Friday, August 23, 2013


Return of: "The THUG" : At Home and Abroad 
When I was born (1939), two "Thugs" ruled world affairs: Joe Stalin of Russia, who led the "dictatorship of the masses": Communism); and Adolf Hitler, who led the "dictatorship of the Rich": Fascism).  They joined forces for a while; until the Fascist betrayed the Communist, driving him to support the Allied Forces (led by the United States), and the defeat of the Fascists in Germany and Italy.
But Fascism was not "defeated"; the survivors fled to the Americas, where the roots of Fascism originated earlier, as rivulets from that "mountain" of evil known as chattel slavery.  "Eugenics" invented the practice of selective killing of  "defectives" (on both sides of the Atlantic) and the establishment of state-sponsored "work camps".  Chattel slavery was the handiwork of the Popes of the Catholic Religion.
Today, we find 21st Century Man, with his head in the stars; dreaming of an escape to Mars (or anywhere outside this planet); driven by accelerating advances in technology.  His butt, however, is stuck in the caves of antiquity, fired by ancient blood divisions of race and tribe; driven by organized religions.  We could do something to fix this, but we don't really want to.  It appears to be true that we can't help ourselves; as we waltz back toward the evils of 1939.
Rachel Maddow broadcast her show last night from the state of North Carolina; a state vying for the lead in a movement to re-segregate and/or enslave the poor, minorities, and women; by artfully denying them access to the ballot, and forming a "dictatorship" of the Hard Right. 
In Egypt, the "winner" of the ballot has been imprisoned by the Military, and the former dictator, who was the benefactor of the Military, has been freed from prison.
At home, North Carolina joins states like Texas (which openly admits its interest in "Secession" from the United States ), Wisconsin, Michigan, Alabama, . . . the list grows as our states turn "Red".
In Russia, the ancient tactic of "scapegoating" returns; as they use the "Gays", in a manner not too unlike the Hard Right in this country uses the "un-documented";  to stir up public sentiment and build their power base.  The Nature of Prejudice, by Gordon Allport, is a text we should all re-read to help  defend ourselves in these times. 
Then there is Syria:  a text-book case of the ends to which Tribes will go to "survive" and rule.
That disease could easily escape the Middle East, in these times, when Religions appear to be as evil as the raw dictators of old.
Stay Vigilant! The Plot(s) Thicken and Sicken!
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