"Pendulum" Swing??
Glory Be!! There are stirrings that Boehner may be ready to crawl out of his hole and become a functioning Speaker of the (whole) House of Representatives!! Could it be that the "Wack-Jobs" from Dixie have pushed this country beyond some limit and it is now ready to take retribution on all those who have impoverished, looted, "trashed", and otherwise made this nation "dysfunctional" over these past 40 years or more? We can all pray it is so!
With the Inauguration of Mayor Bill de-Blasio in New York, and the first stirrings of real "Progressive-ism" in this country in the 21st Century, a new day may be dawning. From the posture taken by the Clinton's at their appearance at that affair, we might suspect they smell "something is up"! It reminded me of the look on Hillary's face when Obama gave his famous Convention Speech some years back.
I recommend two books for those who follow this trend: Americas, by Peter Winn, and Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America. In 1830, De Tocqueville noted that the fate set for Blacks and Native Americans by the founding leadership were DEATH: the Blacks through life-ending toil; and Natives through Extermination; as the early settlers confiscated their lands. Read up on President Andy Jackson and his cronies; the likes of Houston, Austin, and Boone.
Richard Dieter, of the Death Penalty Information Center http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/Bio-PicRCD2.pdf was featured on C-Span this morning. It seems that most thinking whites; in religion, government, and politics, are still struggling to rid themselves of the stains of their "original sins" against the peoples they dragged here in chains and those they found here occupying the lands they coveted. The Death Penalty is dying a slow death in this country after hundreds of years. They seek mightily to get rid of the "root", while maximizing the "loot"; it would seem. Only deeply religious and racist Hell Holes below our Mason-Dixon line seem to hold fast to the Death Penalty as a method of "crime fighting" in this country.
Texas, Florida, and Oklahoma (where the Natives were ultimately consigned to die) are the top three states still using the Death Penalty. In addition to racism and Religion, these regions remain stubbornly poor.
"Progressive-ism" in 2014, in this country has both a Liberal, and a Racist-Conservative "Wing". "Pope-Too" has appeared to breathe some amount of "Liberalism" back into Catholicism. "Papa Duck" of the Dynasty serves those deep-South racists, who, in 2014, still have problems with Catholics and Jews.
Both Progressive "Wings" are struggling with POVERTY! Both seek redress that involves an increase in MONEY for their followers. Northern Progressives seek hikes in the minimum wage; Southern Progressives seek ways to "distance", "suppress" and otherwise marginalize blacks and other non-whites. Catholic rulers in Mexico in the 1700s developed elaborate systems to racially categorize the inhabitants of those lands, for purposes of exploitation. The Planter class in the early American Colonies, adapted and expanded the system of racializing slavery and servitude.
Stay Vigilant! 2014 will determine whether our citizenry has had a "belly-full" of this crap!
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