Friday, January 31, 2014


For Easier Access
Thanks for the tens of thousands of "hits" for "The OWL"!  My global readers can now access this BLOG directly at ; STARTING TODAY!
There are provisions on the site for your comments and inquiries.  We look forward to all who are interested in ways to network, strategize, find support services, or to put forth new ideas.  Our vision is a new world in which persons not yet included in global commerce, or able to start their "own thing" can find support.
Stay Vigilant!  The Internet can provide a path to "better days" for everyone!
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Thursday, January 30, 2014

When (Ruling?) WHITE(s) "LOSE" The LAW??

A "Rocky" History! 
Immediately following President Obama's State of the Union Speech on Tuesday, the psychobabble from the Cracker Media Outhouse(s) "switched" to charges of "dictator"; "Outlaw"; and there were threats from Boehner to sue the President for issuing "Executive Orders" that are authorized under our Constitution, and used much more extensively by past Presidents!  What a CROCK!! 
Less than a decade ago this same bunch of "Loonies" were spouting lines like;  "The Constitution is not a document of "surrender"!   President Obama will have all of these idiots on the Cracker Right "foaming at the mouth" by the time his term ends.  The Fugitive Slave Act, pre-Civil War, was perhaps the most egregious over-reach of those empowered to Make Law, in the history of this country.  It's really about POWER, and who exercises it -- not about LAW!
Thurgood Marshall told us when he retired that the "Klan" was turning in its white robes in exchange for the black robes of judges in our legal system.  We know from W.E.B. Du Bois, in his Souls of Black Folk, that the white South turned to Jim Crow "Laws" to keep the nation segregated and non-white citizens "in their place".  To blacks in the South, "Whites" were "The Law".  The Trayvon Martin Tragedy showed to the world that the "law" in the South today is anything whites down there want it to be.
In the North and Mid-West, Ethnic Gangs organized into organized crime cells;  invaded politics from the lowest levels; working their influence all the way from the Cop on the Beat, to Prosecutors, Judges, and "higher" recipients of their tainted money.  This has been the sorry history of our country since the Civil War.
Given the raucous din in our Media today, and the unraveling of positions, we can all hope that this sorry history of using "the law" to commit crime may be coming to an end?  I wouldn't bet on it!  Romney told CPAC recently that they should retrench and re-launch their attack on power from the State Level.  Some of this Red-blooded bunch has invaded School Boards.  Sheriffs, law enforcers for County Government, are rivaling Governors in states like Arizona.  Could all of this help to explain why politicians at the national (Federal) level appear powerless to enact laws curtailing gun violence?
Then there's the issue of ENFORCEMENT!  Some of the same Pols who twist the arms of Legislators for new legislation are in charge of those government "bureaucrats" who are charged with their Enforcement.  The MEDIA and the PUBLIC both ignore this issue.  Legislators paste new laws over old laws, without giving much attention to the enforcement of either!
What is "legal"; Who is "legal"; both become "fuzzy" in a crazy-quilt system of  "Laws" that are written and passed by people who get little scrutiny; and are "gamed', both by Media and Lawyers of questionable motives and ethics.  The voting public is ultimately "responsible" for all of this!
Stay Vigilant!  I might be legal; You might be legal; but what about everyone else??
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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC    

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


"Cracking The Code(s)
The latest TIME (3Feb/14), features an article by Suketa Mehta, entitled: The Superiority Complex.  Drawing  heavily from a new book by Amy Chua and Jed Rebenfeld, she cites eight "groups" as  "superior" in terms of "success" in the United States: Asians, Cubans, Jews, Nigerians, Indians from INDIA (not Native-Americans), Mormons, Iranians, and Lebanese.  Claiming this to be the new "racism" for our new century, Mehta notes that these are broad categorizations that also include a lot of abject financial failures.
Not unlike the "scientific racism" that was so popular among whites at the beginning of the 20th Century, this 21st Century run at racism is gaining ground in places that would be under control of the "usual suspects".  Those "suspects" seem now to have "cornered" the wealth in this country.   Only  proper "organization" by the non-wealthy and the non-racist can cure the problems we face as a nation.

Technology must also play a part in any "cure".  The Big Money people; (the likes of Romney, and perhaps, Christie; who know the coercion and oppression that wealth can enable, when coupled with the right mix of "thuggery") have to be "overcome".  Current powerful "institutions" like organized religions and "education" establishments must also be overcome.  What they do today serves the "status quo"; perpetuating the racism, classism, and economic oppression we have known for the past one hundred years or more.
The poisons of old are rapidly spreading into Red states in this country.  The "rot" at the root of politics and power in the United States today (to see it up close, follow one of our Red-Neck politicians back to one of their Hell Holes and observe how they treat their poor and non-white citizenry) must be extinguished by people who value truth and knowledge instead of the pseudo-science of the Religious Right, and,  now, a "new superiority" of  a "Group of Eight" coercive "Superiors", as identified by Chua and Rebenfeld.  The wealth gap in this country is huge, and the organizing skills of those who succumb to it have to be massively improved.

For the past 100 years, the Elites have neither needed nor valued "education" for their own use, and have permitted several generations of their own people to fall far behind the skill levels of many non-whites; both here and abroad.  That gap cannot be overcome in less time that that of several generations.  Today, the wealthy have demonstrated that they can "buy" all the "smarts" they don't  possess, and can get it cheaply!  It remains to be seen whether, what Peter Drucker called the "knowledge-worker" can get up off hisor her knees and control the wealth their knowledge produces.  So far, they have been too easily enslaved.  BIG MONEY can also get all of the creativity and inventiveness it lacks from the gifted poor; for FREE! 

Stay Vigilant!  Get Together, and Figure Out how to master BIG MONEY!; (and rabid religions??)
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, January 27, 2014


The "Promise" Betrayed??  
The United States of America is fabled as a country in which a citizen is permitted to rise from "rags" to "riches", based on a combination of toil, dedication, vision, and luck.  The riches achieved most often benefit families that include children who inherit the wealth.  "From rags to riches, and back again; within three generations" is what I was taught to be commonplace in this country.  The first generation created wealth, the second "spent" the wealth and lived an easier life doing that. 
The third generation was often the one that completely squanders the wealth; implicitly because of less dedication, vision, and skill.  The government promised to neither block the aspirations of individuals, nor to protect individuals from foolishly losing the wealth they achieve.
The laws and cultural norms were claimed to be drawn so as to support the notion that "anyone" could "make it".  There is a sense, at this point in my life, that this notion is no longer widely held in this country today, compared to what was widely expected by citizens a hundred years ago (1914).  A Great Depression (1933), and a Lesser Depression (2008) have a lot to do with this diminishment of expectation for achieving riches in one lifetime.  Today there is a widening sense that the "deck is stacked" against those not born to wealth.
"Caveat Emptor", or "let the buyer beware" seems a somehow "quaint"  notion in the wake of several generations of "shop-a-holics" born and raised after World-War- II.  "Thrift"  is a notion that has been abandoned, as citizens who remember the Great Depression have "passed on".  Consumerism became government policy at a time when a War on Poverty was launched.  That war has been "lost", as was also a War on Drugs; begun a decade later.
"Conservative" habits like saving, frugality, and wise investment, have been allowed to fade, while "rolling economic bubbles" have occurred; beginning with the great "Oil Boycott" during Nixon's term in office.  The devastation to the savings of individuals and families has mounted as the "bubbles" became successively more severe and complex.  The complicity of the Federal Government in these events became more commonplace after Lyndon Johnson's term in office, and reached it peak during the Cheney/Bush terms in office.  Voters lost their ability to deal with economic events; as can be seen by comparing the "common sense" of voters in 1948 to the lack thereof in the elections of 2000,  and 2004.  Elections since 2008 have been mired in the devastation of the Collapse of 2008.  We've not yet struggled free, due to the inability of voters to demand and reward clean government, at all levels.  Technology, coupled with the ability of dedicated groups to "solidify" their economic standing, have produced a "stratified" economic social order that trends toward the destruction of the age-old promise of wealth achievement by skilled individuals.
Stay Vigilant!  Is the wise management of assets becoming more important than the ability to acquire them? 
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, January 26, 2014

What's Up with Whites and "THUGS" ??

Let's Look Back, a Bit??

In my Master's Thesis in 1972, I cited Eldridge Cleaver's Soul On Ice (1968).  I was taken by his depictions of the Omnipotent Administrator and the Super-Masculine Menial as roles played by white and black males throughout the history of the United States.   Ten years before that book was published, it was against the law in Missouri, and many other states for whites to compete against blacks in college athletics.  The NFL and NBA did not yet exist as we know them today.

It appears that white males have had "issues" with black male sports figures ever since that time.  It is amazing how the prejudices seem to transcend generations, and persist to this day; even in the light of the Billion-Dollar sports industries that have been built around their outstanding skills in sports like Football and Basketball.  The existence of these "plantation-like" operations are central to the daily life-style and existence  for white males in this country.

Richard Sherman, Cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks, caused quite a stir among the "Omnipotents" last Sunday with his exuberant outburst following his spectacular play that won a tight contest for his team.  It seems to have scared the crap out of a large number of these guys, who responded, in Social Media, by calling Sherman "A Thug"!

A Thug?? Really?? In this most "thuggish" of nations?   In 2014?  That's astounding!  If you're Native American, the "thugs" were the people who got off their boat; and played nice long enough with the people their descendents now pretend were "not here",  to learn how to feed themselves.  Once they were strong enough and realized how much land they could "confiscate"; they turned quite "thuggish".  The flood of  more like them never quit until just about all of the Native Americans were dead.  It lasted hundreds of years.

If you're African American, your slave boat arrived shortly before.  It didn't take the "thuggish" ones very long to realize how profitable it would be to work slaves to death, (after first reproducing themselves) -- in perpetuity!
Bernard Devoto writes that Texas was admitted to the United States under a plan to divide the territory into four slave-holding states.  That would give our slave-driving "thugs" complete political control, and extend slavery to the Pacific Ocean.

Then there werre Thugs warring among themselves.  Mexicans came north and enslaved Native Americans. They were forced to return to Mexico after a Native Revolt.  They returned in 1598 when Onate invaded and enslaved the territory that stretched from El Paso to Canada.  They butchered and enslaved the Natives until President Polk sent his "thugs" and brigands to confiscate the estates of those Californians with names like Vallejo, Sepulvada, and Pico.  President Polk also ordered an unprovoked attack on Mexico.  It raised the "ante" in our national politics and contributed to the outbreak of our Civil War.

Maybe the white "couch potatoes"  should think twice about calling someone "a thug"??

Stay Vigilant!  Thuggery is in the eye of the beholder -- Think Jersey, Philly, and New York!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC  

Saturday, January 25, 2014


A Repoob "Diversion"??

With "Fats" Waller singing one his classics in the background; I've decided to "sit right down and write you folks a letter! -- and hope some of you can "get it"!  Master Marco, is at it again!  This time he is giving his version of the latest Republican strategy to attack issues of interest to women.  He proposess that "Marriage" is the key to ending poverty, and that Poverty in this country is correlated "with births to unwed" mothers!  What a crock this is!!  He also asserts that "Marriage is not a Government Program".  I guess he does not know his Catholic History; the fact that throughout the Americas the Catholic Church WAS the Government!  It also ruled over the "crowned heads" in Europe!  "Marriage", along with warfare, was their method for compounding and expanding wealth!

Anybody with credible "education" could quickly learn that the decline in births to "wedded mothers" does NOT correlate with changes in poverty rates during that same period.  But, Master Marco has aptly demonstrated his disregard for "truth"; in lock-step with his Repoob cohorts. Master Marco has evidently not heard about "DIVORCE" patterns over the past several decades.  He has not examined that correlation with the loss in wealth to all members of a family that experience divorce!  Perhaps the Divorce Lawyers, who fund both Democrat and Republican "Pols" won't let them divulge their doings??

This product of those Fascistic Batista Cubans our Republican Party is so fond of, and Jeff Bush, who profited, in many ways, as Governor of the state in which they reside; is clearly "over his head" in his ambition to "lead" our nation.  He is quite adept, however, in "leading" those who want to find their way to that "outhouse" the Radical Right Wing runs in the Media in this country.

What about this Republican strategy to return to "women's health issues"?  Perhaps its a variant on their anti-Obamacare campaign; but I also think its in keeping with their need to divert public attention away from the REAL threat to the global economy: DEFLATION!!  The Republican goal since the election of 2008 has been to cripple this black President; even if it meant the country has to be crippled in the process.

Christine Legarde, managing Director of the IMF, quoted in the recent Barron's article (1/20/14): Drowning Our Deflation Fears, draws our attention to the threat of Deflation.  She shows that Deflation and the falling prices (and wages) that accompany it, are a much greater threat to everyone, than Inflation!  The antics and policies of the Republicans are leading the citizens of this nation, and the entire world economy straight toward Deflation!  Those who hoard large amounts of money, evidently think they can "clean up" when everyone else is broke!  My Dad told me stories when I was young, about a time when, in the 1930s, you could buy the most expensive house in our town, including all the furnishings and the car in the garage, for $100.  The problem was that most people didn't have a Dime!  That deflation, like the one that threatens now, was caused by the unwillingness of the rich to pay their war debts!

Stay Vigilant!  Stop voting for these evil people!  Don't fail to VOTE in 2014!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, January 24, 2014

"CHARLIE" at the "GATES" ??

Another Perspective?
In case you missed them, Google Charlie Rose's interviews of both Bill Gates and Bob Gates in recent days.
Listen carefully as Charlie goes "for the hour", one-on-one.  I don't know if he realizes it, but Charley reveals surprising bits of himself as he confronts his guests.
These two guys named Gates represent a cross-section of currents in my life; one the military, the other,   Cold War technologies that we were able to create to win the Cold War.  My military experience, between the years of 1962 and 1982, was centered on emerging technologies that are found in virtually all Tech companies today.  We were instrumental in creating what became Silicon Valley.  NASA is popularly credited for many new technology advances that were actually achieved by the Department of Defense.  The dividend to the Taxpayer for their "investment" may be Silicon Valley and its many "clones".
When I arrived in Seattle 25 years ago, a much younger Bill Gates was often spotted about town and, often, seated in a theater with you as you took in a movie.  We all are aware of the Media accounts of the exploits of both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs; those accounts ignore the role played by the military in the creation of their respective tech empires.
The Defense Department that Bob Gates is "telling all" about in his recent book, is one that took new directions, beginning in the early 1960s;  fighting the Cold War by expanding our technological knowledge and capabilities, while simultaneously acting as a "social  laboratory" for the integration of black and white races in this country.  Bob Gates has served in government many years; some of those were served in the Air Force during my tenure.  
Charlie, betraying his Carolina up-bringing, pushed both "Gates" on their views of our first black President; seemingly hoping of finding some new "dirt" to feed to our Virulent Right.  Bill Gates was more successful than Bob Gates in evading Charlie's traps.

Bill Gates spent the hour expanding on his view of what is happening in the "Developing" world, and the works of his Foundation in that part of the world.  In this new age of BIG MONEY, Africa looms large again on the "radar" of these guys.  We may be on the verge of another "colonization" -- this time by dollars, backed up by military troops and a myriad of "financial missionaries" touting their Charities and Foundations. Of the fastest growing economies on our planet today, many are in Africa.  Does Big Money "smell" Big Money?   Big Money drives out Little Money in our global economy.   Pray for the Africans (if you can find a God that will do better for them than any have thus far).

Stay Vigilant!  We may be repeating the global economy that followed WW I.
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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What BLACKS Need to Know About FASCISM

Fascism 101
When I was born in 1939, Adolf Hitler, perhaps the world's most notorious Fascist, broke out of Germany pursuing his Fascist goal of taking over the world.  The United States, with Britain and Communist Russia formed the Allied Forces that defeated Hitler and Fascism in World War II.  That War ended in 1945, but the life of Fascism from that point is not well known or seriously pursued.  We're seeing mounting evidence that Fascism survived World War II.  It has changed its face, spread far beyond Germany, and, in these days of widening and crippling poverty and deprivation, may be still in pursuit of taking over the world.
Fascis a symbol, found in several of our official seals and organizational insignia, is a weapon that the "lictors" (gangs, or "enforcers") employed by the rich, used  in ancient Rome in their attempt to keep the poor under their control.
Originating in what is Italy, today;  it re-appeared in the Po Valley in the 1920s when Mussolini revived it.
Hitler used it during his rise in Germany; a time of great economic stress that paralleled the Depression in the United States.  In our life-time, the political and economic philosophy represented by Fascism spread quickly to Catholic and Christian countries like Germany, France, and Spain; in addition to Italy.  It was Italian Popes and Bishops who were instrumental in creating Chattel Slavery, and spreading their philosophy throughout the Americas.  In our time, the Rich, or Industrialists, embraced the philosophy and practices in their wars against Organized Labor.  Today, the industrialists are disappearing; replaced by the Financiers.  Despite what today's Media would have you believe, Fascism has always served the interests of the Rich; from the time of its inception in Ancient Rome.  In the United States and the Americas, Race and skin color became a stand-in for wealth; and ethnic gangs used the system to "extort" money from the poor.  Today, the Media insists on painting a non-white face on Poverty.
Within less than a decade following World War II, the citizens of this country were diverted in their attention away from Fascism, and toward Communism, our former ally, Soviet Russia, and the Cold War.  Our education and our complete consciousness were directed toward Communism, allowing Fascism to slip into the dark.  It is obviously still here today, and its supporters may control the PUBLIC Media!  Talking Heads in our Media bemoan their perception that nobody  FEARS President Obama.  Obviously they overlook the FOX-ites and their supporters.  The very presence and power of President Obama scares the crap out of them!  Their sick fascination with the race of this President over the past five years is obvious to everyone on the planet!
Stay Vigilant!  Don't stay asleep!  Recognize what is creeping up around you.
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, January 20, 2014

MLK: The "ROAD" Ahead ??

Are NON-WHITE Millennials "Capable"??

MLK would be 85 (Jan/29) today, were he still alive.  Ten years younger than MLK, I remember when he was the "guy in opposition to Malcolm".  Students (black) in the Bay Area in the early Sixties participated in heated debates as to which of these guys had the "right ideas".  More than fifty years later, both of them are dead (assassinated); along with the President (Kennedy) of the United States and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy.  The nation did not recognize then, and has yet to fully recognize that the Civil Rights Struggle, that began with A. Phillip Randolph decades earlier than MLK, was really a Revolution of global proportions.

Born ten years after MLK, I was aware of most things that occurred with a "time lead" of about ten years ahead of the rest of the "public" of this country.  The Media of the time played to the lead of the Governments (state, local, and Federal) and obscured truth, more than they revealed relevant facts.  The Media of today, under the spell of Roger Ailes, is a far cry from the Media of the early Sixties, or the Media of that entire era, pre-9/11.  Today's Media is all about propaganda and the revenues it generates.  Unwilling to get totally into the sewer with FOX, the other networks now employ "strategists" who spout the propaganda attached to either side of a hot issue.  The "talking heads" then echo their propaganda and call it "news".

Non-white Millennials have most to lose from this condition.  In their struggles to gain freedom, justice, and economic success; they are pitted against entrenched global financial and racial interests.  Religion and Government are the battlefields on which the Propaganda Operatives work their wares.  

Millennials who are non-white (including racially-mixed youth) are "ground-zero" in these struggles and have the most to lose.  "White Control" interests have the money, fire-power, and control of a major religion and Media.  They are arrayed against everyone non-white on our planet.

"Government is the Problem"; "The Good-Lord Willing" have become suspect vehicles for mayhem in the global battles. "The" Government is a phrase repeatedly spouted throughout our Media.  In reality there are multiple Governments that we should be concerned about; along with NGAs (Non-Governmental Agencies), "Think-Tanks"; Charities; and Foundations.  These entities take part in the warfare that is raging within nations, within races, within religions, and within political parties; across the globe.

The reaction of Millennials to the "Snowden Affair" indicate that their cohort of our population are "up sh*t creek, without a paddle", and may have lost all possibility of winning any battles; on any front!  They have retreated into their drug-hazed, non-productive, mind-sets and are content to just "VEG"! 

Stay Vigilant!  Non-white Millenials cannot afford to copy their fellow white "slackers"!  School-To-Prison; School-To- Sports "Plantations"; School to Death-On-The-Streets await non-white youth. 

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

'De - "LIE" - Ability" ??

Does Christie REVEAL the "Heart"??
Every white male born into these United States owes an undying debt of gratitude to African Slaves, and especially to a white man, Mark Twain, who took what he learned from slaves (the art of story-telling)  to fashion his "gift" for them.   Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn gave the gift of "deniability" to all white males who are morally deficient and intellectually gifted enough to put them to maximum use.  It is the core of post-Civil War politics in this country; and defines the successes and or failures of businesses in many of our industries.
Governor Christie, a white male, (to most) has put this "gift" to most prominent use as the "Jersey Bridges" fiasco continues to unwind.  Only white males are beneficiaries of this gift, because all whites are taught, early, not to trust, fully, or believe, completely, anything they hear from non-whites.  This explains why our Media can succeed so brilliantly in its campaign to paint the first black President as a "Liar"!
In my 20-year career as an Air Force Officer, and the only black (or non-white) in my career field at the time (Physicist, special weapons developer), I saw this principle applied many times.  The techniques varied, but the essential elements remained the same:

           Layer-up, and operate at a high-enough layer to protect yourself.  The "s**t", when it "hits the fan" must never reach your level.  If, and when it does, you must have a sufficient number of "flunkies" to sacrifice.  All players on your side must be at least "a little bit dirty".  The honest guy is everybody's enemy.

We've yet to see how many layers will be "peeled back" as the Christie Fiasco unwinds.  Could it reach back to the election of 2000?  To Papa Bush's "installation" of a judge that has corrupted the operation of our Supreme Court since the early 1990s?  To Nixon (again)?  To Johnson and J.Edgar?  We can all hope!
Wherever it leads, we all have to admit that this poison has, for a long time, seeped  into the fabric of our social order; ruining our politics (from the local level to the Congress); and threatens to destroy our Democracy.! White males in the Republican and Tea Parties, take on all non-whites, women, poor whites, and any other group that threatens their ability to maintain their God-given right to rule as completely as those Slave Masters of Old.  From the levels of Sheriff in your County, to the Attorney General of our nation, we've seen these techniques applied.  Only the citizens, when they're sufficiently fed up with the results, can put a stop to this.
Stay Vigilant!  The Election of 2000 showed that we have NO Constitutional Right To Vote!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, January 17, 2014

"Truths" NOT "Self-Evident" ??

"Revelations" of "12 YEARS ... 
I watched President Obama struggle this morning;  trying to convince the "witless" among us that no nation has, or should, fore-swear intelligence-gathering in the pursuit of its national security.   The thought occurred to me that some "truths" are not "self-evident" to our citizenry.  That thought was shocking, because it reveals generations of our citizens,  younger than mine, who are so poorly educated, and/or otherwise stupid enough, to abandon, voluntarily, our nation's security!!  I know the nation's youth were convinced by "W" that they should just "go shopping" and not worry about Iraq; but unwillingness to face bullets is one thing; to hand the likes of PUTIN the keys to your country is quite another!
Those of you who have not yet seen 12 Years A Slave should find the courage to do so.  If you can face it down, you will see why this story was "buried" by the powers-that-be, more than a hundred years ago.  You will also understand the curious treatment the film received by the Golden Globes; and the coming "handling" that the Academy will likely give it -- (its not one of  "theirs", you know).
If you watch the film carefully, you will see the root of European power portrayed by a white male with the Bible in one hand, and the Lash in the other.  That is a perfect metaphor for the way Europe acquired its power and wealth, and how it maintains it today.  The Bible and Lash, very necessary for the economy of the time, has been  transformed to "Information" and "Finance" to fit our economy today.  Otherwise, the model remains the same.  The complicity of the slaves, the white female, the "Overseers" and the Social Order of the day are all laid bare.  It does not take a lot of "intelligence" to extrapolate from that time to this one.
In his speech this morning about the NSA and intelligence-gathering, the President cited the spying on private citizens committed against Martin Luther King by J. Edgar Hoover.  This nation has still to get to the "bottom" of Hoover's "activities" during the 1960s and the benefits Presidents Johnson and Nixon derived from those activities.
But the most egregious abuse of government authority against its own citizens, in our history, was the Fugitive Slave Act.  The story portrayed in 12 Years A Slave, takes place when that law terrorized our nation.  Citizens were forced to spy on each other, and act as agents of Southern Slavers; or pay severe penalties for refusing.  The descendants of the "Overseers" who served those slave owners are alive and well in our politics today.  They are to be found among those "Libertarian" and "Populist" white males so prominent in the Tea Party and Republican Party.

Stay Vigilant!  Remember, "W" gazed into Putin's eyes and fell in love;  Obama did NOT!
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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Thursday, January 16, 2014

"GOOD" COP(s); "BAD" COP(s) ...

.. Our History; in "TOP COP(s)"

Our MEDIA is making a big deal of the fact that Governor Christie of New Jersey was formerly a Federal Attorney.  Until late in my adult life, U.S. Attorneys, and Attorneys General, stayed "below the radar" in that they did not make headlines.  Watergate changed all of that; when Nixon began firing his Attorneys-Generals for not following his orders; and others quit, rather than break the law.  Since Nixon, Presidents (especially Republicans) have a sorry record with their picks for Attorney General.  Until Obama, that is.  Maybe its because no "white boy" (including McCain?) wanted to step into the mess that Cheney/Bush left behind in 2008!

But, unless I miscount, we've have a total of 82 Attorneys General throughout the history of this country.   In my adult (voting) lifetime, Attorney General Eric Holder is the first Federal Attorney General making headlines for UPHOLDING  and faithfully executing the laws of our country!  For that he has earned the undying hatred of the likes of Boehner and his Tea Party cronies in the House of Representatives.

Who (over the age of 45) can forget names like Robert Kennedy (1961-1964): (a "good" AG, with a murderous FBI Chief as his underling)?  Or, William Ramsey Clark (1967-69); John Mitchell (1969-72; Kleindienst (72-73); Elliott Richardson (1973); Edwin Meese (85-88); and another "good" one; Janet Reno (1993-2001).  My pick for the all-time worst AG:  Alberto R. Gonzales (2005-2007).  I seem to remember that Richardson quit the job, rather than become complicit in crime.

Stay Vigilant!  Know who YOUR Federal Attorney(s) are!  The "Guv" of New Jersey will make it clear how much power these guys have.  PRAY for all the "good" cops, because they cannot "call a cop" when they're in trouble! 

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Monday, January 13, 2014


.. a Planet in the BALANCE??
Israel?, Syria?. Iraq?, Iran?, Egypt?, Libya?.; TAKE YOUR PICK, these are the places that have dominated the recent REAL news of the world.  Not the "potty" politics that is so popular among the citizens of the United States, today.
The scourge has spread to Sub-Saharan Africa, where the French-dominated territories (formerly colonies), are engaged in social breakdown; involving neighbors murdering neighbors.  In former Burma, now
Myanmar, we recently saw Buddhist Monks chasing down and killing Muslims; where recently these people had lived together in peace as neighbors.  Is this heading for some "back-yard" near to YOU??
Surfacing during the Clinton Administration, in places like Rwanda and Bosnia, this trend can't all be lumped into the "Terrorism" bag; or, can it?  If so, its more Religious Terrorism than anything else, maybe?  Or, it can be viewed as Civil War, with strong religious underpinning?  
Sectarianism is more than war, or religion, however.  It is also bigotry, discrimination, or any belief or actions that are  attached to perceived differences within a group, or between groups.  Geography is losing its historic role in these matters.  Accelerated by our current technological advances, the scourge can roam, rapidly, anywhere on the planet.  We have to become aware of the "drivers" of this scourge and find ways to head them off before the entire planet is consumed in internecine strife that no "government" will be powerful enough to stop.  Europeans used sectarian-divides as tools to subjugate colonial and enslaved peoples on this planet.  It enhanced their ability to rule over disparate peoples and to "create" a new kind of person in the Americas.  You can witness the steps in that creation by watching the brilliant depiction in 12 Years A Slave  last nights's winner for Best Picture in the Golden Globes.  

Our Civil War was our bloodiest..  A religious war, like the Crusades of old; stops only when one side runs out of  blood.  Poorly educated politicians in this country used terms like "Crusade" in their response to 9/11.  Saner heads prevailed, and that jingoistic jargon ceased.  So far, President Obama and his Administration have brilliantly kept this country from being trapped into one of the growing number of these events that erupted first with Tunisia and rapidly spread to Egypt.
We can start to keep our selves safer in this country by getting our politics clean!  It's not just MONEY, its the gangster mentality that has ruled our politics since the days of the Gangs of New York (see the Scorsese film).  The current Jersey vs. NYC controversy would be an excellent place to lay bare EVERYTHING connected to this sordid mess, and clear a path for saner governance to return!

Stay Vigilant!  My God; Your God; His God; My Government; Your Government .....  
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Sunday, January 12, 2014

REPOOBS: "peeing" on the POOR (again)??

I saw Master Marco (Rubio, of course) on the "Telly" a few days back; "earning his stripes" from Miss 
Nancy of the Reagan mind-set; by delivering the annual Repoob diatribe against Poverty and the Poor.   It reminded me of an old "Moms" joke about the young man thrown out of a swim club for "peeing" in the pool.  "But, everybody pee's in the pool!", he protested.   Yea, came the response, but not from the high diving board!!  

Rubio, in his speech, derided the current push to raise the minimum wage, by claiming that the concept of a minimum wage was at odds, somehow, with the "American Dream".  After three years in Miami in the early 2000s, I can see where Rubio is coming from.  A close observation of the numerous, and distinct, minority communities in that city would readily reveal the mindset of Florida Cubans.  Coddled by the Republican Party, most of those Cubans (not the Mariel group) have been protected and pampered, while other Florida minorities are miserably treated.  Could it be that Rubio, like the Reagans, worships the extremely wealthy, while damning or dismissing the poor (and those not close, enough, to white?).  Marco clearly hopes to "stand out"; and he "aims to climb high", as well.  The speech last week was clearly a "high diving board" for him?

Even casual watchers of the news today know that the group that contains the largest number of people in poverty is the  "white" group.  That portends problems for the Repoobs, because Reagan promised to protect poor whites when he was elected, in droves, by them in the 1980s.  Today's Republicans are eager to throw them "under the bus" by denying them unemployment checks.  Republicans should worry that poor whites will "figure it all out" before the 2014 election; and FINALLY vote their economic interests INSTEAD of the "social issues" the Party has run on for decades.

We can all hope that STUPID does not last forever!

Stay Vigilant!  "To expect to remain both IGNORANT, and FREE...."

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

BUSH'S "BULLDOZER" DIES! ... at 85..

"Good" Rabin v. "Bad" Sharon??
The world awakes to two "Bully" stories in our global Media:  one about a person dead after a long coma, the other about a person entering into what appears to be a lingering "political" death.
My first recollections, upon hearing the Sharon news, was of "W", our 43rd President, who, before Enron collapsed, and Lay was still a "buddy" at the White House, loaned his reins to Cheney, while he rode off into the Israeli sunset to ride shotgun for Sharon.  It was an appalling image, to me, to see a President of the United States lower himself to the level of toady to a bully.  Do we know what Cheney did with his Enron dealings? (not really).  This was before those images were blanked out of the public's mind  by "W" 's  later "decision" to invade Iraq (2003).
You can be excused if you remain confused about all of this.  If you look closely, Sharon's stock on the Right rose again in Israel, and in the eyes of the Conservative world, in 2000, following Clinton's failed  attempt to seal a deal between Arafat and Israel's PM, Barak (Camp David (2000).  "W" took full advantage of that in the early days of his first year in office.   After Bush invested so much political capital in him, Sharon went comatose in January of 2006, following a stroke  -- he lingered for eight years in that coma.
Hopefully, the other person won't linger in a "political coma" for eight years!  Judging from the early reactions of  his political "friends" in the Republican Party, it just might be like that!!; -- stay tuned!
Sharon dies with a tarnished world image; not unlike that of Margaret Thatcher.  The Brits decided not to give Maggie a State Funeral.  We can all wonder if the Israelis will take this opportunity to plow a new political path?  Don't hold your breath!!  
By contrast with Sharon, the murdered Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel in 1995, was beloved by the world and provided us all with hope that some sanity could be found in the tragedies of that region.  Almost 20 years later, we can see the full impact; the dimensions of his murder, and the later effects of Bush's policies vis-a'-vis Sharon.
Rabin (1922-1995), and Sharon (1928-2014); are two Israelis who will loom large in world history.  They  lived lives that overlapped for sixty-seven years.  That represents a time period longer than the lifetime of Modern Israel.  Perhaps some bright Israeli PhD candidate will provide us with and unbiased comparison of their lives and an in-depth investigation of any and all interactions between these two men.

As for the other "bully story"; we can't hold out a lot of hope, now can we??
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Friday, January 10, 2014

"12 YEARS" ?? ...or, "FOREVER" ??? ..

..a "Slave"; that is ..
Like a beneficent hand from the grave, Solomon Northup's story comes to us after more than a hundred years of languishing in a racial  "literary limbo".   One,  that has been scrupulously adhered to by our publishing establishment since our founding as a nation.  The first African slave in my blood line arrived on these shores in the 1760s.  While European immigrants have been busy obscuring their roots and "re-inventing" themselves in this country; they have left very clear records back to the importation of African slaves; due to the immense profits involved.  After viewing 12 Days A Slave.,  I have profound admiration and respect for all of those who followed in the wake of that first African ancestor.
It takes a very strong stomach to witness so much  "reality" of antebellum slavery in the Americas.  Whether in Mexico, where Las Casas and the Popes began this hideous system; or throughout Latin America, where Catholic Fascism has kept its vestiges alive to this day; "slavery" is very much "with us"!  Whether you consider yourself  black or white, or, "in-between", there is at least "one-drop" of African blood in the overwhelming majority of us in these Americas.  This film shows in excruciating detail the implications of that fact.  Whether you are black, or white, or "in between", that hideous ideology, developed, and promulgated, is very much with us today in our personal beliefs, our institutions, and our everyday lives.
The key point that everyone should get from this story is the answer to a fundamental riddle.  If Europeans were so convinced that persons of color were not "human", why did they invest so much brutality in "breaking" the slaves;  to remove any vestige of their "humanity"?  This must have occurred to Baron Charles-Louis de Montesquieu, who wrote in the early 1700s, in his Spirit of Laws :
         "It is impossible for us to suppose these creatures to be men, because, allowing them to be men, a suspicion would follow that we ourselves are not Christians"
Listen closely to the words spoken in the film.  Get "inside" the heads of the white men and women.  Get inside the heads of the "slaves" also, and you will understand today's black practitioners of those beliefs, habits and folkways that were so brutally "taught"!   You hear the same sentiments uttered today by those descendants of the Overseer class who dominate our national politics today (both parties).  "Pope-Too" has his work cut out for him if he thinks he can get even close to eradicating this human travesty (for all of humanity touched in any way by Catholicism).  The Protestant followers of Martin Luther, have succeeded extremely well in their long-term concerted efforts to mold a perpetual servant class of human beings in  the Americas.  A brief trip to the old South of the United States today bears this out.  The perverted Christianity taught over these past hundreds of years is indelibly etched into the bones of everyone born into what Senator Graham correctly calls those  "Hell Holes".
Stay Vigilant!  If you care about your country and this planet, see this film.
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Thursday, January 9, 2014


Christie "Spills" His "Guts"??
Just when we thought this CRAP couldn't get any worse (or, better -- your choice); we wake up to a protracted "Soap Opera" playing out for hours in the MEDIA (real Government?, now)!!

The Trayvon Martin Trial has set a new pattern, it seems -- when you want to do something really bad, or evil, or illegal; and get away with it; run to the MEDIA and "try" your case before a stupid public!  You can't lose!!

Droning on for hours before a mostly sympathetic media, with Republican "Spin-Masters" interceding in media inserts, the drama proceeds, as the biggest PR Campaign for the Presidency of 2016 appears to "deflate" before our eyes.  But, 2014 hasn't even happened yet!  What the Hell is this really all about?  Hillary?  Obama? The other black guy who by-passed Christie and made it into the Senate?  Just how big is all of this?

Imagine this as a movie script (you guys who've been stealing my ideas, STEAL THIS!!  Suppose the BIG MONEY that runs the world now, really didn't want Romney in the first place.  What if, while Romney played to the SOUTH (Queen Anne morphed into "Miss Hilly"; Mitt morphed into the "Boca Fat Cats" of Flaw-ida); Christie played to the NORTH.  He embraced Obama, finessed Cory Booker, and positioned himself as a serious contender for Hillary Clinton.  He resides at the nexus of what is left in Organized Crime in this country - the border between New York City and New Jersey; the Port Authority.

Government in this country today is really the MEDIA.  That's where all important decisions are made.  The Corporate Fat Cats who intend to take over Washington in 2016 only want it because that's where we send our MONEY!  North Carolina is a test case for these guys; showing just how easy it is to disenfranchise an entire State, while giving the voters little or no recourse.  Texas set an early pattern by showing how easy it was with help from a few friends in the White House to rob California blind through ENRON.  We seem to forget that happened before 9/11.  Just as Liddy Biddy Johnson relied on J.Edgar and his cronies in Organized Crime; Corporate Government cannot succeed without its criminal elements.  Think back, or read about the Bootleg Years, when the Klan and Organized Crime joined forces to run this country.

Stay Vigilant!  Marijuana is also on its way into the "mainstream". VOTE for your life in 2014!
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"CONTROL"(white); "COMMUNITY" (shared); or "CHAOS" ?

The "Americas"; at these "CROSS"-Roads??

If you missed it; check out Bill Moyers' reporting on the "takeover" of North Carolina!
The disenfranchised citizenry of that state may be feeling a bit like the Germans in the early 1930s; when  moneyed and militaristic interests grabbed power in that nation.  With money squeezed from poor blacks over the better part of a century, one individual in North Carolina has effectively "bought" one of our "United" States;  to use as he see's fit!  Citizens of other states had better "wake up" before its too late for them.

California, under the skilled leadership of  Governor Brown, is beginning its "crawl back"  toward its glory days of clean, fair, and enlightened government.  Caught in the "Curse of Reagan" for decades, (the era in which the people of California distrusted and undermined their own government), that state appears to be throwing off that curse.  The people voted, against incredible money spent by the "controllers", to raise their taxes and to bring back good government.  Our nation continues to struggle under that "Curse", after  Reagan taught the nation to distrust, despise, and to undermine their federal government.  The people who followed Reagan and his Repoobs were not bright enough to realize that "government" is the tool by which people  "transition"  from tribe to civilization.  Even those miscreants in our House of Representatives and in the North Carolina State House value government; but, only when its powers lie within their "controlling" hands.  Such is the stuff of Fascism!

The disenfranchised citizenry of North Carolina have taken to "hootin' and hollerin" in the streets; in their efforts to regain their lost citizenship.  Those who stole their government from them did not use those methods.  If you look closely, those methods have NEVER worked (for long)!  By failing to stay alert, and allowing others to "vote for you"; you open the door to "Controllers"; at all levels! 

Stay Vigilant!  There are no media campaigns to inform you about the "Controllers"

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

R There TWO "Golden" RULES ??

One for "Winners" the Other for "Losers"??
In our "New", 2014, REALITY, are there really 2 Golden Rules??  One that goes like: "Do Unto Others as you would have them DO unto you", and another that goes like: "He who has the GOLD makes ALL the Rules".  The Winners version is subscribed to by males (rich, white, privileged); the other taught by whites (in schools and churches) to  Losers: everyone else; especially racial minorities and women.
The events and Media messages of the past few years; from the Trayvon Martin Tragedy and "Trial" to "Pope Too"; make it hard for even the most naive to think otherwise!  Income disparities, "working" citizens who cannot earn enough to pay their costs of living; massively "unemployed" and "underemployed" segments of our population; tell us that something is "Rotten in this Denmark!!"  It is the "smell" of the Republican Party, and its FOX-den of ogres, fellow Propagandists, and the "Tea Party" monster they "hatched" over the past decades of their rule.

Not all minorities are "poor", of course: there are Condi; and "9-9-9"; and "Clarence", Scalia's lawn jockey.  Even Oprah was told by some foreign cracker just what the limits were on her ability to "spend" her massive wealth!  I learned that in 1962 in Waco, TX,  (where Lady Bird and Lyndon's Media Empire held sway), that my money wouldn't "spend" when I was not allowed buy a house like my fellow commissioned classmates from San Francisco State  (they were white, of course, and blacks and "Mexicans" had their separate "doors" to contend with).  Texas then;  and Texas in 2003; the last time I lived there;  "Delay and his gang of Repoobs were busy carving up voting districts and the Democrats in the Legislature!   Texas will always be Texas, I guess!

The secret to this "Golden Rule" gig is the ability of whites to control "education".  Blacks gave them a huge "gift" in the 1960s when they gave whites the right to continue their control over the nation's education; and to "mind-eff" generations of children to believe that "racism" was a thing of the past, and that their "education" was going to save them in the future.  We, of course, failed to distinguish between what they taught, and what they practiced!  These past several years and their treatment of the first black President of the United States should make it clear to every human being on the planet what their true beliefs are.  They see themselves as "winners" and everyone else (including POOR WHITES) as LOSERS in this world of 2014.

Unless we pull our "heads out" and learn to organize effectively; I guess they're RIGHT!
Stay Vigilant!  Decide who is against YOU as you vote in 2014!!
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Monday, January 6, 2014

has 'REPUBLICAN' become 'UN-AMERICAN' ??

Do we see a "MEAN-Retreat" ??
White folk hating, and cheating, and otherwise abusing non-whites is "As American as Apple Pie".  Also is not letting non-whites or women vote, or,  have access to good medical care; etc., etc.  But when a political party leads an effort to "dump" poor whites under the "economic bus"; that's down-right "Un-American"!!  (REMEMBER: the majority of POOR in this country are WHITE today -- 50 years after the War on Poverty!)
The Cheney child that is most like Dad and Mom tried to float her mean-streak in her current run for a seat in the United States Senate.  She withdrew today; citing "family health" problems.  Details were not provided, but Dad just got a new, young, heart and has been  on T.V. saying his health has never been better!  So, go figure.
Romney clearly is planning some kind of U-Turn politically, with his newly-released PR pic featuring a tiny black child on his knee.  Perhaps he remembers Daddy Bush introducing his "little brown one", years ago.  As I remember, "W" benefited from that with record Hispanic votes, some time later.
Boehner is feigning "surprise" that his captors in the Republican Party were not "serious" when they recently shut down our federal government (Repoobs are doing quite well in State governments).  He, too, is signalling "retreat" from the mean and evil stance he has held against  Obama's Presidency (not clear yet about his feelings against the man in the office).
Pope-Too is busy trying to erase the filth and slime spread around in this country and abroad by this crowd  and their fellow-travelers, since the advent of Nixon, and Reagan, who kicked this crap into higher orbit some seven years later.  In the wake of those two "Republicans", we have seen the bankruptcy of the country, both fiscally and morally; a deep division that defies our ability to pretend we're "United" in any way; and poor whites crying as they have to give up their pick-up trucks because the Republicans cut off their unemployment checks!!  Now that is down-right UN-AMERICAN; no doubt about it!
No matter what the Repoobs do at this point, Obamacare is the law of the land, unemployment still reigns; as the Republicans reneged on the "JOBS" they promised in 2010, and November 2014 looms!
If we finally have the "Repoobs on the Run", let's ALL get together and FINISH THE JOB in November.
Don't let ANY of the escape retribution!  Any white voter who thinks their salvation lies with any aspect of this bunch has their head "up and locked" in a place where the 'Sun Don't Shine' !!!
Stay Vigilant!  DO THE JOB in 2014, and look hard and long at ANYONE vying for 2016!!
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Saturday, January 4, 2014

The "AMERICAS"(2014): Religion; Race; Poverty; DEATH??

"Pendulum" Swing??
Glory Be!! There are stirrings that Boehner may be ready to crawl out of his hole and become a functioning Speaker of the (whole) House of Representatives!!  Could it be that the "Wack-Jobs" from Dixie have pushed this country beyond some limit and it is now ready to take retribution on all those who have impoverished, looted, "trashed", and otherwise made this nation "dysfunctional" over these past 40 years or more?  We can all pray it is so!

With the Inauguration of Mayor Bill de-Blasio in New York, and the first stirrings of real "Progressive-ism" in this country in the 21st Century, a new day may be dawning.  From the posture taken by the Clinton's at their appearance at that affair, we might suspect they smell "something is up"!  It reminded me of the look on Hillary's face when Obama gave his famous Convention Speech some years back.

I recommend two books for those who follow this trend:  Americas, by Peter Winn, and Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America.  In 1830, De Tocqueville noted that the fate set for Blacks and Native Americans by the founding leadership were DEATH: the Blacks through life-ending toil; and Natives through Extermination; as the early settlers confiscated their lands.  Read up on President Andy Jackson and his cronies; the likes of Houston, Austin, and Boone.  

Richard Dieter, of the  Death Penalty Information Center  was featured on C-Span this morning.  It seems that most thinking whites; in religion, government, and politics, are still struggling to rid themselves of the stains of their "original sins" against the peoples they dragged here in chains and those they found here occupying the lands they coveted.  The Death Penalty is dying a slow death in this country after hundreds of years.  They seek mightily to get rid of the "root", while maximizing the "loot"; it would seem.  Only deeply religious and racist Hell Holes below our Mason-Dixon line seem to hold fast to the Death Penalty as a method of "crime fighting" in this country.
Texas, Florida, and Oklahoma (where the Natives were ultimately consigned to die) are the top three states still using the Death Penalty.  In addition to racism and Religion, these regions remain stubbornly poor.

"Progressive-ism" in 2014, in this country has both a Liberal, and a Racist-Conservative "Wing".  "Pope-Too" has appeared to breathe some amount of "Liberalism" back into Catholicism.  "Papa Duck" of the Dynasty serves those deep-South racists, who, in 2014, still have problems with Catholics and Jews.

Both Progressive "Wings" are struggling with POVERTY!  Both seek redress that involves an increase in MONEY for their followers.  Northern Progressives seek hikes in the minimum wage; Southern Progressives seek ways to "distance", "suppress" and otherwise marginalize blacks and other non-whites.  Catholic rulers in Mexico in the 1700s developed elaborate systems to racially categorize the inhabitants of those lands, for purposes of exploitation.  The Planter class in the early American Colonies, adapted and expanded the system of racializing slavery and servitude.  

Stay Vigilant!  2014 will determine whether our citizenry has had a "belly-full" of this crap!

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

BUILD!!; Don't "BURN"! : Don't just "BITCH"!!

A 2014 "New Year Resolution"  for ALL??
As 2013, and the years prior, recede into History, it should become obvious to all of us by now what the "real" dimensions of our problems are.  It is obvious to many, by now, what we must ALL DO to work our way beyond the dysfunction of the past and build toward a safe and sane future.  Our Congress, the Hard Right factions across our planet, and the world's religions have all left us with a sad reality:  White Privilege, in all countries and regions, has an incredible staying power.  From new Royal babies, to a "Pope-Too", to "Tea Parties" and "Duck" Dynasties, and various "Tribes"; elements of those among us who profit most from White Male Privilege (first inflicted upon our planet in 1492) are entrenched, powerful, and unwilling to share power outside their own "interests".
Those who don't benefit from these factions, or the wealth and power they wield, have only one option:  BUILD groups that reflect our "interests".  This long after the Presidential Election of 2012; it is clear from the actions of these factions that they will not yield or share any of their wealth or power -- not even with duly elected (twice) U.S. Presidents, if they are the "wrong" color.  They do so when they know their numbers are dwindling:  they cannot overcome the destiny portended by demographics!  The past several years have revealed the depths to which they will stoop to make this message painfully clear.  Our economy, our social contracts, our values, our support for our Constitution, have all been permanently compromised by these factions.  The amount of wealth they have been able to extract from us and transport abroad in the past two decades is beyond belief!
In spite of it all, it is still possible for all people of good will, and sane values, to come together to build and protect a new economic and social structure.  That will continue to isolate those who hold and abuse power today.  We have to scrupulously avoid reverting to religious and tribal practices of the past.  Syria makes it extremely clear how fast and thoroughly economies and wealth can be destroyed!!  Racism, prejudices, and tribal allegiances can exact an unbearable price.  South Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and Israel are examples.
Stay Vigilant:  Old attempts at "reforms" have been directed toward making the "excluded", "exploited", and "suppressed" feel more "comfortable" in their "Place" within the global social and economic order.  Such an attempt, yet again, must must not succeed this time!   "Pope-Too" and "Papa" Duck are current attempts to reassure "whites", and make them "less insecure" in their fears and suspicions of non-whites.  These old factions will continue to hog the world's microphones, cameras, money, fire-power, and political power. Whites will be told that their "Charity" and "Foundations" will  "make the past evils go away".  Non-whites will be asked to relax and leave everything to the whites.  This will not work!  Non-whites have to find ways to enforce their own controls; discover their own voices; their own images; and build and protect their own wealth!  Employ their own children!  Technology makes this possible today.  Learn to Communicate, Coordinate, Cooperate, and trade directly with one another.  Only by doing this can non-whites learn to trust each other and put an end to the exploitative old ways!
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