"Piece-Work" Nation??
Today, the markets are down in response to new "unemployment" data. The good news: Unemployment is "down". The bad news: Employment is down, also. How so? Ever since that famous "paint warehouse mass-firing" by a major U.S. Corporation in the late 1980's, the move by Finance (Big Money) boys into old established U.S. Corporations kicked into "high-gear". Why? They discovered this boosted the stock prices. From that time to this day, ways to "make money" off the employees, themselves, instead of their "output" on the job, has accelerated and taken many surprising turns. Retirement funds have been manipulated into "bubbles" in stocks and housing; reduced work hours for those "lucky" enough to remain employed; and many corporations have been destroyed, providing tremendous personal profits for individual "financial operators". Before 1990, corporations knew that fewer than 20% of their employees produced more than 80% of the output. The problem was that they didn't know which employees were which. Computers did a lot to fix that problem for the Money Boys.
Now we are a nation of "piece-workers". Piece-work is that type of work where you are paid only by the number of "Pieces" you produce, or the amount of fruits or vegetables you pick. No benefits to speak of. No "life" because the employers control your hours and days. Most importantly, you're told when you can work, and when you "can't" work. Compare a worker's pay-stub today with a pay-stub issued by major corporations before 1990, and you will be astounded with the difference! Computing power devolves to the benefit of the Money Boys, and virtually no one else!.
Bright technologists were expected to be the new "knowledge workers" who maintained control over their work and their lives. That didn't pan out! Why, because only those who "marry well" to Big Money can "profit" from their technical brilliance. Zuckerberg vs. the Winkelvoss Twins is the exception that proves the rule! After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was discovered that technical brains outside the U.S. were better, and cheaper! Big Money is highly successful at "picking brains" for free!
Big Money has moved into politics in a big way, buying and selling congress-people, and placing "operatives" inside the Executive and Judicial branches. Voters are distracted by silliness such as pictures of a Congressman's penis. Got the picture? Then, there's "Sequester", which turns out be the cherry on the sundae for those on the Right who want government totally destroyed; and be taken over completely by "Corporations".
Stay Vigilant! There are none so blind as those who "will not" see.
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