Saturday, August 10, 2013

OPRAH'S "PURSE" (Incident)

When, Where, and Why  "your" Money "Won't Spend"
My grandmother, were she alive, would "smack" Oprah!  To spend all that money and travel half-way around the world to be humiliated by some "Cracker" (Swiss Version) in a department store?
What are rich, black women thinking??  My grandmother, a rich (more than most of the crackers in our town), sixth-grade-educated, woman who sent her children to college in the 1920's, would be "mad-as-Hell" to see this.  She was the sister-in-law of Mattie Bridgewater, whose properties were attacked in the Tulsa Riots.  Those women knew how not to fund their enemies.  They taught us!
This incident, coming in the year of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, serves to show how and why Malcolm was right, and Martin was wrong.  Breaking Bad  is a wildly popular T.V. series that demonstrates why and how Morality is trumped by Money.  The younger generation LOVES this show! The Republicans know, and are busily destroying our Constitution with that knowledge.  When will the VOTERS figure this out?
In his famous "Osawatomie" speech in 2011, the first black President pushes the notion that "working hard and playing by the rules" is the key to Middle Class Status in this country.  (Is he admitting that whites are now being "shut out" of our economy in the way that non-whites have always been?)  He does not acknowledge that there have always been different rules for persons of color.  Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, and a host of others have cynically "triangulated" this fact for their own personal "advancement". 
Integrated schooling explains why this teaching has been lost to Oprah's generation, and to those generations of non-white children who came after.  Because economic and financial personal habits are learned very early in life; and are very difficult to change, post-puberty, the current marketing machines that operate in our global economy have a guaranteed,  steady stream of "lab rats" to exploit; by "hooking" them on Brands.
The "freedom" of non-whites, the world over, will ultimately depend on what lies between the ears; not  within the hearts of non-white women!  There are more of them on this planet than any other kind.  The "heart" has been tried, and found wanting.  Is it finally time for the "brain" to take over?
Stay Vigilant!  Money, properly spent, will over-power money that is "improperly" spent!
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