Sunday, September 9, 2012

"ROHRSCHACH" Election 2012

Elephants Everywhere?
As we approached his Inauguration in 2009, cartoonists were having a high old time sketching our "first" (known) Black President.  One I remember, showed a scrawny black guy walking behind an elephant with a broom and scoop.  Four years later, the "scoop" is on all of us.  While most of us were trying to make out what we were in for, the "Elephant" guys who created the poop were holed up in a bar plotting how they were going to make Damn Sure the scrawny guy never had a chance to do the job we elected him to do.  But, "Surprise"; by just about all accounts, he's done "One Hell of a Job" -- and got Bin Laden to boot!
One scrawny, old, angry, white, make-believe cowboy, launched Mitt and the Repoobs on their way to the election by laying more poop at their Convention.  His vile, racist diatribe was there for all to see.  After four years of devising ways to heap scorn on the President and to demean him as a human being; it seems they're still at it;  with Mitt's approval; it appears.   Take a look at his statements this morning on Face The Nation.
Its been quite a "Rorschach" season, in the media and elsewhere!  Include Mitt in the mix. There are such a variety of psychological reactions to Clint's "grand statement" to and for the faithful.  They can't be the least bit racist, though.  Heavens, No!  They used to talk about "no fools like old fools" (but Paul Ryan's not old).
The Rorschach phenomenon dogs every aspect of this election; from the view of the candidates, to the view of the nation's future; to the future of our economy.  Senator Graham, from the old race bastion of South Carolina seems to "get it".  He is afraid that this country might just run out of angry old white men.  Then What? One Hundred and Eighty-Two years after he wrote his chapter entitled: Some Considerations Concerning The Present State and Probable Future Of The Three Races That Inhabit The Territory Of The United States, Alexis de Tocqueville would find this approaching 2012 election a marvel.  Who could dream that a President of the United States could be found who had no direct link to chattel slavery in the Americas, yet was African -and-White American?  That such a man could accomplish so much in spite of lingering beliefs and attitudes that were recorded in that chapter.
My God!! Its enough to have all the angry old white men struggling to keep their sanity.  But for the rest of us, by simply casting a vote we can answer De Tocqueville's question and finally free our posterity from the curse of the ages.

Stay Vigilant!

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