her design for her show was "about race, but not really"; this young immigrant-rooted Indian (from India) shows off her "brilliance" (in her own eyes) to "North-Carolina Charlie", who seemed to swoon over her charms.  Her secret?  restrict her attentions on white males, and her search for love-connections with that element of our society.  It seems her show is very popular.  I would like to see the "demographic" of her fans.  Like Patina, who featured her white husband as part of her show, both women are shameless self-promoters who see the value of holding a microphone (voice) and appearing on "camera"  image).  Citing "mentors" like Oprah, these women are "hyping" their questionable talents, while seeking to get rich, quick!  They might fail to see the immense collective power of white males to "extinghish" them in a flash?  Whatever happened to "Gail" who appeared with Charlie, but "no more"?

Black citizens, after the likes of Elvis and the Beatles, (in my generation), and countless others before and after, MUST find a way to counter exploitation of this sort.  The fact that young, non-white women are appearing in the wake of past Charlatans; is shocking!  Familiarity with the classic works of Oliver Cromwell Cox regarding Caste, Class, and Race, and the historic roles India and its expats have played (most notably those Indians in South Africa, including Ghandi), would help immensely.  Are the likes of Jendal and Nikki Haley indications that the United States is becomingthe next South Africa, aided by immigrants from India?

Stay Vigilant!  Your enemy can come in any color!

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

"UNCHAIN' (our) "HEART"?? ...

... AND your's Too; If YOU HAVE One!

.. "Unchain (Our) "Heart"
.. "Set" (us) Free!
"Unchain" (our) "Heart"
"You don't care" (for Democracy)
(Apologies to Ray Charles -1961)

As we suffer yet another incredulous day under the ever-growing weight of the oppressive Propaganda Machine that our Media, driven by the Hard Right and their FOX-den Backers; we get "spun" even faster by (Screaming-B's -- both genders) in our media who are more interesting in boosting their personal images than accurately informing anyone, on anything, we learn that the Chinese have, accurately, told us where the "disappeared, mystery nite-flite) can be found!  Why didn't the Russians?  Does anybody believe they didn't know?  They probably still believe the crap the "Conservative Media" has been spreading about Snowden!

Maybe Michelle Obama touched the "hearts" of those Suffering Chinese families, prompting their government to, belatedly, "cooperate"?? 

We're "under your spell", "Like" (someone) "in a spell".  "But" (we) "don't stand a chance", as the world plunges toward HELL?  The Democrat Party is scared of its own spit, and the Evil Funding of the Hard Right Media is poised to take our Senate this Fall; betting that the voting public will NOT go out to vote in this Fall's election.  This morning, House Speaker Boehner is in the Media openly undermining a sitting President, by propagandizing the public to believe that Obama will not "faithfully execute" the laws of our nation.

Not once in my lifetime has a House Speaker done such a thing!  The Republicans must think they are swooping "in for the Kill" of our Democratic form of a Republic, designed by our Founders.  We're on the road to Germany in the 1930s.  Remember, our economy rebounded somewhat after the Market Crash of 1929; only to fall into Deep Depression by 1933.  They're betting they can, with the Senate, cripple our economy once again, making Hillary run away from 2016; leaving the field to Romney, or Jeb.  Christie's Toast!

The Europeans have grown rich anddrunk on our Blood and Treasure since 1945.  If they get oil from us to replace the fuel they fear losing from Putin, they'll have little incentive to grow a spine.  Pope-Too, like the other, Nazi, Pope. clearly has his own Fish to Fry, as he tries to safe Christians from a fate set in motion by Cheney/Bush when, after 9/11, they invoked a return to "The Crusades".  The generalized FEAR they loosed has rattled around this planet like a "pin ball"!

Stay Vigilant!  Do everything you can to stop the onslaught the "Conservatives" have amassed for Nov 14!!

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Friday, March 28, 2014

A "FOOL" For a "Client" ??

Or, Are WE the FOOLS""

Christie is back in our faces, pleading his own case, before the gullible among us, who waste their time trying to believe all of the meandering tales he has "spun" in the Media since the Jersey-Bridge Saga began some months ago.  

If you Google: "A Fool For A Client" \, you might get:

You decide!  I can't believe all of this time and trouble has been taken to follow this man "down the drain".
At least we see how a brilliant, former Federal Prosecutor, "operates"??  Or is he exposing the "standard" operations for "ethnic", old-line, of Northeastern Urban "Gangs"?

Stay Vigilant!  Is this your idea of an acceptable "Public Servant"

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

FOUNDERS ; Lincoln ; ( "FED"/Anti-Trust) and OBAMA

Once More: "People" vs. FAT-CATS??

From the 1770's,  when the Founders were crafting THE strongest, most stable, governmental structure on the planet -- one in which "The People" are "Sovereign"; to the 1860's, when Lincoln was challenged by open rebellion by Southern Rebels; to Anti-Trust, The FED, Great Depression, until Today; when we see  on the World Stage, a global challenge to all of the world's Democracies.  It is led by Putin, of Russia.  Our global economy is heading a World War, based on the U.S. domestic and racial "civil war" that began in the mid-1950's.  That's when the white, and privileged citizens of this country began their steadily-increasing "Back-Lash" to the weakening of our Color Line.  That line protected their privileges.  The 1954 Supreme Court  Decision to "integrate" the nation's public schools was what prompted a new "Firing" on the United States (federal) Government.

The "unfinished business" left by Congress in 1861, and Lincoln's assassination, were the fertile ground seized upon by J. Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon to fuel their strategies.  In his approach, Richard Nixon took the Republican Party in a "Rogue" direction.  Using the Census to redefine the races in the United States,  Nixon used power of the Presidency  in radical new way, by re-defining and formally separating the entire nation into 5 "racial boxes".  Because the Republican Party has served as one of our two vital National Parties, that structure designed by our Founders was seriously undermined by the emergence of Factions.  Government "breakdown" is the new normal after more than 50 years of activities and philosophies have matured within our population and within our Media.  They have sustained  the racial bases for our economy since the end of our Civil War in the Nineteenth Century.  The Jim Crow/Lynching system put in place following that War was maintained until the mid 1950s by earlier racist and feudal systems.  Presidents from Ohio, our only state with its "feet" in Dixie, and its "head" in Canada, were essential in the success of Post-Civil-War strategies of the Old Slave South.  Today, white ethnics of our North and West are making common cause with the Old South.

Putin imposes a return to old, agricultural era feudalism, at a time when asymmetries are revealing the weaknesses of defense strategies based on heavy equipment and large numbers of "boots on the ground" --characteristic of World Wars I and II and the Cold War.  Putin is also posing a threat that is potentially more destabilizing than the all-out Nuclear War we all feared during the Cold War.  That threat was recently demonstrated in places like Rwanda and Kosovo.  An "everybody-against-everybody" threat now walks the earth!  Putin, in his speech, is dedicated tp waging this weapon.

The genius of our Founders served Lincoln's successes in the mid-1800s, and will serve Obama, as he takes Lincoln's genius abroad in his struggle to counter Putin.  Today, Obama meets with Pope-Too, who seems to understand that the Catholic Church must turn completely away from its race and class-based theologies pursued on our planet for more than 500 years (Angelitos Negros?)

The "weapons" fueling the new threat, both in the United States and abroad, are BIG MONEY and PROPAGANDA.  The last time the FAT CATS got "too big for their britches" (in the late 1800's) our Federal Government stepped-in to make them behave (Sherman Anti-Trust).  The maligned Federal Reserve, instituted during World War I, has, along with the Executive Powers Constitutionally granted to all  U.S.Presidents, but properly used by few (Kennedy, Lincoln, Obama?); are the two things that are keeping the United States government functioning and our economy afloat!

Stay Vigilant!  BIG MONEY, both here and abroad, is the "rogue" that creates and exploits chaos!

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014


He's B-a--c-k!
The scene:  It's late at night in NY City, I'm there on Special Assignment at Fordham, I take in my first Broadway Play; the country is on tenterhooks as the 1976 election between Carter and Ford hangs in the balance.  There it was in a darkened shop window: "JC Can Save America"

I went back the next and bought a copy.  I took it home and hung it in my Kids' game room.  I lost it 8 years later in a move to Mayor Bradley's Los Angeles.  Jimmy's Back!  He's on T.V.with Mitchell, one of the more gossipy crap-stirrers in our Media, expressing his "shunning" by Obama.  Maybe that will help sell his book.  It may also help Putin, in that Carter is moving toward those who find ways to make it easier for Putin to tighten the screws on the U.S. and the "West".  Curiously, there are those in our Senate who are further weakening our National Security fabric by "tampering" with the IMF.

Following the assassinations of the 1960's, Johnson's resignation, and Nixon's Watergate, the nation finally reacted by electing "JC" to "save us".  The Hard Right and Reagan had little trouble making mince-meat of Carter and his Presidency; making it easy to elect "MAD" Ronnie Reagan in 1980.  They went from Jesus to the Devil, himself!

This March,2014, will likely go down in history as truly "MAD".  From our trivial March Madness jack-off,
to the Madness of Putin;  themes as old as "The Ides of March"; the Conquistadors in the Americas; to Piracy, Religions, a "Disappeared" Nite Flite, Corporate Take-Over of the Government of the United States, a possible " Fifth Column" inside our country, effective shut-down of government function by a major political party, insurrection in the state houses around our country;  these have all been tossed into a cauldron that appears to be stirred by the Dreaded (by many) Vladimir!.  He's either the luckiest guy on the planet, or a person who best understands evil at this point in the 21st Century.  The recent mass-death ruling handed down, "in abscence", in Egypt, runs in that wake, while our Supreme court with six Catholic Judges, is poised to decide whether the United States is headed toward Theocracy.  From Putin's speech before the Russian Parliament, and the utterances of his Ambassador, we know that Putin is more aware of what is happening in this country than our citizens are!

Stay Vigilant!  The final hours may be near!  This is NOT a time for BLIND FAITH!! READ PUTIN'S SPEECH !!!

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Monday, March 24, 2014

TO ROMNEY: "Knock-It-Off" !!

Some of Us can  Still  "Smell A Rat""!

Yesterday, u went on Face The Nation (to Texan, Schieffer) to Blast, again, our President, at a time of crisis for our country.  To play domestic politics in times of peril for our country and for the planet, is a definition of disloyalty of the worse kind!

Is this your way of "bestin" McCain (the other "sore-loser") at his back-biting, and under-mining of our efforts to solve this crisis?  You "Hawks" love war, when someone else's treasure and blood are at stake!
The debt borne by the citizens of this country to "win" World-War II was 120% of our GDP.  In addition, everybody was called on to sacrifice by giving up even simple pleasures and work like "drones" to save the planet.  

If you get the War that you and your cronies are lusting for, you'll learn how few of our citizens are willing today to sacrifice anything, for anyone, other than themselves! 

Some of us out here love this country more than they hate Obama!

Stay Vigilant!  We used to call this type of citizen "Fellow Travelers" in the early days of World War II.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

2 Things "U" MUST KNOW!

What Did "U" Learn in "College" ??

In 1959, when I transferred from Missouri to enter San Francisco State College, I also transferred from Army ROTC to Air Force ROTC.  I was required to take courses in International Relations, or Geo Politics.
As I remember, my professor was an individual who fought with Chiang Kaisheck, and against Mao.  I was taught insights into his views of the Chinese "Mind-Set"; many of which I have never heard or seen anywhere else.

Two things that YOU should know in the light of the emergence of Putin and his tactics:

           Never Engage in a Land War in Asia -- Attributed to General Stillwell,

He who rules the HEARTLAND will rule the WORLD  -- also known as the Mackinder Theory

I learned this before the "Hippies" invaded San Francisco and the Bay Area later in the 1960's and drove out common sense and decency; along with AFROTC, at "State".

How did we wind up on this side of the Geopolitical "8-Ball" today?  Start with Eisenhower, who, as President, started our "waltz" down the path to Vietnam.  It destroyed the Presidency's of Johnson and Nixon, (deservedly ?); as both chose to concentrate, in secret, with the War overseas, while heating up a Racial Cold-War at home.  That internal Racial Cold-War has continued since 1954, and the "Integration" of our "Public Education" System.  It rages in every aspect of our politics, our military, and our economy today; with disastrous impact; both on our interests at home and our interests abroad.

Read Also:  TIME, March 31 issue, Cover story.  Turn off FOX and CNN!  Start READING and THINKING!

Stay Vigilant!  Is it Churchill Time again??  We may be in our 11th Hour.  We may fail to save ourselves in November, in our 2014 Off-Year election.  The forces working for our demise (holed up in the House of Representative) certainly are hoping you will remain asleep!

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

"TYRANTS" (RETURN) --21st Century Version ??

"Metastasized" Tyranny ??
From the monster emerging in Russia, Old-Soviet Style, to the white boys lining up to "enjoy" the "blacks"  in our annual March Madness; our throw-back to the old Plantations days in our history; we can see the new face of tyranny as it strides this planet.  Each person in this country is culturally-conditioned to practice some type of "aversion" in regard to those individuals around them who are darker in hue, or, are not kith, kin, or "kind"..  Our malignant White-Right  is poised to use this principle to take down our Democracy in the coming 2014 election.  Corporate Dominance is poised to replace it.

In between these two extreme versions, the single individual dictator that Hitler hoped to be; and the many other variations that pop up in relationships in virtually all places, it is found everywhere on the globe.   Religions, Religion-in-Politics Groups like AIPAC, Culture-in Politics Groups, like the NRA, Anti-Abortion, and Anti-Gay Groups, and, of course the We-Hate-All Blacks groups in our old South and Southwest; are all fairly obvious examples of groups, who,  with powerful spokespersons, or insidious money they contribute to intimidate already "skittish" politicians, have been operating for a long while building the "mess" we have that threatens our Democracy.  As it was in Germany in the run-up to World War II, it took many groups, or "factions" a decade or more to set the stage for Hitler's take-over of the German Democracy.  Today, Putin has our "sluts-in-the-Media, who play this game for their "30-pieces of Silver" to lead his way.  Technology has "advanced" to a point where its potential for mass evil is only beginning to become clear.  Take the "disappeared nite-flite, for example.  Do we really think we're the only power that has "Dark Operations"??

The individual faces of this new form of tyranny ("My/Our Way, or the Highway") shows up in police uniform, in places like New Mexico, where a very ambitious, and mysteriously-motivated female Hispanic Governor, fashions herself as a "player" in this crowd  - first hitched to Christie, and, given his impending fate, is switching to the old safe haven of "Bush"??

It shows up in inter-personal relationships where children "tyrannize" their parents, Bosses, traditionally white and male, but more and more Machiavellian females (white, of course -- nobody believes black versions are "competent"), all drink from the principle of "aversion".   Aimed at  those who are not "like themselves", and must be put under "control" through some particular brand of Tyranny.  "We don't care; we have nothing to hide";  We don't care; it doesn't affect us";  these are common responses from those single-issue voters who follow the FOX/CNN propaganda that fuels this phenomenon.  The "lock" on this social-psychology is their belief that the chaos that is all around us is the "fault" of their individually-devised "other".  Dunn and Zimmerman, and perhaps Lanza, are examples of these deranged players.

Stay Vigilant!  We've all heard of the "frogs in a tub".  Well, we're all in this one, Baby! Are Right-Wing Think Tanks "running" your local or state government?

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Friday, March 21, 2014

(not yet) "DEAD" : (no longer) "SILENT" !!

Some "Good" NEWS, for a CHANGE?

They call our generation "Silent" (birth year, 1939), because we elected no President from our generation.  Given what the "Presidency" and the process that activates it, has come to today, we did this nation a favor, I guess.  For those dwindling numbers of us still here, there is a treasure trove of information and insight available from the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War.  It seems that most of our citizens today are "not interested" -- even while living through  "echoes" of those horrific events!

That is especially true of our Cable Media Outlets, led by FOX and followed by CNN.  Perfecting what Goebbels accomplished with lesser technologies at the time of my birth, these outlets "own" the minds of too many of that Silent Generation;  remaining among us.  It's a special type of cruelty to "psyche" and "plumb" these old minds for past racist social habits, after they have struggled for so long to convince themselves that they have "overcome" those practices and beliefs.

C-SPAN remains popular among this group, but, unfortunately, it sweeps in a panoply of other belief systems.  On today show, they featured  in-depth coverage of a new study, Media Insight Project,
 Google it!  Read their findings; they show how our news consumption is presently segmented by age, devices used, type of media, etc.

Our "Silent" Generation is surprisingly "savvy" about what is happening to them, our nation, and the world.
We have money, we read, we were taught to speak clearly, listen well, and to THINK!  Not so, for the generations that followed us.

Stay Vigilant!  We may live long enough to help save this nation (again)!  You 'young-uns' had better be careful, Rush Limbaugh is writing books for your babies.  He' obviously projecting new markets ahead?

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Thursday, March 20, 2014


Please? Can you get an answer??

Risking exposure of the fact that I could NEVER be a politician, who, like you, is willing and able to  "break bread" with some of the most foul among us, I applaud your willingness to do so with every one of these people I call Repoobs.  Extremely unlike the Republicans who preceeded them (Brooke, "Irksome" Dirksen); they began appearing on the scene to form the "clown car" of candidates of "Republicans", during the run-up to the 2012 election.  We all saw their unprecedented vitriol as it continued to  mount, up to, and including their Party Convention.  

The relentless campaign to de-legitimate a sitting president of the United States of America, demoralizes our citizenry, and encourages the rise of opposition abroad.  In my 74 years, I have never seen such a thing; and
 we've gone through some horrible times in this country since my birth year of 1939.  The race of the President is their operative base.  No one who is not hopelessly blind can deny that!

So: my question:  ask them if its true that, what author Sam Greenlee wrote in his novel; The Spook Who Sat By The Door,  1969, Sixth Printing, 2002, Chapter 9:  (spoken of white liberals):

              "They can forgive a nigger almost anything, other than competence, ..."

Since 1969, the burning of our cities, the "Backlash" Movement (white Liberals and white Right), the installment of powerless (except or Mayor Washingon?) Black Mayors around the country, the White Right have learned well the tactics of the white Liberal of the "Great Society".  Ask the Repoobs what they hope to gain by pursuing their tactics?  Do they think their destruction of the power of the Office of the President, and the reputation of this one man will get it for them?

Stay Vigilant!  Let us know what they tell you??  Are you sure you're from New Jersey??

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

TEXAS (PERRY) talks "SECCESSION" (again) ; ROMNEY draws a "RACE CARD" ??

Did U Know; Lincoln "Armed" Blacks (men)??
Read a (real) copy of the Emancipation Proclamation; it's there!  At a time when blacks in this country could be killed, by any white person, no questions asked,; any black owning or touching a "gun" would certainly bring a quick a death (usually of an entire family, "community", or region).  Those "Armed" blacks were those black men who fought for the Union in our Civil War.  They were swiftly sent, after Lincoln's assassination, and the amendments of our Constitution that applied, OUT WEST!  They made our country safer for white settlers getting out of our East, they fought "Indian Wars" in our South and West; fought Outlaws (including Billie the Kid in Historic Lincoln County, New Mexico.  They protected that 'ol reprobate, Leland Stanford's, railroad interests. (Maybe THAT's why today's SPOOKS, like "little miss mushroom cloud" Condi, love to hang out there)?  (Have U Seen "12-Years" yet??)

Hey Barry! I caught your White House Ceremony yesterday.  Notice it featured mis-treated Jews and "Hispanics" (one token black).

 From: New Mexico's Buffalo Soldiers 1866-1900:   (Monroe Lee Billington, Univ Press of CO, pg 108):
            "Because of feats of heroism during the Indian Wars of the late nineteenth century, eighteen black enlisted men, eleven of whom were members of the Ninth Cavalry, received Congressional Medals of Honor.  Eight of these men performed their deeds of valor in new Mexico, where, along with others who pursued Victorio and Nana, they experienced some of the most grueling ordeals in the history of the Indian Wars.  In the face of great dangers, they fought - and died - to make New Mexico and the West safer for civilians of all races."

Against long odds, the Buffalo Soldiers Society of New Mexico have fought the "establishments" of this state, white, Hispanic, Native, that have little or no interest in allowing this history to be known. Current Governor, included!

Those Outlaws of the old West became "lawmen" ( and Texas Rangers, that oppressed blacks and "Mexicans" who survived the Tejanos the Texans "screwed" after gaining their help at the Alamo).

Back to Mitt:  he's taking advantage, I guess of the "incredibly shrinking Christie" (same as Perry?) in these Hard-Right Civil Wars going on in our Republican Party.  Looks like 'ol Mitt is looking to "gut" Cruz and Rubio in 2016.  (MELISSA: stop yo' sniv'lin, Gal! You soundin' laks "Butterfly McQueen! Rachel would never do that on T.V!!).  Don't let the likes of Romney scare you.

Stay Vigilant!  Maybe the White House can help out the New Mexico Buffalo Soldiers??

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Against "THE LAW" ?? (really?)

"Law" vs. "Gun"??
Both within nations, and outside nations on this planet, this is the issue!.  All world citizens are frustrated because there is no effective international "law" to help us find the "vanished Red Eye Flite".  There is no international "law" that binds the likes of Putin to anyone (except himself and his cronies).  Within the AMERICAS, the LAW, since 1492 has been whatever the most dominant rich, white, male, and religiously-powerful males say it is. NOTE TO ROMNEY: Knock off your "jingo" dog-whistles to your Mad, Hard-, Right, Cracker-Mindset adherents:  THE AMERICAN PEOPLE  include ALL citizens of North America, South America, and Central America.

For those who crave empire, the gun is the ultimate law.  In a materialist world, you can only "own" what you can keep by force.  In our National Security Strucsture of 1948, we included a Defense Department (formerly a War Department) -- for "guns"; and a State Department (in our early years as a nation, the U.S. Navy performed that function, because then, as now, Command of Sea Lanes was essential).

We are persistently, and peculiarly, a deeply rascist nation (from our early founders to this day); we have corrupted these institutions as we spread our internally-perfected, institutionalized racism abroad.  The "chickens" are coming home this early in the 21st century.  Cheney/Bush/Rumsfeld put the final, perhaps fatal,stress on our Defense as a nation; when they, for the first time in our history, cut taxes while in the midst of launching long costly international wars.  They may have "destroyed" armed defense as a viable concept.  Our South-by-Southwest "Katzenjammers" in our Senate (McCain and Graham) are pitiful remnants of this dangerous bunch.

To a Bush: "Law" is Stand-Your-Ground (go hunting for unarmed black males in our streets).
To our Supreme Court: "Law" is whatever Hard-Right "Bull-Sh*t" they can pass.
To members of the Cracker-MindSet: "law" is still the white, male, U.S. citizen.
Holder or Gonzales? Take your pick, if you think "Law" is our Attorney General (at the Federal Level).
In Our States: "Law" is whatever our encroaching "Red" Governors can get their legislatures to pass.
To Federal Attorneys in our nation:  (Christie was one; enough said?)

The world is in a "pickle"; from Putin abroad to Christie at home.  "Law" becomes more meaningless every day.  The Ultimate "Lawless" ?? Large Corporations (everywhere); Organized Crime (everywhere); and your foamin'-at'the-mouth neighbor (white, male, any age) with a "gun".

Stay Vigilant!  Pull your head (the bigger one) out!  Exxon/Koch-America approaches!

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Monday, March 17, 2014


A "Fold" in History??

As we get past the Ides Of March, 2014, and reach St. Patty's Day; this nation, and the rest of the world, finds itself in a startlingly "curious" place.  This is especially true for those few of us on this planet who CAN read, WILL read, and CAN THINK; carefully.  Of course the "Empty Wagons" among us have to be automatically excused.  My 8th-grade teacher used to remind us: "It's the empty wagons that make the most noise".  You Media-Junkies out there who choose not to read or think, might reflect (if you can) on that.

Our FCP (Kennedy) was compared to Abraham Lincoln, and, like Lincoln, was assassinated by racist, hard-right elements in our Deep South, who were strong defenders of chattel-slavery.  Today's FBP,  ran for office in 2008; channeling Abraham Lincoln.  Today, those racist, Deep South descendants are the leaders of every person who, outside of the Ol' South will assist them in "taking down" our FBP.  Most of these elements are to be found outside that region (mostly South by Southwest, and Inter-Mountain); the list seems to grow daily as they "spread-Red" across our nation.  Their goal: to retain, at all cost, the racial/social/economic system that "replaced" chattel-slavery.

Not only race: abortion, same-sex issues, fundamental religions (Protestant "Bible-Thumpers" and white ethnics Catholics) in the rest of our country, -- aided and abetted over more than a decade by Netanyahu?) are prominent "players" in this toxic bunch.  They live and/or operate inside the Republican Party.  The goal of this growing group is to preserve rich-white privileges.  Any and all means are being brought to bear, as they near their goal of TOTAL TAKEOVER, from the inside(?) of our system.  Since at least 1970, they have systematically dismantled basic elements of our Constitution, and undermined the fundamental structure left to us by the Founding (white, slave-owning) "Fathers".

Today, the playing field is not limited to the United States.  It is GLOBAL!  It should be clear to even the most thick-headed that the expansion into global economics has come at a time when the population of the planet is not equipped legally, socially, or economically to cope with it.  Today's tactics are to cripple the global economy, and spread the centuries-old racial poison, developed, perfected, and spread across our planet by the United States.  More than 200 years of "legal work" is involved.  The ethnic ancestors of our racial/ethnic/religious "players", across the planet, are being "stitched in".  Murdoch? Ailes? 

There is no "going back" to nation-based strategies.  The Global expansion is permanent.  Putin, unable to stop it, is trying (clearly, except to the blind) to slow it down, turn it in his direction, and/or spread confusion among his minions.  For example:  the "vanished nite-flite" mystery must be "solved" before severe damage is done to air travel.  If there is no safe or secure air travel; EVERYONE is impacted!  These Repoobs are playing with dynamite in ALL DIRECTIONS!

Stay Vigilant!  Ar you really planning to "couch and watch" while BIG MONEY buy-out your DEMOCRACY ??

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

YER' MONEY! .. or ..YER' LIFE! ??

Our "Wild-West" meets "Medicine"??

To paraphrase Moms Mabley:  People's goin' Crazy, Today, That's neva' gone crazy befo! .  Today, when we're all distracted by Ukraine, a "vanished" nite-flite, and Vladimir; ( all Wet Dreams for Hollywood and our Fascist-leaning Media, --big-time); we have to "break-lock" from the spell being woven by any tallking head before a camera, who immediately feigns "expertise", and then springs their personal phobias, drawn from their "cracks"; the drive toward mass insanity accelerates!

Our National Security State, formed in 1948, has been the foundation for rule of the planet since that time.  Our CIA, formed as part of that structure, brought selected Ex-Nazis to this country.  The Baby Boom, begun in 1947, quickly joined the babies of these Nazis into our national bloodstream.  Sympathizers to Hitler, before this country entered World War II, be-deviled FDR, from our Congress, similarly to the tactics we see today.  After Ike, who feintly warned us as he "got outta Dodge"; after McCarthy, aided and abetted by the likes of Reagan;  andafter the Bay of Pigs; Harry Truman stated that creating the CIA was a "mistake".
We then lurched to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of Kennedy (our FCP?), Malcolm, Martin, and Bobby; this element (strangely traceable to Texas, beginning around 1960) had its "head".  The National Security States is in shambles today, except for the POWER OF MONEY! ( and FEAR, as Cheney/Bush demonstrated in their "uses" of 9/11).  Our Congress today is the FOX-HOLE this element operates from.

After the voting results in Tampa a few days ago, this Cabal smells blood as they march behind the false-front of Obamacare to regain total control of Congress.  They will have the power to "shut-down" Obama.  The United States, as Hollywood portrays it, but never was, will be GONE!!  This mess, begun by Nixon
 allied with the AMA, and called "The Best Health-care System in the World", was joined by Hospitals, and, fatally,big Insurance and big Pharma, quickly threatened to bankrupt the country.  Its a false choice to choose between "Entitlements" or "Big Spending".  Health-care costs drive all of it!

Good medicine-practicioners, caught on, and started voting with their feet during the Clinton Administration.
The, experienced, amazingly capable doctors were the heart of whatever kept this country healthy since the last Depression.  They believed in the Hippocratic Oath
The mostly-foreign, or foreign-trained doctors who are rapidly replacing them in our system pose life or death risks to us all.  The only thing that stands between them and the government money our present system pormises is the Patient!   THESE doctors have the same power to "bury their mistakes"  left to them by the AMA.  All Greedy, Racist, and philosophical backers of the anti-Obamacare forces shoould THINK TWICE.

Stay Vigilant! "Dime-Novels" and Hollywood created the myth of "John Wayne" and the "Good Guy  v. Bad Guy";  in our old Wild West.  That crap, assisted by racist Comic Books during the last Depression maintained, updated and spread globally by Hollywood, is now deep in the mass "blood stream" of this nation, and Cracker-Backers around the world.  CLEAN OUT CONGRESS WITH CAREFULLY SCRUTINIZED CANDIDATES in 2014!!

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

OVERTIME: where "HELP" meets "12-YRS" ??

The "True" POWER of "Computing"?
The "Real" "Road to 'Serfdom'" ??
R U "included" ?
If the "Ol Massas" of chattel-slave operations in the Americas, from 1530 to the end of Our (first) Civil
War (1865); had TODAY's "Computing Power" ; chattel-slavery would not have been defeated in that War; and Texas might have succeeded in its plan to extend slavery to California!  They would have the "computing" power to calculate the optimal mix of water and corn meal to work their slaves to death most efficiently!
Our Corporations, today, have that power; all industries, all levels, all "market-caps".  President Obama's
Executive Action yesterday reveals to those (who are not still brain dead) how those in our Upper-Middle-Class "get this"!  Watch C-Span today and get the "Overtime-101" that everyone must understand how they do it; and you can escape the Bullsh*t our MEDIA  and the Hard Right are handing out.

Thank GOD for Bill Maher! (oops); No one, not even Pope-Too; Not even his nemesis, Paul Ryan; who is busy "dog-whispering his carefully-selected messages to the differing segments that adhere to the Cracker-Mind Set on our Hard Right.  For the rest of us who are infected by, and under sway of, the Cracker-Mind Set, and who who pose as Liberals, Independents, Progressives, and, whatever you can call what Rand Paul is morphing into; I rely on Bill Maher to keep me up to date on our race against time to prevent the INTERNALLY-driven COLLAPSE of these United States of America!   Big Money and the mindless, race-mad loonies of the Right and the Republican Party are poised to achieve in the 2014 election the "victory" they failed to get in the 2012 election.
Today, when we're also terribly distracted by "Red-Eye-Flights" that "vanish" in the night; and those truly evil
enemies, in Russia; of this world as we have known it.  To fully understand these things, we all must also understand what National Technical Means, means.  If you are one of those among us who still swallow the story that 9/11 occurred without access to these Means; that 19 or so smart, young, Arab, engineers pulled it of; on their own;  you need serious help with your ability to think!

Stay Vigilant!  So many messages, so little TIME (for anything).  The clock is ticking!   DoesMarch Madness replicate the worst aspects of chattel slavery??  We must ALL become Elijah Cummings, or "Di-Fi"!
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Friday, March 14, 2014

POPE-T00 gets "Drawn-In"

"Pray For Me"
This was yesterday's message from Pope-Too to his sheep, on his first anniversary.  May their prayers be a comfort!  He now embarks on a very dangerous path to undo more than 500 years of diabolical doings of the Church, since the late 1400's, when, empowered by new navigation technologies, Europe broke out upon the rest of the world, dealing mayhem to all within reach (mostly non-white), in their quest for quick riches in precious metals.  Almost immediately, the Church was engaged in the process of inventing and spreading chattel slavery in the Americas.  With dictatorial powers over the crown heads of Europe, the Church settled disputes among the Royals.  The Church invented chattel slavery, requiring the importation of Africans, because the Indios (Native Americans) were dying like flies in the mines, and the white conquerors weren't getting rich fast enough.
Breaking with our Founders, and our traditions up to 1980, Ronald Reagan opened our Diplomatic Doors to the Vatican.  Hence, Pope-Too will visit President Obama; and, not to be outdone, the race-baiting Republicans in the House of Republicans demand "equal time".  Poor Pope-Too; he's damned if he does (doesn't), and damned if he doesn't (didn't)!  We should ALL Pray for him??
Almost immediately after introducing African Slaves into Mexico, the Races of Mankind (Red, White, Black) became popular in Spain and throughout Europe.  Almost from the beginning, also, race-mixing between Africans and Indos took place; gradually spreading throughout the Americas to create Creoles.  Despite the "purity" of their birth, Creoles could never attain the social or economic status of the Gachupines  (pure-bloods from Europe).  This fact caused the Mexican War of Independence, of 1810; ignited by Hildalgo and Allende.
Meanwhile, back in England, that ol' wife-killer, Henry the Eighth, had a belly full of the total power of the Catholic Church.  He broke with them and set up his own Church.  About mid-way of Henry's reign, Martin Luther popped on the scene to swipe some power from the Catholic Church; giving the world Protestantism.

Hence, in 2014, we have Republicans carrying a belly-full of racist Southern Crackers, (who are Protestant), and racist Northern White Ethnics (most Catholic).  Together, they have camped out in our Congress, making it almost impossible to govern our country.  Their "FOX-hole" is the House of Representatives, and, with Koch-Money they plan to gain total power of Congress this Fall; if this lethal combinations of Crackers  and Big Money manage to vote them in.

Stay Vigilant!  Boehner, Putin, Cheney, McConnel,  where to begin?    Help Obama stop Putin! Vote against all of the Republicans!  That way, you mon't miss one; AND you might save your country!
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Thursday, March 13, 2014


Is There A "Shadow"? ; Another A Plebiscite??

A First Anniversary!  The white sheep around the world are "a-twitter"!  The Catholics Church answer to the "Obama-moves" in the United States? Their own "Latin-moves"?  Polls show a "favorable" rating for him of 55%, and a "negative" rating of 7% --  (where is the "other" 38%??).  It would be interesting to see those numbers broken down by location on the planet, by race, ethnicity, and skin color.  These are precisely the "hearts-and-minds" our BIG Money-financed Hard Right, and Putin in Russia, are struggling to dominate.

What about the "other" Pope?  The one raised as Hitler Youth?  Ratzinger is still very much in evidence.  We're in historic times, with two Popes breathing our air at the same time.  According to Frontline ,
Ratzinger was, and may be still, heavily involved in the "cover-up" of the Catholic Church Sex Scandal.  They aired the global dimensions of the scandal, the reason for it, and why it still persists.  Latino, Tejanos, Mexicans, and the total variety of off-white Catholics should recognize that the Church "screwed" their kids, too!  Ratzinger is still around -- in the Media, and within the Catholic Church.  Is he a "shadow" power?  A "Cheney" for Pope-Too?  

As we enter, today, the IDES OF MARCH, we're also days away from Putin firing his "first political shot" in Crimea and the Ukraine.  Maggie Thatcher, and that Pope, used the Catholic faithful in his native Poland to weaken the grip of Russia on Eastern European Catholics.

Could it be that Putin sees a continued decline of the Roman Church, and is seeking to replace its power in the world with that of the Russian Orthodox (Eastern) Church?  Will he succeed?  Will Cheney and his following "succeed"?  At least one Senator has the (a-humph!) to challenge this Cabal in Public.

Back to Pope-Too:  he needs to pull off a "miracle", and damned quick?  How about finding the "phantom 777" that has the world worried so scared and sick today?  How about, as a Latino Pope, solving the economic and social problems in Venezuela (or his base, Argentina) for starters?  Now that might give Putin pause. (Damn little else seems to).

Stay Vigilant!  These forces are advancing on many fronts simultaneously.  Those asleep are doomed!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"DI-FI" takes on CIA ...

...In Public! ; Check -Out C-SPAN today
Turn away from your daily dose of "Hee-hee", and pay attention to, what I think, may be the story of your lifetime!  The details, and what we do about it, will determine what lifetime lies ahead for us.

C-SPAN, at the opening of today's Morning Journal, gives excruciating details of what underlies this story, so far!.  It is chilling!  This portends the un-raveling of various Cheney/Bush "operations": from 2000 to 2006.  It also shines light on actions in the House of Representatives under Hastert and Delay.

Why now?  It just might be that Senator Feinstein has "had enough" of being "rolled" by our Hard Right.  It is today marching behind a "False-Front" of Obamacare to regain the control of our Congress that they lost in 2006.  Last night's election results in Tampa show how much "muscle" they have heading into this year's off-year election for Congress.  Check-it out!  Even our most intellectually challenged should be able to understand the basics.  They may also be able to see more clearly the stealth activities taking place in the politics of their own state and locality.

Unabashedly "supportive" of Putin and his move to bring back "Conquest by Plebiscite", these "fellow travelers" in our country are not unlike the Big Money Boys who undermined FDR's efforts to assist Britain in their attempts to resist Hitler.  The installation of Hitler in power in Germany, and the subsequent loss of their Democracy took more than a decade to accomplish.

Their goal could be to simply "fix" it so that Ted Cruz can easily be installed in the Presidency in 2016.  The implications of this story show that Hillary (and Bubba) may be slated for the same drain that Christie is currently swirling down.

Stay Vigilant!  If Churchill was right about the "American People"; this might be our 11th Hour!  The Supreme Court was mortally weakened by Bush v. Gore, and then crippled us with Citizens United.  Sandra Day, our First Woman on that body resigned "for health reasons".  Similarly, the Cheney daughter suddenly quit the race for the Senate, citing "family health" issues.  The Wicked Tricky-Dick-II is apparently healthy enough with his new heart to become our first ex-V.P. to publicly engage in most-foul attempts to cripple a sitting President.  Are we at the door of "Banana Republic" politics in the United States?  The battle unveiled by Senator Feinstein has been raging for several years.  Our Department of Justice in investigating the allegations.  Brennan, in his response to Feinstein's speech said he would "appeal" to President Obama.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Scorecard? (anyone)

As Vladimir continues to waltz the WEST, ever closer to it's ultimate fate, driven by greed and dominance
over a period of a Millenia and half; how is one to keep score; determine who's getting the "upper hand".

First of all, pay no serious attention to Scarborough and his guests, or Limbaugh, or FOX Phews.  They represent today's version of PROPAGANDA that can be compared to Tokyo Rose in my youth.  Also pay no attention to Cheney, Repoobs, Republicans, etc.  They are all "playing" with Putin, and against Obama.

Arizona's Brewer gave in when she was faced by the power of MONEY!  Gays won, and the Katzenjammer from AZ (McCain) lost.  Watch our stock market.  Money is cannibalizing Money, and the real war is over access to ENERGY (oil and natural gas).  Russia has it; Europe doesn't.  Europe has Money, Russia doesn't.  Europe is so greedy that it will make a wrong choice (again) and allow the Dictators to re-emerge on the planet; fueled by Global, regional, Ethnic Wars.

Welcome to Spring.  Will it be reminiscent of the Prague Spring of 1968?

Stay Vigilant!  EVERYBODY's BUTT is in this boat!  DEFENSE IN INDIVISIBLE !!

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Monday, March 10, 2014

"KITH" : "KIN' : "KIND"

The 21st Century Face of TERROR ??

Get out your Dictionaries (if you still have one).  The Wicked Vladimir, channeling old evils practiced  from the time of Catherine The Great, to Adolph; is returning to that time-worn method.  It was used here by Texans in their dealings with Tejanos and Santa Anna.  The trick:  place your kith, kin, or kind in some territory you want to steal; then bring all of your firepower to bear in the process of taking it over; in the name of protecting kith, kin, or kind.  Nation-states, Religions, and Race represent the "old" containers for this crap!

Putin has chosen March 17, 2014, (St Patty' Day, here) as his "coming-out" event.

It is told, somewhere in the Bible, that God confounded the wicked by giving them different languages and making it difficult for them to understand each other.  Today, with the Internet, Contact is growing, while Communication (the kind that seeks understanding) is dying rapidly!

This is the stuff that defines what I see as the Cracker-Mind-Set, here at home.  Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe, along with his mind-bent, stick-stiff, side-prop with the Peter-Pan haircut, are the Media's most recent
attempt to serve the kool-aid to that mind set early in the morning.  He's the latest attempt to replace Imus, I guess.
Well, Joe, the rest of us might be watching also.  We can see through you.  I must admit, yours  is a much "slicker" approach, that is also more sophisticated and dangerous than your Grandfather's skin-color racism!  It encourages whites, at all levels, to continue to think they are in control; and deserve that control!  Any non-whites who are viewing the show are assumed to be "properly conditioned", I guess!

In domestic politics, Giuliani and Christie work this crowd, appealing to those who base virtually all of their relationships on friends, neighbors, relatives, (blood-line, and otherwise), and family lineage.  On a Global scale, this represents the ultimate threat to mankind!  Condi, our little-miss-mushroom-cloud, is back in the news; trying to "help", I guess.  I think she, and "W", and Cheney have done enough to set this mess up.
This could prove to be worse that 9-11 and the 2008 economic collapse (combined)!   Hope and Pray that our wiser heads come up with a workable, lasting way out of this new front.

Stay Vigilant!  Take YOUR mind out for a spin; see if it still works.

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Oh, Say, Can YOU See?

At This Dawn's Early Light?

On this dawn, approaching the Ides of March, 2014, we find ourselves with the likes of Dick
Cheney, on Face The Nation, egregiously undermining our nation, and our President, for purposes of malicious domestic politics.  Only CBS would headline, on a day like this, someone like Cheney; given
his ugly record.  They follow-up with the most-recent loser for Vice-President, Paul Ryan.  Both Cheney and Ryan are licking their lips, trying to use their partisan politics to cripple our country.  The world is watching.  We're well beyond the psycho social and greedy concerns of recent years.  The future, for all of us; is in question!

Stay Vigilant!  "The People" have only their vote; for now!  John Wayne is dead; and was a Hollywood Myth!

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Republicans (at C-PAC) "Attack" our VETERANS ??

Oh NO!, not BOB DOLE??

After doing it to Senator Max Cleland, D. of Ga, Veteran Advocate, in 2002,when the Repoobs used  foul
tactics and insinuations, using the likeness of Osama Bin Laden; they now return to take a swipe at
Bob Dole??  What the Hell are they on?  Senator Reid hints they're "doin Koch"!  He should know who "owns" the Senators he has to work with!

Any FOOL out there who still believes these nuts are not the Republican Party (or what's left of it); Governor Christie has a Bridge in New Jersey to sell you!

Stay Vigilant!  Vote early, vote strong, get your neighbors out!  Your country's in peril!

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Friday, March 7, 2014


Shall We Send PUTIN one of our History Books?

Psychosocial "Melt-Down": on the floor of the House of Representatives; at the meeting of the hate-drooling politicians speaking to C-PAC; inside Russia; in Crimea and Ukraine!  The U.S. Stock Market "loves" this; and Putin is probably trying to find a way out of his ever-tightening trap.  Obama's  trap derives from being sandwiched between these forces; with "questionable" allies in his own political party, and throughout Europe.  Especially questionable is the "Black Caucus"; who so gleefully participated in the House "screwing" of Charlie Rangel, and "swooned" over Bubba the way "W" "swooned" over Putin.

Oh, before I go:  let's point out the place in our history that tells what happened to Atlanta in our LAST Civil War!  (This time, this Global Civil "Cold" War,is also Global, racial, religious, class-driven, and multi-faceted. A new crop of SPOOKS (Brown, this time) is being groomed and recruited into the United States --  is Bobby Jindal the "new" David Duke?

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"COERCION" Advances in the USA

What Day will YOUR Rights and Choices Disappear?

On this Ash Wednesday, It looks like we're seeing an Hispanic "Rodney King" incident with the killing of an innocent man by "rogue" cops in Oklahoma  we saw this type of cop in NM earlier this year firing live rounds at an unarmed mother and her children.  COERCION:  the act or process of Shutting Up; Forcing a "choice"; Restraining, Dominating; these are but some of the faces of coercion we see all around us; both at home and abroad.  Congressman Issa, this morning, in front of God and the world, on TV, forced off the microphone of the Co-Chair of his House Committee  (these a-holes all think they are Ronald Reagan). Tactics of McCarthyism, like these are much more serious, given the background and context of what this country's grappling with in Ukraine.  Issa stands as a example of what Democracy and FREEDOM, is facing everywhere!

Whether Norman, OK; The Baltic Region; Egypt; Israel; or the Middle East; COERCION is rising from every direction.

Peremptory removal of the rights of another based only on raw power is Un-American, illegal, and WRONG!   Can't win an election?  Can't win the argument?  Then revert to Bully Tactics.  Its not working in New Jersey, or Ukraine!

QUESTION:  IF: The Soviet Union was the holder of a permanent VETO in the UN Security Council,
                             And the Soviet Union No Longer Exists
                             How in HELL did RUSSIA (2014) get to exercise that old VETO?

We'll take your answer in the MEDIA.  God knows we haven't heard it yet!  (Tonight, MSNBC will air the REAL Reasons why the USA invaded Iraq.

Stay Vigilant!  Do you have YOUR Cops under control?

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"DEADLY" SINs will "Kill" !! ...

Nations; Persons; Tribes, Races  .. (eventually)

On this day of Mardi-Gras, 2014, we celebrate the Seven Deadly Sins.  GREED is front-and-center in our gripping news of Global Affairs, today.  This nation is fighting the steadily unwinding, crippling, consequences  of Evil activities that have struck the USA since 2008.   The "ineffectual", "feckless", and LOSING candidate in that election is leading the Media charge; along with his fellow Chicken-Hawks, to hobble the FBP while he struggles, again, to save the country from the traps these EVIL brethren  put in place between the years of 2000 and 2008.  TREASON seems to lose its definition when it comes to Chicken Hawks!  We need to know, post-Citizens United , every CENT these guys are paid, and by whom!!  Its clear from their language, they are clearly ENVIOUS of Putin! 

Stay Vigilant!  We have to stop these guys from continuing to damage our country!  Do NOT Vote for even ONE REPUBLICAN in 2014!  Unless you WANT more Coercion in this country.

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Monday, March 3, 2014


The mantra of the Poor, Stupid, Religious, and, mostly, Non-white?

If your paid attention, list night
As You Watched "The Oscars"
Did you notice how many of the audience were "losers"
They Called Themselves "Dreamers"
Their symbology spoke only of MONEY and FAME
Where was "Love" ? (really?) ?

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"LASH" (new ones?) ..

Out with the "Old" ??
As the Americas steel's itself to confront, finally, THE LASH;  We can only hope that it will confront the Bible, the "tool" in the other hand of the Slave Masters as they ground the humanity out of people of color.  The King James Bible (1611), is what they used!.  It was re-written at the behest of the King of England.

12 Years A Slave WON!  Best Picture, in last night's Academies; AND, Lupita Nyongo's WON! as Best Supporting Actress.  Our Cracker-controlled Headline-writers are virtually mute, this morning,  about this!  Each  of us have to write Headlines for "our own", these days, I guess.  "Cinderella" has turned BLACK"!  What's Pope Too and his white world to do??

Back to the Lash!  That old Bullwhip has been replaced by two new ones:  MONEY and RACE, now replace MONEY and WHITE SKIN??  (Rich Whites, here and in Europe, can no longer afford to "share wealth with their poorer brethren.  We're all about to learn how cruel the "Lash" of concentrated money can be.
Will the victims of the "Old" system understand this change?  Probably Not!  They remain deceived by the so-called "power" of appealing to a questionable "morality" within the bosom of whites on this planet.  The Martin Luther King "solution" will blow out like a candle in the wind as the power of concentrated wealth marches ahead.
If you paid attention last night, foreign accents were the REAL winners.  All citizens in the Americas, black and white, should be quaking in their boots.  We may be facing a "dump" of  the poorer Europeans into the Americas;  to rival the original "dump" that began in the early 1600s.  The white-skinned ones can walk in and out of the United States without concern for our Immigration issues.  These new "accent" invaders are universally regarded as "Superior" to whites in the Americas. (Bogardus, 1926).
The Cold War is Gone!  Bullies like McCain and Graham ("war-mongering "Katzenjammers" in our domestic politics), AND Putin;  have to realize this.  The Soviet Union is Gone!  All the kings horses will not bring THAT back.  We have over-relied on DEFENSE, both domestically and in our blind support of Europe and Japan.  Over-spent, or, Mis-Spent defense dollars WEAKENed our country -- it did not STRENGTHEN it. Eisenhower sensed it, but, only warned us; as he was "gettin' outta Dodge")!  We have spent the past 44 years pursuing race-based uses of our DEFENSE Department; both at home and abroad.  We have virtually destroyed The Defense Department in the process.  Now, a weak, ineffectual, racist, STATE DEPARTMENT has to be relied; on as we go forward.  All you John-Wayne types have to suck that crap up!
Stay Vigilant!  This ol' World continues "to turn".  There's big trouble ahead for the Blue Planet:  did u check out Lupita's dress)?
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Sunday, March 2, 2014

U-N-I-T-E-D?? (Really?)??

R Whites Unitin'; while Non-Whites R Innergratin ( in the USA)
What About The Gays?

Ever since bombers chased Reagan out of Lebanon, and started taking hostages,  the people on this planet SHOULD have discarded any focus on events that was narrower than GLOBAL!  The events of the past week should make that crystal clear to everyone (even our massive, uneducated, citizenry; of all colors)!

It was also noted then, that people on this planet were "returning to the basement of their existence and clinging to the pillars that rooted them".  Syria shows this phenomenon has progressed on steroids in the 30 years that have passed since the days of Mad Ronnie.  We thought that the days when wars BETWEEN nations were over, and wars WITHIN nations were beginning.  We can thank Sharon for this!

Lithuania, however, may show that Putin is bringing back the old-style of war between nations??

On this day of the Oscars, "Americans" of every stripe and bent should ponder seriously: who we really are? Who we have been, and where we're heading.  It appears the whites are clearly on a different track from that of our "Integrating" groups. From Boehner, to Romney, to Ted Cruz (take your pick).

At the "Brothers Keepers" talk the other day by FBP, "Siko Riley" was there to represent the Cracker Mind Set that is regaining stature among our citizens.  BUT:  the "usual suspects" of the Black "Community" that claims to be responsible for all of the spectacular performance in improving the lives of Black Youth; were ALSO there (from Powell to Sharpton).  These guys have access to a lot of white "guilt" money; and, obviously are looking to get a lot more.  WHEN WE LEARN HOW TO MAKE THESE SPOOKS ACCOUNTABLE, AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS WE ALL CAN SEE????????

Whites, Liberal, or otherwise, will NEVER do that.  As with Catholic Indulgences, they get PAID when they give their money to the "fuzzy-headed" and the Craven.  Remember Judas, you Bible Lovers!

Gays are busy making Hay on the back of the Arizona wins.  Having keen insights into this group for more than 50 years (Gore Vidal was the only one them that can close to being human); I watched them up-close and personal on the West Coast from 1984 until 1995.  Not a pretty picture!

While you watch the Oscars tonight, see if you can spot the fact that the whites who are competing don't really like their fellow whites.  They have their own version of "being somebody"!  At the same time, we could be witnessing the tightening of the stitching, begun by Reagan, to bind deep-South racists to our Ethnic racists. 

Stay Vigilant!  Who R U "snuggling-up" to??   Root for, and Watch! 12 Years A Slave (its about the whites U know).

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Saturday, March 1, 2014


Storm Clouds Gather (again) !!

Bill Mahr "stung" Billy Crystal on last night's show.  Crystal "howled" like a pig stuck in a fence when Mahr accused him and his co-horts of undermining our President because of race.  By now, however, its clear, even to the blind, that we've engaged in a very serious and dangerous game of deliberately weakening our country and our ability to govern ourselves; because of an insane desire to retain white, male, control over EVERyTHING!

Riding the twin horses of Institutional Racism and Greed, Ronald Reagan opened this era in 1980.  He also opened the doors, diplomatically, to the Vatican -- the source of Fascist forces on this planet!  No leader, and not our Founders, would have done such a foolish thing.  Reagan was moving to solidify a base of Old South racists (Bull Connor), with urban and non-South Ethnics (Christie?)  This combination has "broken" our governmening system set up by our Founders, and; lately, has taken to shooting young black males in the streets; because, the rest of our whites will let them.

I think History will show that a traceable string of activities, since 1980, has brought us to a place where the entire world is now in peril.  Putin may represent the worst of both Adolph Hitler AND Joe Stalin.  He has obviously been using Assad, and Syria, as a "laboratory" to predict what the United States "leadership" and that of Europe is capable of doing to stop him. We have precious few of the "defenses", put in place in 1948, by wiser heads in our past, left to use.  We should have smelled a rat in 2001, following 9/11, when those "defenses" mysteriously failed.  Undermined over the years by agents in our Congress, Cheney/Bush had a green light to pursue their goals, fed by the fires of race and greed.  Remember, "W" had fun riding "shotgun" for Sharon BEFORE he decided to invade Iraq.  Our "Intelligence" apparatus has been cut to shreds by Congress!

We saw this, before World War II, when these forces gathered to prevent leaders like FDR from challenging Hitler.  I saw this, as a young officer in the early 1960's when Walter Lippmann, the most famous newspaper columnist of the time, warned Martin Luther King that Foreign Affairs was "White-man's" business in this country.

Stay Vigilant!  It is what it is!  Pray we can find another Churchill (somewhere) and that FBP can rise to the challenge of FDR!  We will almost certainly learn (again) what SACRIFICE MEANS!  OSCARS? (anyone)

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