Do we see a "MEAN-Retreat" ??
White folk hating, and cheating, and otherwise abusing non-whites is "As American as Apple Pie". Also is not letting non-whites or women vote, or, have access to good medical care; etc., etc. But when a political party leads an effort to "dump" poor whites under the "economic bus"; that's down-right "Un-American"!! (REMEMBER: the majority of POOR in this country are WHITE today -- 50 years after the War on Poverty!)
The Cheney child that is most like Dad and Mom tried to float her mean-streak in her current run for a seat in the United States Senate. She withdrew today; citing "family health" problems. Details were not provided, but Dad just got a new, young, heart and has been on T.V. saying his health has never been better! So, go figure.
Romney clearly is planning some kind of U-Turn politically, with his newly-released PR pic featuring a tiny black child on his knee. Perhaps he remembers Daddy Bush introducing his "little brown one", years ago. As I remember, "W" benefited from that with record Hispanic votes, some time later.
Boehner is feigning "surprise" that his captors in the Republican Party were not "serious" when they recently shut down our federal government (Repoobs are doing quite well in State governments). He, too, is signalling "retreat" from the mean and evil stance he has held against Obama's Presidency (not clear yet about his feelings against the man in the office).
Pope-Too is busy trying to erase the filth and slime spread around in this country and abroad by this crowd and their fellow-travelers, since the advent of Nixon, and Reagan, who kicked this crap into higher orbit some seven years later. In the wake of those two "Republicans", we have seen the bankruptcy of the country, both fiscally and morally; a deep division that defies our ability to pretend we're "United" in any way; and poor whites crying as they have to give up their pick-up trucks because the Republicans cut off their unemployment checks!! Now that is down-right UN-AMERICAN; no doubt about it!
No matter what the Repoobs do at this point, Obamacare is the law of the land, unemployment still reigns; as the Republicans reneged on the "JOBS" they promised in 2010, and November 2014 looms!
If we finally have the "Repoobs on the Run", let's ALL get together and FINISH THE JOB in November.
Don't let ANY of the escape retribution! Any white voter who thinks their salvation lies with any aspect of this bunch has their head "up and locked" in a place where the 'Sun Don't Shine' !!!
Stay Vigilant! DO THE JOB in 2014, and look hard and long at ANYONE vying for 2016!!
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