Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A "TOM" for These Times ?? ...

Thnx to "RUPERT" ? 
The first "Tom" (the Uncle) was brought to the world by Harriett Beecher Stowe during the run-up to our Civil War.  Today, we have Thomas G. Donlan, courtesy of BARRON'S, by way of Rupert Murdock   http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x6596038.  As Editorial Page Editor, Tom has "gifted" us with his "opinion" of the Civil Rights Revolution in this country.  http://online.barrons.com/article/editorial_commentary.html#articleTabs_article%3D1  
Google and read: "A 50-Year-Old Question" in this week's (26Aug13) Barron's.  This "fabrication" of history (no references offered) is indicative of the humongous task before all of us, as we struggle to get free of our horrendous past and find a future that meets our potential as a people and as a nation.
Not unlike many of  the white males I have encountered during the past seven decades, Tom appears to be shoddily educated, in a powerful position to persuade people, and an unabashed "apologist" for the "top 10%".  We CAN read, however, and WILL do research!  We will not swallow this "swill" without regurgitation.  (You have to pay extra to get Tom's Bio on Linked-In).
Tom begins his piece with the age-old myth that our Civil War was fought to "free the slaves".  Even half-educated citizens know by now; that War was fought to rid us of a dying and malodorous economic system that could not compete with the rising industrial age.  Read Lincoln!; read the Emancipation Proclamation!.
Tom works his way through "access to voting", to get at "poverty" in the United States in 2013.
The failure of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, passed by Congress and vetoed by President Andrew Johnson, led to the passage of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution  The Black Codes, written to blunt the effects of newly-won voting rights for Black Males, are returning today in the same states of the old South; thanks to the Roberts Court.
No, Tom, this is NOT a 50-Year-Old; not even a 150-Year-Old; it is a 225-Year-Old (or more) Question!
Posed by Phyllis Wheatley in the 1700's the question, today, is still, ARE PEOPLE OF COLOR HUMAN BEINGS??  Our vacillation in law and religion leads us to believe that too many whites on this planet don't think so!  That makes this question THE QUESTION for the planet.
My next blog will get at the "economics" and "poverty" and "education" issues raised by Tom in his diatribe against African Americans in 2013.
Stay Vigilant!  "Way to go, "Tom" !!
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