Monday, August 19, 2013

A Time of REPROACH for Black Americans?

50 Years  of "Progress" ??
In spite of the struggles we individually have made as black citizens in this country over the past half century, as we approach a 50th Anniversary of the big March of 1963, Trayvon Martin's ordeal, and its aftermath tells us what we need to reflect upon.  Some may look to this time for celebration, but reflection, not celebration, is what is required.  We can re-play the scene in our heads; dark night, rain, stalked by a strange adult, the bare-knuckled defense against a loaded gun, screaming, in vain, for help.  If we can't, or won't protect our children, what can progress really mean? 
We have heard and followed the siren song of individual achievement, and abandoned the "community" of our forebears, to our collective detriment.  As we've taken that path, the unemployment numbers of blacks in all age groups and both genders, are as ugly today as they have been in the past.  Our understanding of, and preparation for, the shifts from local, regional, and national economies to a global economy is abysmal.  Too much of these results stem from conscious choices we have made as individuals and as a people.  Our sense of community, weakened by events since the 1960's, has to be re-discovered and re-built.
Our future, in spite of electing a black President, twice, does not look good.  We can't sing, and pray, and march our way out of our predicament.  Recent activities by state governments around the country are designed to severely limit our access to the ballot box in the future.  Protest, alone, will prove inadequate for countering these trends.
That portion of our white citizenry who fund and drive the efforts that have led us to economic collapse; also thwart all efforts for economic recovery;  seek destruction of the government, if they can't retain total control; and, clearly, are to blame for much of this.  Blame, however, is useless as a strategy in our search of a better future.  A successful response to an organized threat has to be an organized defense.  Theirs is a hopeless view of the future, and a "scorched earth" response.  They see their dwindling numbers and influence as reason to wall off their part of  the country and wield power autocratically.
Blacks, browns, other non-whites, women, and minorities of other description must take a hard look at these facts and come together to work out a path to the future that counters their views and tactics.
Stay Vigilant!  It's late, but, hopefully not too late!
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