Sunday, August 4, 2013


A 21st Century Term for "Power"??
One of my favorite lines is a movie is in The Reivers; a film of a story by Faulkner.  It is from a scene in which a Southern Cracker is belittling an old black man.  Another white tells him something to the effect: "there's a limit beyond which we don't go!"  That was Faulkner's way of setting the limits in the old South for their treatments of blacks.  Could this define "The Base", perhaps, that terrifies politicians like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and John Boehner.  It also explains the politics of a younger crop of politicians like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.  It could explain the fact that nothing President  O'Bama says or does will ever gain acceptance by this group of citizens.
This core group of citizens, armed with Big Money, have bought, and now control, entire states, like North Carolina, and Wisconsin. It threatens, via the Tea Party, to destroy our Constitutional form government at the national level.  Our economy was clearly put in the crapper, and held there since 2008, by this group.  We came perilously close to electing one of their ciphers as President of the United States.
This Base operates on it own definition of what is "Moral".  I read in the latest TIME, and watched an interview by Charlie Rose concerning the latest hit T.V. series "Breaking Bad", filmed here in "Indian Country".  It is speculated that the series is popular because it redefines "Morality".  If so, don't ignore what the Catholic hierarchy has done by springing "Pope-Too" on us!  They obviously see the need to play "Good Cop/Bad Cop" in order to keep the world's non-white faithful comfortably asleep!
Where is the "Base" on the opposing side of this drama?  Where is, and who comprises, O'Bama's "Base"??  Does it only operate in Presidential elections?  Will the "evil" base reign again in 2014; in spite of their obvious lie, told in 2010, that they care about "jobs"??  Or maybe we didn't hear the message correctly in 2010: their real concern was to make sure that good jobs were destroyed, and as many jobs as possible would be eliminated, permanently??  Last Friday's unemployment statistics could support such a conclusion.
In our post-Cold War, and global ,economy, an entirely new "Base" for morality could be forming.  The old, fairy-tale, "good vs. evil" base touted by Churches and Hollywood during my lifetime, is being replaced by a type of Amorality; wherein no one cares what is right or wrong.  The verdict in the Trayvon Martin trial would support this conclusion; as would also the rise in state-supported crimes like human and drug trafficking.
Stay Vigilant!  To what "base" do you belong?
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