Tuesday, January 7, 2014

R There TWO "Golden" RULES ??

One for "Winners" the Other for "Losers"??
In our "New", 2014, REALITY, are there really 2 Golden Rules??  One that goes like: "Do Unto Others as you would have them DO unto you", and another that goes like: "He who has the GOLD makes ALL the Rules".  The Winners version is subscribed to by males (rich, white, privileged); the other taught by whites (in schools and churches) to  Losers: everyone else; especially racial minorities and women.
The events and Media messages of the past few years; from the Trayvon Martin Tragedy and "Trial" to "Pope Too"; make it hard for even the most naive to think otherwise!  Income disparities, "working" citizens who cannot earn enough to pay their costs of living; massively "unemployed" and "underemployed" segments of our population; tell us that something is "Rotten in this Denmark!!"  It is the "smell" of the Republican Party, and its FOX-den of ogres, fellow Propagandists, and the "Tea Party" monster they "hatched" over the past decades of their rule.

Not all minorities are "poor", of course: there are Condi; and "9-9-9"; and "Clarence", Scalia's lawn jockey.  Even Oprah was told by some foreign cracker just what the limits were on her ability to "spend" her massive wealth!  I learned that in 1962 in Waco, TX,  (where Lady Bird and Lyndon's Media Empire held sway), that my money wouldn't "spend" when I was not allowed buy a house like my fellow commissioned classmates from San Francisco State  (they were white, of course, and blacks and "Mexicans" had their separate "doors" to contend with).  Texas then;  and Texas in 2003; the last time I lived there;  "Delay and his gang of Repoobs were busy carving up voting districts and the Democrats in the Legislature!   Texas will always be Texas, I guess!

The secret to this "Golden Rule" gig is the ability of whites to control "education".  Blacks gave them a huge "gift" in the 1960s when they gave whites the right to continue their control over the nation's education; and to "mind-eff" generations of children to believe that "racism" was a thing of the past, and that their "education" was going to save them in the future.  We, of course, failed to distinguish between what they taught, and what they practiced!  These past several years and their treatment of the first black President of the United States should make it clear to every human being on the planet what their true beliefs are.  They see themselves as "winners" and everyone else (including POOR WHITES) as LOSERS in this world of 2014.

Unless we pull our "heads out" and learn to organize effectively; I guess they're RIGHT!
Stay Vigilant!  Decide who is against YOU as you vote in 2014!!
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