Those who Can't Give it, Don't Deserve It
Its an old, but true statement that those who can't or won't give respect should not expect to receive it. I have called what used to be the Republican Party Repoobs, precisely because they don't respect the lower classes, or non-white peoples in this country or on this planet. They are consistent in displaying this fact, in their policies, their behaviors, their language, and in their Tampa Convention. Their behavior during the Convention reeked with their contempt for the President, and people of color, making exceptions for those very few non-white supplicants in attendance.
Just in case anyone watching their proceedings, in this country or outside, missed this message, the Clint Eastwood travesty made the Repoob basic beliefs crystal clear. Their behavior throughout was so extreme, just about anyone would have to wonder why they even bother to pretend they want to fairly govern this country. From the top down, their intent to exclude "the other" in terms of skin color and wealth, is clear. It can not be explained away or covered up with feints toward "humor".
The past few days have shown those of us who will think about what we've just seen, a clear picture of what kind of country they want to run, and what they really think of people they don't like or respect.
There was great bally-hoo in the speeches about God-given, Human, or Natural rights. Mitt pleaded that "they" deserved these rights, while implying others do not. Their displays of contempt for the first non-white President of this country were despicable. They have to lie about everything and twist facts to sustain and spread their hatred. The biggest lie was told my Mitt when he stated that some of those in that room had voted for President Obama in 2008. A two year old would know better than to try to claim something that bogus.
When you think about it, their assertions and behavior portend grave consequences for our Constitution and Bill of Rights as we move ahead into our more multi-cultural future. These people clearly are the ugliest of "white Americans". They did the decent whites in this country a favor by showing their true beliefs to the world. It sould have been a Klan rally, complete with gestures of throat cutting. These ugly ones usually hide behind their skin, pretending to support the beliefs enshrined in our founding documents.
More threatening than their social attitudes and behavior is their economic plan for the country.
This type of citizen, during the Depression of the 1930's, was largely responsible for the length, depth, and severity of those times. Mitt threatens trade wars with China and Russia (reminiscent of Smoot-Hawley).
Their religion of "cutting" (both spending and taxes) to regain prosperity, also harkens back to those days of deprivation. The over-powering military build-up Mitt talks about will be a lure to War.
Stay Vigilant!
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Stay Vigilant!
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