Monday, January 20, 2014

MLK: The "ROAD" Ahead ??

Are NON-WHITE Millennials "Capable"??

MLK would be 85 (Jan/29) today, were he still alive.  Ten years younger than MLK, I remember when he was the "guy in opposition to Malcolm".  Students (black) in the Bay Area in the early Sixties participated in heated debates as to which of these guys had the "right ideas".  More than fifty years later, both of them are dead (assassinated); along with the President (Kennedy) of the United States and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy.  The nation did not recognize then, and has yet to fully recognize that the Civil Rights Struggle, that began with A. Phillip Randolph decades earlier than MLK, was really a Revolution of global proportions.

Born ten years after MLK, I was aware of most things that occurred with a "time lead" of about ten years ahead of the rest of the "public" of this country.  The Media of the time played to the lead of the Governments (state, local, and Federal) and obscured truth, more than they revealed relevant facts.  The Media of today, under the spell of Roger Ailes, is a far cry from the Media of the early Sixties, or the Media of that entire era, pre-9/11.  Today's Media is all about propaganda and the revenues it generates.  Unwilling to get totally into the sewer with FOX, the other networks now employ "strategists" who spout the propaganda attached to either side of a hot issue.  The "talking heads" then echo their propaganda and call it "news".

Non-white Millennials have most to lose from this condition.  In their struggles to gain freedom, justice, and economic success; they are pitted against entrenched global financial and racial interests.  Religion and Government are the battlefields on which the Propaganda Operatives work their wares.  

Millennials who are non-white (including racially-mixed youth) are "ground-zero" in these struggles and have the most to lose.  "White Control" interests have the money, fire-power, and control of a major religion and Media.  They are arrayed against everyone non-white on our planet.

"Government is the Problem"; "The Good-Lord Willing" have become suspect vehicles for mayhem in the global battles. "The" Government is a phrase repeatedly spouted throughout our Media.  In reality there are multiple Governments that we should be concerned about; along with NGAs (Non-Governmental Agencies), "Think-Tanks"; Charities; and Foundations.  These entities take part in the warfare that is raging within nations, within races, within religions, and within political parties; across the globe.

The reaction of Millennials to the "Snowden Affair" indicate that their cohort of our population are "up sh*t creek, without a paddle", and may have lost all possibility of winning any battles; on any front!  They have retreated into their drug-hazed, non-productive, mind-sets and are content to just "VEG"! 

Stay Vigilant!  Non-white Millenials cannot afford to copy their fellow white "slackers"!  School-To-Prison; School-To- Sports "Plantations"; School to Death-On-The-Streets await non-white youth. 

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