Saturday, January 18, 2014

'De - "LIE" - Ability" ??

Does Christie REVEAL the "Heart"??
Every white male born into these United States owes an undying debt of gratitude to African Slaves, and especially to a white man, Mark Twain, who took what he learned from slaves (the art of story-telling)  to fashion his "gift" for them.   Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn gave the gift of "deniability" to all white males who are morally deficient and intellectually gifted enough to put them to maximum use.  It is the core of post-Civil War politics in this country; and defines the successes and or failures of businesses in many of our industries.
Governor Christie, a white male, (to most) has put this "gift" to most prominent use as the "Jersey Bridges" fiasco continues to unwind.  Only white males are beneficiaries of this gift, because all whites are taught, early, not to trust, fully, or believe, completely, anything they hear from non-whites.  This explains why our Media can succeed so brilliantly in its campaign to paint the first black President as a "Liar"!
In my 20-year career as an Air Force Officer, and the only black (or non-white) in my career field at the time (Physicist, special weapons developer), I saw this principle applied many times.  The techniques varied, but the essential elements remained the same:

           Layer-up, and operate at a high-enough layer to protect yourself.  The "s**t", when it "hits the fan" must never reach your level.  If, and when it does, you must have a sufficient number of "flunkies" to sacrifice.  All players on your side must be at least "a little bit dirty".  The honest guy is everybody's enemy.

We've yet to see how many layers will be "peeled back" as the Christie Fiasco unwinds.  Could it reach back to the election of 2000?  To Papa Bush's "installation" of a judge that has corrupted the operation of our Supreme Court since the early 1990s?  To Nixon (again)?  To Johnson and J.Edgar?  We can all hope!
Wherever it leads, we all have to admit that this poison has, for a long time, seeped  into the fabric of our social order; ruining our politics (from the local level to the Congress); and threatens to destroy our Democracy.! White males in the Republican and Tea Parties, take on all non-whites, women, poor whites, and any other group that threatens their ability to maintain their God-given right to rule as completely as those Slave Masters of Old.  From the levels of Sheriff in your County, to the Attorney General of our nation, we've seen these techniques applied.  Only the citizens, when they're sufficiently fed up with the results, can put a stop to this.
Stay Vigilant!  The Election of 2000 showed that we have NO Constitutional Right To Vote!

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