Friday, August 30, 2013

GLOBAL (political) "EBOLA" ??

A "Natural" Solution ??
What if??  Could it be that our revolutionary technology for global communications, will awaken internal strife that has lain dormant for centuries all over this planet??  We already see that the first casualties of the "new Media" have been truth, understanding, trust, reason, and sanity -- in many aspects of our lives.
Think about  our past 500 years of "conquest" and "slavery".  Europeans have drawn "lines" on the maps in the Middle East, and Africa, and elsewhere, that have trapped historic blood feuds within those lines.   Rapid and global communication awakens that strife. 
Viruses like Ebola, appear periodically; but they spread so rapidly that all of those who are infected will die before an epidemic can get started.  It burns itself out, in other words.  The Mexican drug wars are disappearing from a similar effect:  the gangs are running out of blood to spill.  The Crusades and other religious wars follow a similar pattern:  they end when the blood runs out.
As horrible as it is to accept, a similar fate awaits those who engage in Civil Wars in the 21st Century.  The questions are (1) how to contain them; limit them to the area where they erupt; (2) how to keep them from becoming "opportune events" for spreading animosities to other regions and (3) how to keep these events from becoming fuel for domestic politics.  Media has shown its ability to fan these fires.  New measures, commensurate with free speech will have to be devised to counter the effects of events like the Syrian Civil War.
Stay Vigilant!  Think about it!
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