Fascism 101
When I was born in 1939, Adolf Hitler, perhaps the world's most notorious Fascist, broke out of Germany pursuing his Fascist goal of taking over the world. The United States, with Britain and Communist Russia formed the Allied Forces that defeated Hitler and Fascism in World War II. That War ended in 1945, but the life of Fascism from that point is not well known or seriously pursued. We're seeing mounting evidence that Fascism survived World War II. It has changed its face, spread far beyond Germany, and, in these days of widening and crippling poverty and deprivation, may be still in pursuit of taking over the world.
Fascis a symbol, found in several of our official seals and organizational insignia, is a weapon that the "lictors" (gangs, or "enforcers") employed by the rich, used in ancient Rome in their attempt to keep the poor under their control. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces.
Originating in what is Italy, today; it re-appeared in the Po Valley in the 1920s when Mussolini revived it.
Hitler used it during his rise in Germany; a time of great economic stress that paralleled the Depression in the United States. In our life-time, the political and economic philosophy represented by Fascism spread quickly to Catholic and Christian countries like Germany, France, and Spain; in addition to Italy. It was Italian Popes and Bishops who were instrumental in creating Chattel Slavery, and spreading their philosophy throughout the Americas. In our time, the Rich, or Industrialists, embraced the philosophy and practices in their wars against Organized Labor. Today, the industrialists are disappearing; replaced by the Financiers. Despite what today's Media would have you believe, Fascism has always served the interests of the Rich; from the time of its inception in Ancient Rome. In the United States and the Americas, Race and skin color became a stand-in for wealth; and ethnic gangs used the system to "extort" money from the poor. Today, the Media insists on painting a non-white face on Poverty.
Within less than a decade following World War II, the citizens of this country were diverted in their attention away from Fascism, and toward Communism, our former ally, Soviet Russia, and the Cold War. Our education and our complete consciousness were directed toward Communism, allowing Fascism to slip into the dark. It is obviously still here today, and its supporters may control the PUBLIC Media! Talking Heads in our Media bemoan their perception that nobody FEARS President Obama. Obviously they overlook the FOX-ites and their supporters. The very presence and power of President Obama scares the crap out of them! Their sick fascination with the race of this President over the past five years is obvious to everyone on the planet!
Stay Vigilant! Don't stay asleep! Recognize what is creeping up around you.
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