Saturday, January 25, 2014


A Repoob "Diversion"??

With "Fats" Waller singing one his classics in the background; I've decided to "sit right down and write you folks a letter! -- and hope some of you can "get it"!  Master Marco, is at it again!  This time he is giving his version of the latest Republican strategy to attack issues of interest to women.  He proposess that "Marriage" is the key to ending poverty, and that Poverty in this country is correlated "with births to unwed" mothers!  What a crock this is!!  He also asserts that "Marriage is not a Government Program".  I guess he does not know his Catholic History; the fact that throughout the Americas the Catholic Church WAS the Government!  It also ruled over the "crowned heads" in Europe!  "Marriage", along with warfare, was their method for compounding and expanding wealth!

Anybody with credible "education" could quickly learn that the decline in births to "wedded mothers" does NOT correlate with changes in poverty rates during that same period.  But, Master Marco has aptly demonstrated his disregard for "truth"; in lock-step with his Repoob cohorts. Master Marco has evidently not heard about "DIVORCE" patterns over the past several decades.  He has not examined that correlation with the loss in wealth to all members of a family that experience divorce!  Perhaps the Divorce Lawyers, who fund both Democrat and Republican "Pols" won't let them divulge their doings??

This product of those Fascistic Batista Cubans our Republican Party is so fond of, and Jeff Bush, who profited, in many ways, as Governor of the state in which they reside; is clearly "over his head" in his ambition to "lead" our nation.  He is quite adept, however, in "leading" those who want to find their way to that "outhouse" the Radical Right Wing runs in the Media in this country.

What about this Republican strategy to return to "women's health issues"?  Perhaps its a variant on their anti-Obamacare campaign; but I also think its in keeping with their need to divert public attention away from the REAL threat to the global economy: DEFLATION!!  The Republican goal since the election of 2008 has been to cripple this black President; even if it meant the country has to be crippled in the process.

Christine Legarde, managing Director of the IMF, quoted in the recent Barron's article (1/20/14): Drowning Our Deflation Fears, draws our attention to the threat of Deflation.  She shows that Deflation and the falling prices (and wages) that accompany it, are a much greater threat to everyone, than Inflation!  The antics and policies of the Republicans are leading the citizens of this nation, and the entire world economy straight toward Deflation!  Those who hoard large amounts of money, evidently think they can "clean up" when everyone else is broke!  My Dad told me stories when I was young, about a time when, in the 1930s, you could buy the most expensive house in our town, including all the furnishings and the car in the garage, for $100.  The problem was that most people didn't have a Dime!  That deflation, like the one that threatens now, was caused by the unwillingness of the rich to pay their war debts!

Stay Vigilant!  Stop voting for these evil people!  Don't fail to VOTE in 2014!

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