Thursday, January 30, 2014

When (Ruling?) WHITE(s) "LOSE" The LAW??

A "Rocky" History! 
Immediately following President Obama's State of the Union Speech on Tuesday, the psychobabble from the Cracker Media Outhouse(s) "switched" to charges of "dictator"; "Outlaw"; and there were threats from Boehner to sue the President for issuing "Executive Orders" that are authorized under our Constitution, and used much more extensively by past Presidents!  What a CROCK!! 
Less than a decade ago this same bunch of "Loonies" were spouting lines like;  "The Constitution is not a document of "surrender"!   President Obama will have all of these idiots on the Cracker Right "foaming at the mouth" by the time his term ends.  The Fugitive Slave Act, pre-Civil War, was perhaps the most egregious over-reach of those empowered to Make Law, in the history of this country.  It's really about POWER, and who exercises it -- not about LAW!
Thurgood Marshall told us when he retired that the "Klan" was turning in its white robes in exchange for the black robes of judges in our legal system.  We know from W.E.B. Du Bois, in his Souls of Black Folk, that the white South turned to Jim Crow "Laws" to keep the nation segregated and non-white citizens "in their place".  To blacks in the South, "Whites" were "The Law".  The Trayvon Martin Tragedy showed to the world that the "law" in the South today is anything whites down there want it to be.
In the North and Mid-West, Ethnic Gangs organized into organized crime cells;  invaded politics from the lowest levels; working their influence all the way from the Cop on the Beat, to Prosecutors, Judges, and "higher" recipients of their tainted money.  This has been the sorry history of our country since the Civil War.
Given the raucous din in our Media today, and the unraveling of positions, we can all hope that this sorry history of using "the law" to commit crime may be coming to an end?  I wouldn't bet on it!  Romney told CPAC recently that they should retrench and re-launch their attack on power from the State Level.  Some of this Red-blooded bunch has invaded School Boards.  Sheriffs, law enforcers for County Government, are rivaling Governors in states like Arizona.  Could all of this help to explain why politicians at the national (Federal) level appear powerless to enact laws curtailing gun violence?
Then there's the issue of ENFORCEMENT!  Some of the same Pols who twist the arms of Legislators for new legislation are in charge of those government "bureaucrats" who are charged with their Enforcement.  The MEDIA and the PUBLIC both ignore this issue.  Legislators paste new laws over old laws, without giving much attention to the enforcement of either!
What is "legal"; Who is "legal"; both become "fuzzy" in a crazy-quilt system of  "Laws" that are written and passed by people who get little scrutiny; and are "gamed', both by Media and Lawyers of questionable motives and ethics.  The voting public is ultimately "responsible" for all of this!
Stay Vigilant!  I might be legal; You might be legal; but what about everyone else??
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