Monday, January 13, 2014


.. a Planet in the BALANCE??
Israel?, Syria?. Iraq?, Iran?, Egypt?, Libya?.; TAKE YOUR PICK, these are the places that have dominated the recent REAL news of the world.  Not the "potty" politics that is so popular among the citizens of the United States, today.
The scourge has spread to Sub-Saharan Africa, where the French-dominated territories (formerly colonies), are engaged in social breakdown; involving neighbors murdering neighbors.  In former Burma, now
Myanmar, we recently saw Buddhist Monks chasing down and killing Muslims; where recently these people had lived together in peace as neighbors.  Is this heading for some "back-yard" near to YOU??
Surfacing during the Clinton Administration, in places like Rwanda and Bosnia, this trend can't all be lumped into the "Terrorism" bag; or, can it?  If so, its more Religious Terrorism than anything else, maybe?  Or, it can be viewed as Civil War, with strong religious underpinning?  
Sectarianism is more than war, or religion, however.  It is also bigotry, discrimination, or any belief or actions that are  attached to perceived differences within a group, or between groups.  Geography is losing its historic role in these matters.  Accelerated by our current technological advances, the scourge can roam, rapidly, anywhere on the planet.  We have to become aware of the "drivers" of this scourge and find ways to head them off before the entire planet is consumed in internecine strife that no "government" will be powerful enough to stop.  Europeans used sectarian-divides as tools to subjugate colonial and enslaved peoples on this planet.  It enhanced their ability to rule over disparate peoples and to "create" a new kind of person in the Americas.  You can witness the steps in that creation by watching the brilliant depiction in 12 Years A Slave  last nights's winner for Best Picture in the Golden Globes.  

Our Civil War was our bloodiest..  A religious war, like the Crusades of old; stops only when one side runs out of  blood.  Poorly educated politicians in this country used terms like "Crusade" in their response to 9/11.  Saner heads prevailed, and that jingoistic jargon ceased.  So far, President Obama and his Administration have brilliantly kept this country from being trapped into one of the growing number of these events that erupted first with Tunisia and rapidly spread to Egypt.
We can start to keep our selves safer in this country by getting our politics clean!  It's not just MONEY, its the gangster mentality that has ruled our politics since the days of the Gangs of New York (see the Scorsese film).  The current Jersey vs. NYC controversy would be an excellent place to lay bare EVERYTHING connected to this sordid mess, and clear a path for saner governance to return!

Stay Vigilant!  My God; Your God; His God; My Government; Your Government .....  
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