not one republican !!
Tis the season for the "smack-down" it seems. It's also a time for the bête noire In a re-run of Charlie Rose Interviews the other night, Justice Scalia cheerfully claimed the role of bête noire for the Supreme Court. The Nixon-Republican Party showed its fanny to the nation by uniformly rejecting their invitations to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement. Even its token "Lawn Jockey" in the Senate spurned his invitation. No "Bushies", neither Daddy, nor "W", nor Jeb, attended the affair (all were invited). Ten months down-wind of their spectacular loss to the First Black President (second victory), the "Overseer Class" of white supremacists in this country sees President Obama as their bête noire . Brewton Berry concludes his classic text Race and Ethnic Relations (1951), with a history of the Niagara Movement and explains why the NAACP has been the bête noire of white supremacists in this country since the early 1900s.
Ted Cruz, who recently crawled out of the sewer that is Texas and into our Senate, hunkered down with the Spiritual Leader of the Republican Party, Limbaugh, to denounce the new health law and equate it (strangely) with Assad and his terrors in Syria. So much for the tradition of abandoning domestic politics at the "water's edge". Boehner has picked up on that theme and is using Assad to bash Obama. Cantor, of Virginia is doing his own thing: he also spurned his "invite", while he waits for the opportune moment to slip the knife into Boehner. Then, there's Putin, who is pulling Assad's strings; The British Parliament rebuked Cameron over Assad (the ghost of Chamberlain?). Cameron promptly abandoned the "Special Relationship" with the U.S. over Syria. (Churchill must be rolling in his grave -- apparently there are no longer any "International Norms").
What's a beleaguered "First Black" to do? After five years of doing so much, with such little (support), he is now asked to do the impossible with none!
Assad, Putin, Cameron, Boehner and his "death-spiraled" Party, The Bushies, will the real
bête noire puh-leeze "stand up" ?? Maybe the real bête noire is our MEDIA??
Stay Vigilant! Such troubling times; such tiny "leaders"!
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Stay Vigilant! Such troubling times; such tiny "leaders"!
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