Sunday, September 2, 2012

CLINT reflects the HEART of DARKNESS

The Ugliest part of Our Past, Projected as our Future?
Three "make-believe" Cowboys, John Wayne, Ronnie Reagan, and Clint Eastwood;  are like like "peas in a pod" in their view of wealth, white supremacy, and violence.  Although the rest of this nation glorifies the images these boys represent; those of us who live in the real  "wild west" of today see another, much more ugly reality of that famed period when the lawless reigned free.  The state of Texas, a place where I had the misfortune to reside twice, glorifies this image more than any other because their state is a blend of three historic periods: the lawless white cowboy, the black slave, and the Mexican.  Will this nation devolve to Texas?
The race-based hatred and violence in Clint's "performance" before this nation and the world was clear and unmistakeable.  The Repoobs, masters of mendacity and deceit, are spending millions in their attempt to put a different face on his travesty.  Mitt, as in the aftermath of Limbaugh's vicious and dirty attack on the young college student, in the aftermath of his "birther" comment, and now this, has let it all stand without comment,  or with pitiably weak responses.
Eastwood's revelation of the heart of Repoobism also shows what the future for this country would be if the voters elect Mitt and Paul:  violent, mean, and impoverished.  There would be a few mega-rich who, like Mitt, pursue their  "happiness" by confiscating or limiting the wealth of others.  Mitt has shown how the once great wealth of this nation can be destroyed, providing immense wealth for a few.
Capitalism is at its heart a balance between supply and demand.  After thirty years of championing the supply side, the Repoobs have succeed at fatally crippling, and nearly destroying, the demand side.  Dubya told the citizens who wanted to share in the sacrifices of the wars the Repoobs started, to "go shopping".  That advice was followed; contributing to the mess we're struggling to recover from.

Stay Vigilant!

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