Saturday, August 31, 2013


"Passing" in a time of DNA ?
As the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 Civil Rights March draws to a close, our white Media revisits its decades-old campaign, pushing "Martin - not - Malcolm".  Like the black Rappers of today, they think they can "define" blackness.
I have hazy memories of those summers in the 1940's, in Misery, when our "white" cousins would mysteriously appear for short visits.  We knew their names, but were never told where they appeared from.  I later learned that they "passed" for white in neighboring states;  Iowa, Illinois, and Kansas.  Many of the dark-skinned men on our block had wives who were "whiter than Nancy Reagan".  Negroes of that day believed that "lighter" skin "improved" the Race.
Fast forward to 2013 and it stands to reason that many, if not most "whites" today might not be able to "pass" the test of "one-drop"; cited by the Taney Supreme Court in Plessey.  DNA must keep them up at night; especially "Batista" Cubans in Florida, who dearly desire to be accepted as "white".  Even the Tsarnaev boys were "questionable" as to their "whiteness"; according to our "white" Media.
In my decades of moving and establishing residence in many parts of this country, and  from my experiences in the military, I learned there are vast differences, in appearance, and in mind-set, among the people we view today as "blacks".  It could explain why whites in the 1940's used the term "Colored" to describe us.
"Passing", incidentally, is considered to be "assimilation"; when the practice is applied to white immigrants.  They are encouraged to change their names, deny the heritage, and deny their families.  Immigrants of color face very different treatment.
We have historically included peoples of "questionable" racial heritage as "white" in many places throughout this country.  Classified as "hybrids" or "American Mestizos", they include Creoles, Cajuns, Brass Ankles, Red Bones, Red Legs, Turks, Croatans, Guineas, Melungeons .. the list is long.
As the numbers for "whites" among our population continue to dwindle, the anxiety of  Republicans, who have based their politics on "race", since the time of Nixon, becomes more shrill.
Stay Vigilant!  Do you really know who you are? 
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Friday, August 30, 2013

GLOBAL (political) "EBOLA" ??

A "Natural" Solution ??
What if??  Could it be that our revolutionary technology for global communications, will awaken internal strife that has lain dormant for centuries all over this planet??  We already see that the first casualties of the "new Media" have been truth, understanding, trust, reason, and sanity -- in many aspects of our lives.
Think about  our past 500 years of "conquest" and "slavery".  Europeans have drawn "lines" on the maps in the Middle East, and Africa, and elsewhere, that have trapped historic blood feuds within those lines.   Rapid and global communication awakens that strife. 
Viruses like Ebola, appear periodically; but they spread so rapidly that all of those who are infected will die before an epidemic can get started.  It burns itself out, in other words.  The Mexican drug wars are disappearing from a similar effect:  the gangs are running out of blood to spill.  The Crusades and other religious wars follow a similar pattern:  they end when the blood runs out.
As horrible as it is to accept, a similar fate awaits those who engage in Civil Wars in the 21st Century.  The questions are (1) how to contain them; limit them to the area where they erupt; (2) how to keep them from becoming "opportune events" for spreading animosities to other regions and (3) how to keep these events from becoming fuel for domestic politics.  Media has shown its ability to fan these fires.  New measures, commensurate with free speech will have to be devised to counter the effects of events like the Syrian Civil War.
Stay Vigilant!  Think about it!
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Bête Noire

not one republican !!
Tis the season for the "smack-down" it seems.  It's also a time for the bête noire    In a re-run of Charlie Rose Interviews the other night, Justice Scalia cheerfully claimed the role of  bête noire for the Supreme Court.  The Nixon-Republican Party showed its fanny to the  nation by uniformly rejecting their invitations to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement.  Even its token "Lawn Jockey" in the Senate spurned his invitation.  No "Bushies", neither Daddy, nor "W", nor Jeb, attended the affair (all were invited).  Ten months down-wind of their spectacular loss to the First Black President (second victory), the "Overseer Class" of white supremacists in this country sees President Obama as their bête noire .  Brewton Berry concludes his classic text Race and Ethnic Relations (1951), with a  history of the Niagara Movement and explains why the NAACP has been the bête noire of white supremacists in this country since the early 1900s.
Ted Cruz, who recently crawled out of the sewer that is Texas and into our Senate, hunkered down with the Spiritual Leader of the Republican Party, Limbaugh, to denounce the new health law and equate it (strangely) with Assad and his terrors in Syria.  So much for the tradition of abandoning domestic politics at the "water's edge".  Boehner has picked up on that theme and is using Assad to bash Obama. Cantor, of Virginia is doing his own thing:  he also spurned his "invite", while he waits for the opportune moment to slip the knife into Boehner.  Then, there's Putin, who is pulling Assad's strings; The British Parliament rebuked Cameron over Assad (the ghost of Chamberlain?).  Cameron promptly abandoned the "Special Relationship" with the U.S. over Syria.  (Churchill must be rolling in his grave -- apparently there are no longer any "International Norms").
What's a beleaguered "First Black" to do?  After five years of doing so much, with such little (support), he is now asked to do the impossible with none!
Assad, Putin, Cameron, Boehner and his "death-spiraled" Party, The Bushies, will the real
bête noire  puh-leeze "stand up" ??  Maybe the real bête noire is our MEDIA??

Stay Vigilant!  Such troubling times; such tiny "leaders"!

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Thursday, August 29, 2013


Are We "Back-on-the-Back"
Where were the buses?  There were a number of persons, in the media, and  during the Memorial Marches reminiscing about those days, "50 years ago".   Many of them remembered the unending lines of buses, and the long bus rides, that brought  hundreds of thousands to Washington, and carried them away -- all in the same day.
Not now!  Why??  Because those were "segregated days"!  Negroes, in those days lived, supported each other, and survived in hundreds and thousands of small towns and "hollows" throughout this country.  The combined oppression of federal, state, county, and city laws; the unrelenting hostility of whites, and Klan terrorism, created and sustained those "communities".  Just about all of them had access to a bus for travel.  Not today.  Its those "communities" that disappeared;  largely because of Integration of the schools.  Kill a school, kill a community.  Hence; almost no buses at the Memorial 50-years later.
But, you might ask, the Negroes fought for integrated schools!  They sure did.  Just like Oprah's purse, they thought that anything the whites had was somehow "better".  They know now that they were wrong about that.  Their children are not the same after unprotected exposure to "white schooling".  Not everywhere, of course; in some of those "hollows" there were no schools for any children, white or non-white.  Many agricultural areas (not all in the South) have consistently fought against "education", because it interfered with farming.
One of the lines in the recent film The Butler, was a jab at the movie roles played by Sidney Poitier. One of  roles played by Sidney that I remember, was in the 1957 film, Band of  Angels:,   in which Sidney played an African slave, captured as an infant, and raised as a "son" by Clark Gable.  What Sidney told Clark in their last scene in the film is something we all might  "think" about?
Stay Vigilant!  Learn to use new technologies to re-establish viable communities!!
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

the Road "BACK" to "3/5"

"Everything Old ..."

The recent decision by the Roberts Court to set this nation back on the road to 1789, and the "3/5 Rule", completes a "loop" back to the white supremacy of our beginnings.  The most grievous act committed by "W" against this nation was his selection of Roberts and Alito to join Scalia and Thomas on the Supreme Court.  The combination of Citizens United and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, will serve to return persons of color in this nation to the "3/5 - human" status devised by our Founders.
"3/5": that was the part of  "human status" assigned to the slaves; the amount of  "representation" assigned to the South for their slaves.  Our government did not get around to considering the human status of Native Americans or, that blend of African and Native that arrived from Mexico and other parts of the Americas and the Caribbean.  De Tocqueville explains that extermination was the path chosen for them by our early leaders.  The adults were killed outright; the children were kidnapped and "schooled" to rid them of their "Indian-ness".  The Revolution of 1810 in Mexico was all about the "Creollas vs. the Gachupines", and an early attempt to end racism in the Americas.
The circle of "reformation" starts again in 2013: first, they replaced the chains with economic, legal, and social repressions, overseen by religions and government.  50 years ago, some of the legal repression was removed, and "education" became the lead tool for continuing the oppression.  The "dreamers" of 50 years ago abandoned their children to un-protected abuses within the public schools, backed up by government and law.  We're seeing the results of the damage done to non-white children over the past half-century.  Tom Donlan, in Barron's (see yesterday's blog) states:
         "Americans who march this week in spirit with the March on Washington of 1963 must adopt a new agenda.  It should include transformative education for the poorest people, adults, and children, so they can grow into a role in a strong and expanding economy."  
Do we seriously believe that poor and powerless marchers will have the means or strategies to accomplish what he recommends.  Public schools are controlled, in every detail, by whites with power and money.  Donlan writes:  "Poverty is first of all a state of mind, and it is a mental state that Americans of all races are finding harder to break."  When and how the state of mind is acquired, he doesn't say. 
Donlan hints that poor whites will be included in the next round of exclusion, currently  under construction by our Supreme Court, state judiciaries, and powerful institutions like public schools and churches.  The Hard Right has been single-focused for the past 50 years in their "backlash" to the March.  We see the results of their efforts, full-blown, in our House of Representatives, today.
Stay Vigilant!  Words are meant to spur actions!  We polish the words -- where are the actions?
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A "TOM" for These Times ?? ...

Thnx to "RUPERT" ? 
The first "Tom" (the Uncle) was brought to the world by Harriett Beecher Stowe during the run-up to our Civil War.  Today, we have Thomas G. Donlan, courtesy of BARRON'S, by way of Rupert Murdock  As Editorial Page Editor, Tom has "gifted" us with his "opinion" of the Civil Rights Revolution in this country.  
Google and read: "A 50-Year-Old Question" in this week's (26Aug13) Barron's.  This "fabrication" of history (no references offered) is indicative of the humongous task before all of us, as we struggle to get free of our horrendous past and find a future that meets our potential as a people and as a nation.
Not unlike many of  the white males I have encountered during the past seven decades, Tom appears to be shoddily educated, in a powerful position to persuade people, and an unabashed "apologist" for the "top 10%".  We CAN read, however, and WILL do research!  We will not swallow this "swill" without regurgitation.  (You have to pay extra to get Tom's Bio on Linked-In).
Tom begins his piece with the age-old myth that our Civil War was fought to "free the slaves".  Even half-educated citizens know by now; that War was fought to rid us of a dying and malodorous economic system that could not compete with the rising industrial age.  Read Lincoln!; read the Emancipation Proclamation!.
Tom works his way through "access to voting", to get at "poverty" in the United States in 2013.
The failure of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, passed by Congress and vetoed by President Andrew Johnson, led to the passage of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution.  The Black Codes, written to blunt the effects of newly-won voting rights for Black Males, are returning today in the same states of the old South; thanks to the Roberts Court.
No, Tom, this is NOT a 50-Year-Old; not even a 150-Year-Old; it is a 225-Year-Old (or more) Question!
Posed by Phyllis Wheatley in the 1700's the question, today, is still, ARE PEOPLE OF COLOR HUMAN BEINGS??  Our vacillation in law and religion leads us to believe that too many whites on this planet don't think so!  That makes this question THE QUESTION for the planet.
My next blog will get at the "economics" and "poverty" and "education" issues raised by Tom in his diatribe against African Americans in 2013.
Stay Vigilant!  "Way to go, "Tom" !!
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Monday, August 26, 2013

R U a "COLORBLIND" (racist)?

Studies show, and everyone knows, that "color" is often crucial to the role sensors play in "survival" in the animal kingdom (which includes human beings).  Those (of any color) who believe and/or propose that we humans could, or should, be "blind" to this fact, are driven there by questionable, and extreme psychology.
Those who propose "colorblindness" as an approach to social behavior among human beings, believe that simply "ignoring" the color racism that abounds within our day-to-day lives will make the phenomenon "go away".  It hasn't, and won't!  Only by openly and willingly embracing the various colors of human beings as "normal", "human", "healthy",  and "beautiful", can we make this "sickness" go away.
Viewing skin color as somehow significant in the determination of human worth, is a social practice that has existed throughout history (in various schemes), but became a worldwide malignancy in human affairs among Europeans after the African Slave Trade began in the early 1500's.
Today, in 2013, skin color still reigns as the major determinant of human worth among persons of all colors; within nations, within families, and, most of all, within religions.  Religion, specifically Christianity, was used to establish and drive the African Slave Trade, and singularly remains as the world-force behind the continuance of color-racism.  The people who cling most fervidly to Christianity-based racism are both, those people who benefit most; AND those who suffer most from color discrimination.  The practice of color discrimination by Christians; against each other, and among siblings within families, is widespread. 
This sickness is taught to succeeding generations, that do not bring this predisposition (to view color in a malignant manner) with them at birth.  Ignoring "color" only allows the sickness to continue and to fester.
Governments and States have made their laws, and the enforcement of those laws, contingent on skin color.  Many of the  old laws have been removed; but recently, there has been a turn back toward
those earlier legal practices (the Roberts Supreme Court, in this regard, is turning back in the direction of the Taney Court of the late 19th Century).  To witness this in a period of spreading Global Economic Activity; in a world where at least two-thirds of the population are persons of "color"; is frightful!
Stay Vigilant!  Celebrate "Color", with "Fairness" and "Justice"!!
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Sunday, August 25, 2013

STRATEGIES? ... (anyone?)

"David & Goliath?"
As I watched the event yesterday (50th Anniversary of the "March"), I was left with a sinking feeling.  I saw a number of "has-been" leaders of the old Civil Rights Movement, complaining loudly,  but offering meager responses to the "well-oiled and funded" machine  they are opposing.  Memories are not strategies.  The "soldiers" in the Fight for Rights today all seem to be very well off, "Icons", who are polishing their brands.

 Meanwhile, the opposition has taken the House of Representatives, has designs on the Senate in 2014, and are planning to engineer a "shut-down" of the Federal Government this Fall.  There was no evidence of a proposal to counter these serious, and dangerous changes that have taken place.
The economic and political pathologies of today (and there are many), affect many more people than those in the old Civil Rights Movement.  Poor whites, Gays, persons without education and health care, the jobless, those who are facing age discrimination -- representatives for all of these persons were missing at yesterday's March.
Why would anyone think that doing the same things that didn't work well for the past 50 years will somehow "solve" the many problems surfaced in yesterday's speeches?  The opposition shouts that "We're a nation of laws!"  The "We" they speak of clearly do not include those represented at the March.  The "laws" they speak of are ones they write and they choose whether, or not, to enforce.
"Justice", today, is in the eye of the beholder.
The community, and families, represented in the March in 1963, has disappeared; and will not be replicated.  A community, composed of families today, has to be identified, empowered, and focused toward these issues, or "tomorrow", for this country, is in doubt.  The "opposition" has built their Hard-Right "community", and they hope to grow it.  Nixon was their strategist, Reagan was their voice, and Ted Cruz hopes to become their face!
If this set of facts fails to form and focus a credible counter-force, what does? 
Stay Vigilant!  Strategies? . . .  Anyone?
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Saturday, August 24, 2013


A 50-Year "Swing" to the Hard Right?? 
So help me God!; I can't "figure-out" Allen West!  At first, I thought he was "play-acting" to appeal to Sarah Palin, and those "Batista-Cubans" she supports in our Senate.  But then, he didn't connect with Sarah until Sarah "became" Sarah; and that was after McCain tried to foist her off on us as V.P. during the 2008 election campaign.
No, it has something to do with his military career, I'm afraid.  He finished his career "under a cloud", relieved of command in Iraq; tried by the military, and retired  at the rank of Lt. Colonel, in 2004.  So, he was a black officer, I was a black officer, and Colin Powell was a black officer.  What's the same, and what's different?
Colin's the oldest (born in 1937 - two years older than me); West is the youngest (born in 1961 -- one year before my own son was born).  The time line doesn't support any argument for "progress"; unless you think movement to the Hard Right denotes progress; for an individual or a nation. 
Colin "rocketed" to the top after he caught the eye of  "Cap-the-knife" Weinberger in Nixon's administration, where Colin served as "white House Fellow", at the rank of  Lt. Colonel.  I retired, at the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Air Force in 1982 -- the same year Allen West entered on active duty.  Colin retired as a 4-Star in 1993.  he was later "hung-out-to-dry", on T.V., before the entire world by his right-wing buddies in the Republican Party.
I served during the time of Colin's career and before West's career began.  Both Powell and West were "ground pounders"; I was completely focused on  RDT&E (research, development, testing, and engineering), and in a different service.  We can, however, get a glimpse of the effects of the times and the impact on each of us that was made by the "progress" of the Military Services toward a racially integrated force.  Powell and I were in the throes of "integration" stresses.  While Powell, as a Lt. Colonel was in the White House, I, as a Captain,  completed my Master's Thesis featuring the tremendous impact of racial integration on the military services.  Readers of this blog, may know that I noticed a swing to the Hard Right within the military at the time of my retirement in 1982 -- the early Reagan years.  Powell was ordered to "crack down" on black militants following one of the many race riots that took place in the 70's, in all services, and around the world.
West arrived after "racial stability" was achieved, but in a more "conservative" climate.  West was born in the deep South, while Colin and I were born outside that region (I was born west of the Mississippi, and Colin in New York, our only "Dutch" colony).
As retired General Benjamin O. Davis explained to me, we were (Colin and I) the "shock troops" serving to racially integrate the military.  Davis, leader of the "Tuskeegee Airmen" was key to the success of the early integration of the services, and the Civil Rights Movement.   It saddens me that someone like West represents the "beneficiaries" of all of that. 
Stay Vigilant!  "This too, shall pass!"
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Friday, August 23, 2013


Return of: "The THUG" : At Home and Abroad 
When I was born (1939), two "Thugs" ruled world affairs: Joe Stalin of Russia, who led the "dictatorship of the masses": Communism); and Adolf Hitler, who led the "dictatorship of the Rich": Fascism).  They joined forces for a while; until the Fascist betrayed the Communist, driving him to support the Allied Forces (led by the United States), and the defeat of the Fascists in Germany and Italy.
But Fascism was not "defeated"; the survivors fled to the Americas, where the roots of Fascism originated earlier, as rivulets from that "mountain" of evil known as chattel slavery.  "Eugenics" invented the practice of selective killing of  "defectives" (on both sides of the Atlantic) and the establishment of state-sponsored "work camps".  Chattel slavery was the handiwork of the Popes of the Catholic Religion.
Today, we find 21st Century Man, with his head in the stars; dreaming of an escape to Mars (or anywhere outside this planet); driven by accelerating advances in technology.  His butt, however, is stuck in the caves of antiquity, fired by ancient blood divisions of race and tribe; driven by organized religions.  We could do something to fix this, but we don't really want to.  It appears to be true that we can't help ourselves; as we waltz back toward the evils of 1939.
Rachel Maddow broadcast her show last night from the state of North Carolina; a state vying for the lead in a movement to re-segregate and/or enslave the poor, minorities, and women; by artfully denying them access to the ballot, and forming a "dictatorship" of the Hard Right. 
In Egypt, the "winner" of the ballot has been imprisoned by the Military, and the former dictator, who was the benefactor of the Military, has been freed from prison.
At home, North Carolina joins states like Texas (which openly admits its interest in "Secession" from the United States ), Wisconsin, Michigan, Alabama, . . . the list grows as our states turn "Red".
In Russia, the ancient tactic of "scapegoating" returns; as they use the "Gays", in a manner not too unlike the Hard Right in this country uses the "un-documented";  to stir up public sentiment and build their power base.  The Nature of Prejudice, by Gordon Allport, is a text we should all re-read to help  defend ourselves in these times. 
Then there is Syria:  a text-book case of the ends to which Tribes will go to "survive" and rule.
That disease could easily escape the Middle East, in these times, when Religions appear to be as evil as the raw dictators of old.
Stay Vigilant! The Plot(s) Thicken and Sicken!
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Thursday, August 22, 2013


Giving Us "The Blues"??
One of the favorite stories in my "administrivia" collection, is the one about Ol' Blue.  A young man went back "down South" to visit his Grampa.  As he drove through the gate to the farm, he passed Ol Blue, a large hound dog, that was howling in pain.  When he reached the house, he found his grandfather on the porch.  After greetings, he asked if they should get a gun and put the dog out of his misery.
The grandfather said, "ain't nuthin' wrong with Blue; he's just layin' on a thorn, and too damn lazy to get up"!
Maybe we should give that dog's name to this Congress -- all 535 members!  The "thorn" is actually a hand-full of "wack-jobs" influenced by extreme-Right  "Stink-Tanks".  Congress shifts pain onto us,  as they remain paralyzed by fear.  To free Congress from their fear-driven paralysis, the voting public will have to perform the function of "the gun".
These "wack-jobs" are threatening to "shut down" the government this Fall.  In fact, they have paralyzed the first session of the 113th Congress.  That act alone cripples the government by hamstringing one its three branches, in the midst of an historical struggle to repair a severely damaged economy.  The damage, both at home and abroad is considerable.
Stay Vigilant!  Should the GOP change its symbol from the Elephant to a Blue Hound Dog?
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The Trayvon Martin Institute ??
One of the many "bad" things Richard Nixon did to this country came, as an unintended consequence, from his decision to end the Military Draft in 1973.  Up until then, this country had a highly effective "institution" for getting young males "over" that rough patch in their growth and development known as the "teen-age Hell years".  As an ADCO in the states of Kansas and Nebraska in the mid- 70's,  (The Air Force Systems Command lost access, "overnight", to top scientific and engineering talent), a local Magistrate complained to me that he could always offer some Hell-raising teen a choice between 6 months in the "pokey", or, go down and "enlist".  The military enlisted ranks held a myriad of techniques and tools to turn a "boy into a man".  Our nation has suffered in many ways since, for the loss.
I propose a Trayvon Martin Institute, a local organization within every major city of this country, to be chartered by carefully drawn guide-lines; funded (crowd-sourcing with corporate matching funds) locally; named, with the approval of the Martin Family; and targeted to males (principally black and brown males born into poverty) starting at the age of 10 year old, and continuing to the age of "emancipation".
This is something that should not be difficult to do; it could provide jobs for chronically unemployed males in those localities; would be a counter to local police who must either cooperate or keep their distance; keep the young males out of the clutches of the drug trade; give them a sense of self-worth; . . . you can add the rest.  If not, why not?
There are plenty of us left who remember the methods used so successfully within the enlisted military before 1973.  We could be advisors, fund raisers, etc.
In addition to hoopin' and hollerin' and prayin' and marchin' in honor of MLK this week; lets DO SOMETHING!  that makes sense and could bring results that directly reflect the dedication and support of the local communities.
 If YOU have the organizing skills, and want to take a leadership role in making something like this happen, write a letter (snail mail) to your Representative or Senator!   Tell them you heard of it here; and DEMAND they support this effort with (no money) their sweat, and their networks!
Stay Vigilant!  Got a better idea??
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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Inside the "KOCH & ALEC" Mind-Set

A "Free" Education ??
All citizens of this country, and all viewers on this planet (who were watching), got an in-depth exposure to the "mind-sets" of those in this nation who serve Funders, like the Koch Brothers, and "Think Tanks Movements"', like ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council).  That mind-set is the one expressed by members of the "Clown Cars" paraded before us in the Republican  Primary Campaigns of 2012.
Citizens of this persuasion are to be found in every corner of this nation, and, in toxic concentrations within Congress.  Their mind-set, which includes everything from "insurrectionist" politics, racist beliefs and activities,  and questionable allegiances to our Constitution, can be found "at home" at FOX "News".
It was true in our history that not ALL white citizens were active members of the KKK.  Not ALL white citizen today subscribe to these Radical Right Wing Politics.  Those who do, (including a few black "strap-hangers") must be reported on continuously and openly.  ALEC has been operating in secret for years.  They have worked to undermine the Constitution at the level of state and local governments. The racial tactics of this group serve to "muddy" their positions;  through thinly-veiled "deniability".  Like other "shadow" groups, they confuse and separate local citizens along lines that serve their purposes.  Their propaganda includes race-baiting.
The rest of us should not continue to give these people a "pass".  What they have done, and are still threatening to do, severely infringe the freedoms, physical and economic security, and Constitutional Rights of everyone. Their activities are so serious that some Republicans, previously regarded as "rational", are beginning to "push back".
The road to fiscal sanity in this country requires full exposure of this faction for what they seek.  Serious and thorough examination of their designs, and open opposition to the threats they pose, is surprisingly lacking.   If a group of "foreigners" were known to be engaged in these activities;  I'm sure they would be quickly exposed and countered by our "leading" news organizations.
Their very "incipience" threatens to permanently degrade this nation.
Stay Vigilant!  This is a classic circumstance where small groups can bully the majority into submission! 
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Monday, August 19, 2013

A Time of REPROACH for Black Americans?

50 Years  of "Progress" ??
In spite of the struggles we individually have made as black citizens in this country over the past half century, as we approach a 50th Anniversary of the big March of 1963, Trayvon Martin's ordeal, and its aftermath tells us what we need to reflect upon.  Some may look to this time for celebration, but reflection, not celebration, is what is required.  We can re-play the scene in our heads; dark night, rain, stalked by a strange adult, the bare-knuckled defense against a loaded gun, screaming, in vain, for help.  If we can't, or won't protect our children, what can progress really mean? 
We have heard and followed the siren song of individual achievement, and abandoned the "community" of our forebears, to our collective detriment.  As we've taken that path, the unemployment numbers of blacks in all age groups and both genders, are as ugly today as they have been in the past.  Our understanding of, and preparation for, the shifts from local, regional, and national economies to a global economy is abysmal.  Too much of these results stem from conscious choices we have made as individuals and as a people.  Our sense of community, weakened by events since the 1960's, has to be re-discovered and re-built.
Our future, in spite of electing a black President, twice, does not look good.  We can't sing, and pray, and march our way out of our predicament.  Recent activities by state governments around the country are designed to severely limit our access to the ballot box in the future.  Protest, alone, will prove inadequate for countering these trends.
That portion of our white citizenry who fund and drive the efforts that have led us to economic collapse; also thwart all efforts for economic recovery;  seek destruction of the government, if they can't retain total control; and, clearly, are to blame for much of this.  Blame, however, is useless as a strategy in our search of a better future.  A successful response to an organized threat has to be an organized defense.  Theirs is a hopeless view of the future, and a "scorched earth" response.  They see their dwindling numbers and influence as reason to wall off their part of  the country and wield power autocratically.
Blacks, browns, other non-whites, women, and minorities of other description must take a hard look at these facts and come together to work out a path to the future that counters their views and tactics.
Stay Vigilant!  It's late, but, hopefully not too late!
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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Time To "STOP B*T(chin')" , and , Get To WORK!!

Time to Stop "Dreaming" ??
I learned in my graduate studies how "Rural" legislators prevail:  They get up earlier, and work harder!  That explains why the better "educated" folk lose in the end.  Sneering at the ignorant., only helps them. 
Liberals (black and white) have to move into the center cities and focus directly on those black males running loose in the streets.  White liberals must stop "interceding", "interfering, or "supplanting"  the relationship between black parents and their children.  This only helps those racists who have, for centuries, kept blacks in physical and economic bondage.  These practices harken back to centuries-old instances of "taking" children from the families and communities of persons of color.  We know who and where these kids are, and where they live.  We have money, too!
Putting "in charge" those families and communities that produce the black and brown males everyone is "concerned" about and then genuinely supporting them, will stop shootings and other forms of "crime"; overnight!  Remember, white ethnic gangs in our cities were no longer a problem for rich whites after they were put in police uniforms and armed to keep the poor and non-white citizens under "control".
 "Celebrities" on the Left will turn out, in droves, this weekend, to "celebrate" the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.  Many of them did not "show up" in the Movement until it was clear that there would be no violence, and an "acceptable" leader was installed.  Movements often "morph" into businesses.  These tendencies on the Left feed the Extreme Right, and continue to devastate black and brown youth.  The very existence of these problems, 50 years after the "March", is a mark of shame against the Black Christian Church!  Deference to white leadership, is a slavery legacy, and is an Achilles Heel of the black strategies employed since the 1970(s).  The Extreme Right owns enough judges today.
We must learn to work smarter, not just harder
Stay Vigilant!  The fate of our nation hangs in the balance.
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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Are We All "BUTLER"(s) Today ??

"THE" Question??
I saw The Butler yesterday  The movie paralleled my life in ways  that were illuminating, and uncomfortable.  My memories were still too raw.  The film is artfully and tastefully done.  It was pure genius to cover those years, spanning more than half a century, in one film.  It was also refreshing to get a glimpse of Oprah's acting sans Spielberg (Color Purple).  It's a "Must-See" for anyone who seeks a sane and safe future for this country and this planet.
I entered Washington D.C. five years after the (fictionalized) Cecil Gaines began his butler career in the White House.  As a brand new Air Force Officer assigned to the NSA, I witnessed the Kennedy and Johnson years (1962-1966) "up-close".  The movie captures accurately what the "atmosphere" was like, then and there, for black citizens; both in their personal and professional lives.  I was there, able to witness from a unique vantage point, the very early Vietnam Draft controversies, the March on Washington, the March on the White House protesting the Birmingham Church bombing (I participated), and the assassinations of both President Kennedy and Malcolm X. 
Black student activism started much earlier than the history books show.  The black students at C.C. Hubbard went on strike before the 1954 Decision, and  got rid of an "Uncle Tom" Principal selected by the white School Board to replace C.C. Hubbard after his death in 1947.  I'm sure similar stories could be told by blacks in other parts of the country in those years. 
Lee Daniels made his point well that human bonds trump just about everything else for those of us who can see past the massive conditioning of religion, events, movements, and political alliances in history.  That challenge is never more urgent than it is in 2013!
Stay Vigilant!  See the film?
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Friday, August 16, 2013


Can Whites "Afford" to Keep This?
Thanks to Oprah, and others, we will all get a chance to look, (with "fresh" eyes (?), at an ages old and pernicious evil in our social fabric.  Derived from the darkest days of the slavery model established in these Americas, white citizens in the South (and, some places outside) have clung to their "Help".
It is a good thing that this comes to us at a time when rich Mayors of large cities find it difficult to understand why it is wrong to single out black and brown males as "suspected criminals".  It is also clear that there is some unspoken "link" between the thinking of white males and black women; when domestic "servitude" is involved.  I personally think the writers inserted, as a "joke",  Nancy Reagan's "invitation"  -- as if it really changed anything.  "Mr. T" was more to her liking; as I remember.
The Help, explored the bond between white children and their black maids.  It did not treat clearly the important relationship and "bonding" that black women formed with white children and white families; often to the detriment of their own children and families.  A casual review of Willie Lynch's "commandments" will explain the roots of the old tradition.  The denigration of non-white males continues, to this day, in less obvious ways. 
Against this background, it becomes clear how unusual, and revolutionary, Sabrina Fulton's determination is, to defend her son!  Too many black women prefer to turn to white police, seeking "protection" from black children in their own "community".  The Lynch legacy lives on in 2013!
To understand Hollywood's role in keeping this evil alive, read: Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies,  & Bucks  http/
Stay Vigilant!  Protect your mind, and your emotions.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"EXCLUSION!!" ... the REAL Threat ??

What is "Technology" Driving??
We all see it among our children around our dinner tables, in our schools, our churches, and within the halls of Governments:  that sense of "exclusion", or being "left out" is primal, and evokes a "gut" response.  We all instinctively resist it; many are prepared to do anything to achieve "acceptance".
Hollywood's fictionalized version of what this leads to in the near future (mid 21st century) is depicted in "Elysium"; starring Matt Damon.  The film provides much to think about.  In the film,"Race" has become irrelevant; replaced by an ability of the wealthy and connected to separate, impoverish, and enslave people.   They do this by utilizing advances in current technology, coupled with a policy that denies health care.  They create industries that use those who are enslaved to build their robot oppressors.
From the bowels of the  Expansions in Technology that began under Hitler, and continued during the Cold War, has sprung our Internet, Cell Phones, and many newer technologies.  Perhaps the most ubiquitous and powerful technology is what we used to call artificial intelligence, but now is recognized as "robotics".  The perfection of robots and their use in ultimate repressions necessary to sustain  the ultimate exclusion of mankind, is the subject of the film.  We are now, more than 40 years "into" this technology.  Separation from those whom they have "excluded", takes place within a satellite-based "civilization"; based on current  Space Station technology.  As I remember, C.P. Snow foresaw something like this in his book, The Physicists.
Religions, governments, and organizations of varied sorts rely heavilyon their ability to "exclude".  Their growth and survival depend on it.  From the "Royal" baby, to "Oprah's Purse", the "tools" for exclusion abound.  The Republicans have seized this strategy; in what may be either a "death grip" or, a "death spiral" as a political party.  Their use of "Race" as their principal tool for exclusion, is proving more and more inadequate.  It is serving to make a shrinking white populace more afraid, and more determined to arm themselves.  Trying a little "inclusion" could do a lot to ease the fears of whites.
As we look abroad, we see the results of a century or more of our "American version of Exclusionary Foreign Policy" that has been exported by our State Department.  From Saddam, to Gadhafi, to Arafat, Mubarak, Assad, Sharon, and now, Netanyahu; (the list is longer), the "fingers" of U.S. "policies for "exclusion" of one group or another abound.  The news today from Egypt may indicate that all of this has "hit the fan".
Stay Vigilant!  "Inclusion" should not be that hard!  Technology "augurs" no good!
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"OBAMA" at the "Misery" FAIR

A 65-year-old "Flashback"
At my advanced age, I never expected the Internet to provide a "flashback",  of 65 years, to a time and place that I had hoped had "changed" for the better.  Apparently not!  As a child, below the age of 10, I stood across from an entrance to the "Misery" Fair Grounds; tipping my hat to cars filled with the "grandparents" of the yahoos in the stands at that rodeo a few days ago.  I was a human sign, paid 10 cents an hour for a 10 hour day; suffering the racial epithets of the passengers entering the grounds.
There was no Internet then, and few, if any, white Missourians would have thought anything was out of the "ordinary".  One Missourian, these many years later, was incensed enough to post the "Obama Mask" event on Facebook.   Perhaps that is some measure of "progress:
The link above also includes a YouTube video in which the crowd "went wild" with the taunts of the President; which included threats for his personal safety.  Missouri politicians (both parties) took "cover" from the incident.  A hundred miles or so North,  in Iowa, Senator Ted Cruz, father in tow, were stirring up similar sentiments. 
This Fall will be especially nasty; as the politically- cornered Hard Right and Republican Party continue to dig themselves deeper into their "anti-Obama hole".  They started digging it, led by Mitch McConnell, more than five years ago.  We now know, it's not about deficit spending ( deficits are at record lows and declining); it's not even about health care (although Missouri did not, by law, permit blacks to have health care before I left that State in 1959; if whites were providers).  Today, it's all about what Obama represents; and it is personal!  The wider message is intended for all non-whites in this country.
Don't assume social and racial "progress" is uni-directional in this country.  There was more "integration" in the South during the decades between the end of the Civil War, and the beginning of Jim Crow.  It took steady pressure from the KKK, to put Jim Crow laws in place.  The Supreme Court did its part to enable those laws.  Today, the cycle is beginning again?
Stay Vigilant!  "First, they come for ..."  VOTE in 2014!!--the Repoobs hope won't!
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Monday, August 12, 2013


... "About "Stop & Frisk"
As Mayor of New York City, Bloomberg is admitting that he is NOT policing the city in a non-discriminatory manner.  He justifies that fact by claiming to have "saved" Black and Hispanic lives.  This logic is twisted, racist, and defies "equal treatment under the law".
The issue the Mayor misses is that of POLICING!  A major responsibility of any chief executive of a city or town in this country.  He reveals the fact that very few mayors take policing seriously; except for engaging in race-based Terrorism.  That's "policing" in the style of the old Communist East Europeans.
Members of Black and Hispanic communities deserve competent and fair policing.  Not the crap that Bloomberg supports.  It must start with competent and fair POLICE -- from the top down.  It notable that the top cop, Commissioner Kelly, supports the mayor.  All citizens of NYC should be up in arms!
NYC cops should not be uniformed "gang members" who are licensed to shoot to kill.
Competent policing begins from "inside" each community -- not from the outside.  Every police person should be subjected to race and psychological screening before EVER given a badge!
Any black citizens who support this mind-set have "mush" for brains!  Subscribing to the mind-set of Bloomberg and others of his ilk, is a throw-back to the "Old Plantation"!
Stay Vigilant!  Bloomberg is throwing "red meat" to scared white folk!
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"Advertising" the Ultimate "Mind-Eff" ??
We all know the power of "Advertising" in Politics.  There are Billions of dollars being thrown around already in the "preparation" of the voter's minds for the 2014 and 2016 elections.  But what about all of the other "Ads" we're bombarded with daily on T.V.; and everywhere else around??  Think about it -- how many ads have you seen lately where the "non-white" is there as a "sticker", or "paste-on"??
They don't fit the overall setting or "plot" of the advertising.  The "setting" is always white, and the non-white is thrown in either as an after-thought, or, in some bizarre role that is not somehow "appropriate" for one of the white characters.  Check it out!
The end of segregation was supposed to signal the end of white supremacy; but not in advertising!
The "color-line" is crystal clear (subliminally, for the whites) in advertising.  Sit-com writers follow advertising in designing their plots so they can "stick-in" a little "color".  We should stop tolerating this; for a number of reasons! 
Before the Civil Rights legislation of the mid-sixties, I had a conversation with my white "token" female officer co-worker in the Air Force about the Nat King Cole Show in the 50's.  I asked her why she thought white America did not support the show's advertisers.  She told me that seeing a black man on T.V. in a role, other than a buffoon or butler was "too shocking" for whites in 1957.  The show was cancelled.
"Always a member of the house-hold; Never a member of the family" was an old saying among blacks that traces back to the Plantations of old.  Advertising has managed to keep it alive after more than 50 years of "integration"  And we permit them to do it!
How do we stop it? Refuse to buy the product that is promoted in any ad that practices this technique.
Just for "sh*ts and giggles", see how many ads you can count that practice this (and sit-coms).  You will be very surprised at the cleverness employed by these agencies to keep segregation alive.  White parents might also check this out.  Some have wondered aloud how their babies "catch" racist attitudes when they are not taught in the home.  Check out your T.V.!
If white "demographics" are really declining, is this an "opening" for some savvy "non-white" advertising agencies?
Stay Vigilant!  Stop supporting your enemies.
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Sunday, August 11, 2013

More, About "BLACKS & MONEY"

Why We Stay "Poor" ??
"Smart Buyers" are, what Blacks in this country desperately need to become.  I know that will be hard to accomplish, given the massive forces in our economy that mitigate against such an outcome; but, it is possible!
What is a "smart" buyer?  It is someone who will not spend a dime of his or her money in any way that supports a person, a group, or an organization, that  neither respects, nor "invests" in them, or  members of their family.  Most of us have no clue where our money goes when we spend it!
There is an old saying: "a ghetto is where money enters on Friday night, and is gone by Monday morning".  Too many blacks live in places where that is true; not only for money; its true for healthy food, stable businesses, and for personal safety.  Where does your money go, and who does it support when you buy your alcohol, gasoline, "stash", clothes,  etc.?
A community that is healthy economically is one in which the money that "enters" stays long enough to "cycle" through stable hands and businesses within the community.  Is your "community" stable and economically healthy?  Do you even live in a community that is "safe"?  If not, you're living in one of our many "dumping grounds" for marginal people; maintained by many city governments in this country.
Unfortunately, our "role models" are those who "live large" and "front" their wealth.  We copy them, not realizing that very few of them will keep their wealth long enough to "retire" successfully.
How many of us know the difference between "consuming" a dollar, "saving" a dollar, or "investing" a dollar?  How many of us know how to protect our wealth from those who can legally "steal" it?  How many of us live in "communities" where we might be safer, but none of the money we spend makes us better off financially?
Stay Vigilant!  Tell yourself the truth!
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

OPRAH'S "PURSE" (Incident)

When, Where, and Why  "your" Money "Won't Spend"
My grandmother, were she alive, would "smack" Oprah!  To spend all that money and travel half-way around the world to be humiliated by some "Cracker" (Swiss Version) in a department store?
What are rich, black women thinking??  My grandmother, a rich (more than most of the crackers in our town), sixth-grade-educated, woman who sent her children to college in the 1920's, would be "mad-as-Hell" to see this.  She was the sister-in-law of Mattie Bridgewater, whose properties were attacked in the Tulsa Riots.  Those women knew how not to fund their enemies.  They taught us!
This incident, coming in the year of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, serves to show how and why Malcolm was right, and Martin was wrong.  Breaking Bad  is a wildly popular T.V. series that demonstrates why and how Morality is trumped by Money.  The younger generation LOVES this show! The Republicans know, and are busily destroying our Constitution with that knowledge.  When will the VOTERS figure this out?
In his famous "Osawatomie" speech in 2011, the first black President pushes the notion that "working hard and playing by the rules" is the key to Middle Class Status in this country.  (Is he admitting that whites are now being "shut out" of our economy in the way that non-whites have always been?)  He does not acknowledge that there have always been different rules for persons of color.  Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, and a host of others have cynically "triangulated" this fact for their own personal "advancement". 
Integrated schooling explains why this teaching has been lost to Oprah's generation, and to those generations of non-white children who came after.  Because economic and financial personal habits are learned very early in life; and are very difficult to change, post-puberty, the current marketing machines that operate in our global economy have a guaranteed,  steady stream of "lab rats" to exploit; by "hooking" them on Brands.
The "freedom" of non-whites, the world over, will ultimately depend on what lies between the ears; not  within the hearts of non-white women!  There are more of them on this planet than any other kind.  The "heart" has been tried, and found wanting.  Is it finally time for the "brain" to take over?
Stay Vigilant!  Money, properly spent, will over-power money that is "improperly" spent!
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Thursday, August 8, 2013

How Much Do "U" Know about "DICTATORS"??

The Creeping & "Creepy" RIGHT 
Hoping not to get those among us who are paranoid too excited; I point to a PEW poll reportedly taken recently in Russia, wherein a large majority favored a "strong economy" over "Democracy".
 A recent TIME article on surveillance, notes the willingness of a large majority of our citizens who favor "safety" over "Democracy".  Maybe Ted Cruz is not as insane as we'd like to believe. 
We should all be concerned by the linkage of Cruz and Rubio (descendants from links to Battista's Cuba; who were brought into this country on a "pass" by Republicans) and their combined determination to scuttle our government and economy, by choking off funding this Fall.  The Baby Boom and later generations are uniquely vulnerable to a threat from the Hard Right, due to their mis-education in post-WW-II America.
Was Hitler a demonic dictator, worthy of the combined might of the Allied Forces that defeated him?
Yes, he was.  Was Joseph Stalin an equally demonic dictator who joined the Allied Forces to defeat Hitler? Yes, he was.  Did the children in this nation, born after 1945, "get" this message?  No, they didn't.  The Cold War and the way it was waged in this country explains why this happened.  Nevertheless, our extreme vulnerability to seductions from the Right (can u spell R-e-a-g-a-n?) have led us to these anarchic threats to our government; and to our way of life.  They are posed by the likes of Ted Cruz, and Sarah Palin, and all of those who will go to any extreme to gain power.  You don't have to be paranoid to see the careful steps taken by the Republicans and the Hard Right to get this country into the dire straits it is in today.
All of the "safeguards" promised to us by government at all levels, FAILED simultaneously, and miserably in 9/11.  As an Air Force Officer in Lemay's Air Force, post WW-II, I know that our safeguards were extensive.  Why they all failed on 9/11 has not been adequately addressed.  We have little assurance that any proposed "non-transparent safeguards" will work, as promised, in the future.  Just at O'bama, curiously, kept some tools used by Cheney/Bush, can you imagine what a Ted Cruz presidency could bring?  We've all been having too much fun, asleep on watch, while the Hard Right stays up and plots. 
Wikipedia can help those of you who are confused by terms like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism; and how these "isms" can be "mixed and matched".  This confusion, widely shared in this country, goes a long way toward explaining why the Hard Right is so successful in our politics today.
Stay Vigilant!  Compare the role of Corporations, Big Money, and Religion, in Hitler's Germany to the roles they play today in this country.
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"RETREAT" to the "OUTHOUSE" ??

Return to the 1850's??
Voters in this country must "strengthen their anatomy" and do what our forebears did in the 1850s.
We must send a political party to the "outhouse" of history.  Reince  Priebus, Chairman of the Republican Party is threatening to "debate" only from its Outhouse, aka, FOX NEWS, in campaigns of the 2014 and 2016 election seasons.  He thinks that will scare the major networks and bring them into line with the Hard Right.
After; election 2000;   responses to the 9/11 threat; handling of Katrina; and 2008 economic melt-down;  WHAT MORE EVIDENCE DO WE NEED to convince us that this Party has over-stayed its welcome in our political system and in our political history.  The citizens of the 1850s got rid of the Whigs!!  Return this nation to centrist politics and government!  This flirtation with Ultra-Right-Wing Extremism must END!
Stay Vigilant!  Sanity can also be a path to Survival; you know?
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Another San Francisco Story
My "escape" from my Missouri "Hell-Hole" in 1959, landed be in Berkeley, CA in 1959, and San Francisco in 1960.  Both were pristine and well-managed municipalities, then.  I found San Francisco most fascinating for its stunning beauty and its open, and very vibrant, "ethnic" communities.  One of them was the "White" Russian community. 
The most shocking aspect of my transition was to learn how "human" white people could be.  The White Russian family I met taught me a lot of the history of Russia and how their people fled to China when the Communists came to power in Russia.  Other people I met and befriended included whites of Serbian extraction and a white from South Dakota.  I learned to polka at a Serbian beer hall in San Francisco.  The whites I met there all had a "human" characteristic I did not find among white Missourians.  The ex-Nazi immigrants I met were ashamed of their past.  Although not totally "race-neutral", they were very different from the malignant racists I grew up around.  The blacks, Asians, and persons from all other parts of the world, all blended well in San Francisco in 1960.  Housing segregation existed there, however, targeted against blacks and Jews.
Those were the days of HUAC (if you think Boehner's "House" is bad ...) and every college student was sensitive to anything "Russian".  J Edgar and his FBI were "foaming at the mouth" fascists in those days, as were many members of Congress.  (Remember, Hitler gleaned many of his ideas and beliefs from the Americas).  HUAC was formed in 1938. 
Bogardus' Social Distance data showed Russians to be popular in the United States in the 1920's.  There is a long history of Russian immigrants (not all of them Jews) in the United States.
Fast forward to 2013, the Cold War has ended (we think), the Soviet Union is gone, J. Edgar and his ass-hole buddy LBJ are both dead.  Our first black President announced last night on "entertainment T.V." that he will not be bullied by the Cold War "remnant" that now leads what's left of the old Soviet Union. 
Stay Vigilant!  Will the ride from here get rougher?  Or, Not?  Our focus has shifted to the Middle East.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Has Anyone Tried to "Count" Them?? 
Fruitvale Station, a story well told, and expertly filmed; is worth seeing.  My nephew, a primary-grade child, walking home from school in Los Angeles in 1993, was used as "target practice"; killed by older black gang members.  The L.A. Police, as usual, did nothing.  It occurred to me, that Sabrina Fulton, Oscar Grant's mother, and my sister,  aren't the only Black Mothers who suffered this fate.  Has anyone even  tried to count them?  Not all of them, perhaps, but certainly those of the past 30 years?  I suspect the numbers would tally into the thousands, if not tens of thousands.  We've "improved" race relations in our society, to a point where we all, both black and white, pause at these events; then "move on".  At least Sabrina Fulton forced us to pay attention to her son's death.  And, she forced the state of Florida to put on display its evil attitudes toward it's black citizens.
Devaluation of males with traceable African lineage is as old as the formation of the Christian Church; on the ashes of the Roman Empire.  Over the intervening years, Europeans have morphed this technique into their wealth development, spreading it into a fully global technique for maintaining "Western" culture and hegemony.  It is now a  "standard" for these grieving mothers to salve their pain in "Jesus". 
Moynihan's Study: Freedom Is Not Enough cited slavery in the U.S. as the worst form of slavery known to man.  The same form was practiced, for several years longer, in Brazil.  The Americas Quarterly, in its Summer 2013 issue, features The Social Inclusion Index 2013.
It states: "Social Inclusion"... "represents the combined factors necessary for an individual to enjoy a safe, productive life as a fully integrated member of society."  They rank all countries in Latin America, and Mexico, in terms of "social inclusion".
The citizens of the United States hold fast to their determination to deny these factors to their non-white citizens in 2013. Politicians openly demonstrate their unwillingness to "include" their first black President.  They extend "over-policing" by whites, to a point where "Posse Comitatus" questions arise.  Even so-called "liberal" Democrats exhibit their "social distance", based on race.  During the 2012 campaign, Romney took this message to Israel, branding the Palestinians as "uncivilized".  The economies of the U.S., Europe, and the "developing" nations suffer from the unwillingness of the global Money Boys to invest in the human capital of non-whites.  We all seem to be spiraling down that same "toilet"; fashioned for blacks by Southern whites in the U.S., more than a century ago.
To destroy this evil, the non-whites of the world must take the lead.  In this 50th anniversary of "MLK's Way", we need to examine closely its failures.
Stay Vigilant!  The "Price" for White Supremacy is becoming unbearable. 
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, August 5, 2013


Our New "Steady-State" ??
My "Hits" now exceed 7,000!  Thanks, to all my readers around the World!  As I write this, U.S. Embassies have been closed in several countries around the World (mostly Arabia, plus Africa).  Yet another "Terror" alert that is "non-specific". 
For those of you who started reading The OWL early, (this is blog # 411), you might remember my story about Ginney Gerechter in San Francisco in 1960.  Later, when I was purchasing a house in Lawrence, KS, my real estate agent was a young Jewish lady, and I told her about Ginney.  She responded enthusiastically, that she had relatives who, like Ginney, lived daily in fear of the "knock on the door" that would bring back the horrors they escaped.  This generalized "paranoia" can become permanent.  We have politicians who have made out like "fat rats" plying this paranoia for their personal gain.
Just as the old saying goes: "We might be paranoid, and still have something real to fear".  Such is our new "steady-state" as we struggle to live our lives.  The strange thing about this type of paranoia is that it amplifies the other "bad" things we have to struggle with, like greed, racism, religious strife, fear of people who are not "like us".  It even exacerbates other tendencies, like; males who have difficulty "hearing" females; whites who can't truly "see", "hear", or acknowledge the humanity of non-whites.
Religious faiths become radicalized under this blanket of fear.  Murderers, like Zimmerman, become "heroes" to those who are Hard Right and Racist, among our citizenry.
Our institutions erode, and become dysfunctional.  Hope dies slowly.  The spell hardens as those who profit, whip up the hysteria. 
The secret to breaking this spell is to refuse to succumb to fear!  FDR told us this, several decades back.  We can adopt a strong resolve to not "let the bastards win"!!  We have to take charge of our lives (capture control of our time) and create our own occupations.  We have to focus again on basics like food, clothing, and shelter; the way the entire country was focused during World War II.
Stay Vigilant!, and,  Free your mind!
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Sunday, August 4, 2013


A 21st Century Term for "Power"??
One of my favorite lines is a movie is in The Reivers; a film of a story by Faulkner.  It is from a scene in which a Southern Cracker is belittling an old black man.  Another white tells him something to the effect: "there's a limit beyond which we don't go!"  That was Faulkner's way of setting the limits in the old South for their treatments of blacks.  Could this define "The Base", perhaps, that terrifies politicians like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and John Boehner.  It also explains the politics of a younger crop of politicians like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.  It could explain the fact that nothing President  O'Bama says or does will ever gain acceptance by this group of citizens.
This core group of citizens, armed with Big Money, have bought, and now control, entire states, like North Carolina, and Wisconsin. It threatens, via the Tea Party, to destroy our Constitutional form government at the national level.  Our economy was clearly put in the crapper, and held there since 2008, by this group.  We came perilously close to electing one of their ciphers as President of the United States.
This Base operates on it own definition of what is "Moral".  I read in the latest TIME, and watched an interview by Charlie Rose concerning the latest hit T.V. series "Breaking Bad", filmed here in "Indian Country".  It is speculated that the series is popular because it redefines "Morality".  If so, don't ignore what the Catholic hierarchy has done by springing "Pope-Too" on us!  They obviously see the need to play "Good Cop/Bad Cop" in order to keep the world's non-white faithful comfortably asleep!
Where is the "Base" on the opposing side of this drama?  Where is, and who comprises, O'Bama's "Base"??  Does it only operate in Presidential elections?  Will the "evil" base reign again in 2014; in spite of their obvious lie, told in 2010, that they care about "jobs"??  Or maybe we didn't hear the message correctly in 2010: their real concern was to make sure that good jobs were destroyed, and as many jobs as possible would be eliminated, permanently??  Last Friday's unemployment statistics could support such a conclusion.
In our post-Cold War, and global ,economy, an entirely new "Base" for morality could be forming.  The old, fairy-tale, "good vs. evil" base touted by Churches and Hollywood during my lifetime, is being replaced by a type of Amorality; wherein no one cares what is right or wrong.  The verdict in the Trayvon Martin trial would support this conclusion; as would also the rise in state-supported crimes like human and drug trafficking.
Stay Vigilant!  To what "base" do you belong?
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, August 2, 2013


"Piece-Work" Nation??
Today, the markets are down in response to new "unemployment" data.  The good news: Unemployment is "down".  The bad news: Employment is down, also.  How so?  Ever since that famous "paint warehouse mass-firing" by a major U.S. Corporation in the late 1980's, the move by Finance (Big Money) boys into old established U.S. Corporations kicked into "high-gear".  Why? They discovered this boosted the stock prices.  From that time to this day, ways to "make money" off the employees, themselves, instead of their "output" on the job, has accelerated and taken many surprising turns.  Retirement funds have been manipulated into "bubbles" in stocks and housing; reduced work hours for those "lucky" enough to remain employed; and many corporations have been destroyed, providing tremendous personal profits for individual "financial operators".  Before 1990, corporations knew that fewer than 20% of their employees produced more than 80% of the output.  The problem was that they didn't know which employees were which.  Computers did a lot to fix that problem for the Money Boys.
Now we are a nation of "piece-workers".  Piece-work is that type of work where you are paid only by the number of "Pieces" you produce, or the amount of fruits or vegetables you pick.  No benefits to speak of.  No "life" because the employers control your hours and days.  Most importantly, you're told when you can work, and when you "can't" work.  Compare a worker's pay-stub today with a pay-stub issued by major corporations before 1990, and you will be astounded with the difference!  Computing power devolves to the benefit of the Money Boys, and virtually no one else!.
Bright technologists were expected to be the new "knowledge workers" who maintained control over their work and their lives.  That didn't pan out!  Why, because only those who "marry well" to Big Money can "profit" from their technical brilliance.  Zuckerberg vs. the Winkelvoss Twins is the exception that proves the rule!  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was discovered that technical brains outside the U.S. were better, and cheaper!  Big Money is highly successful at "picking brains" for free!
Big Money has moved into politics in a big way, buying and selling congress-people, and placing "operatives" inside the Executive and Judicial branches.  Voters are distracted by silliness such as pictures of a Congressman's penis.  Got the picture?  Then, there's "Sequester", which turns out be the cherry on the sundae for those on the Right who want government totally destroyed; and be taken over completely by "Corporations".
Stay Vigilant!  There are none so blind as those who "will not" see.
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