"The Owl" turns to "Publius: and Federalist No. 10
Over the years, I have skimmed Federalist No. 10,
but today, I looked closely and was stunned by its application to what this nation is going through as we approach the election of 2012. "Factions: --defined loosely as "any interest group" were something that Madison, Washington, Franklin, and others thought this nation should guard against at all cost.
Repoobs are a Mega-Faction today, harboring Libertarians, Tea Party adherents, what's left of the Republican Party, Religious-Right adherents, angry white Southerners, and their expatriates in other regions of this country. Together, with the addition of mega-dollars from the extremely rich, who can "contribute" unlimited funds with anonymity; this group is a Faction-on-Steroids!.
At a time when, under the Articles of Confederation, the Congress had no power to tax, could not pay debts of the Revolutionary War, Madison was asked to convene a national convention to prevent a break-up and bankruptcy of the Union. Sound familiar? Congress has the power to tax today, but refuses to use it; demanding instead that the super-rich have their taxes returned to them. At a time when the nation is drowning in debt brought on by wars, factional legislation and fiscal policies, the Repoobs are pushing the nation ever-farther into economic trouble.
Our Constitution emerged from the national convention Madison convened in 1787. That Constitution is under severe attack by a coalition of factions harbored by the Reepoobs. Funny, what caused this historic Constitution to come into existence was fear that the poor would gang up on the rich! What a belly-laugh! (sick humor?)
Diversity, something that gives the Repoobs heart-burn today, is what the Founders thought would protect the Union. But, Diversity in those days was a "whole-nothr'-thing". You see, in those days only whites were considered to matter under their efforts, and diversity pertained mostly to regional differences, ethnic differences, and religious differences. The founders also thought that concentration of wealth would be a problem that should be avoided where possible. They also thought large Federal Government would save us from factions.
What the Mega-Faction is up to today is greater concentration of wealth. They hate taxes and large government. They can't stand today's diversity, and want to destroy all of the measures put in place by our federal government to protect the poor and create the Middle Class during the Great Depression.
The answer and solution then, is the answer now --compromise and the voter. Rather than leave sovereignty in the hands of State Legislatures or in the Federal Government, they placed it in the hands of voters in a Representative Republic. I'm sure the Founders never dreamed that the Federal Representatives could be so easily bought by factions. So Vote Like you Mean It this year -- you just may do more to save your country than our military has done since the Revolutionary War!
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Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
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Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
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Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
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