Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The Trayvon Martin Institute ??
One of the many "bad" things Richard Nixon did to this country came, as an unintended consequence, from his decision to end the Military Draft in 1973.  Up until then, this country had a highly effective "institution" for getting young males "over" that rough patch in their growth and development known as the "teen-age Hell years".  As an ADCO in the states of Kansas and Nebraska in the mid- 70's,  (The Air Force Systems Command lost access, "overnight", to top scientific and engineering talent), a local Magistrate complained to me that he could always offer some Hell-raising teen a choice between 6 months in the "pokey", or, go down and "enlist".  The military enlisted ranks held a myriad of techniques and tools to turn a "boy into a man".  Our nation has suffered in many ways since, for the loss.
I propose a Trayvon Martin Institute, a local organization within every major city of this country, to be chartered by carefully drawn guide-lines; funded (crowd-sourcing with corporate matching funds) locally; named, with the approval of the Martin Family; and targeted to males (principally black and brown males born into poverty) starting at the age of 10 year old, and continuing to the age of "emancipation".
This is something that should not be difficult to do; it could provide jobs for chronically unemployed males in those localities; would be a counter to local police who must either cooperate or keep their distance; keep the young males out of the clutches of the drug trade; give them a sense of self-worth; . . . you can add the rest.  If not, why not?
There are plenty of us left who remember the methods used so successfully within the enlisted military before 1973.  We could be advisors, fund raisers, etc.
In addition to hoopin' and hollerin' and prayin' and marchin' in honor of MLK this week; lets DO SOMETHING!  that makes sense and could bring results that directly reflect the dedication and support of the local communities.
 If YOU have the organizing skills, and want to take a leadership role in making something like this happen, write a letter (snail mail) to your Representative or Senator!   Tell them you heard of it here; and DEMAND they support this effort with (no money) their sweat, and their networks!
Stay Vigilant!  Got a better idea??
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