Why Don't We "GET IT" after more than 30 YEARS??
A revelation of what is now termed "Romney-world" was revealed in class by Peter Drucker in the mid-80's. He told us of "dark factories" he saw in Japan. They were dark because there were no workers -- the goods were made by robots. He said the same thing would happen in the rest of the Developed Nations; but not UNTIL AFTER all cheap labor on the planet was discovered and exploited. As the price of labor rises in places like Singapore, China, Brazil, and other places, more and more manufacturing has returned to the United States. But hiring did not return. They say that there are no "qualified" people to hire; but the real reason is never revealed; either by our media or our politicians. THE NUMBER OF HUMAN WORKERS WILL NEVER AGAIN MATCH THE NUMBER OF WORKERS BEFORE "OFF-SHORING" BEGAN -- MORE THAN 30 YEARS AGO.
In the same time since the early 80's, "productivity" from the infusion of computers into the work place has sharply reduced the number of non-manufacturing workers. The "back-room" materialized, in which non-manufacturing jobs that could not be taught to computers were "off-shored" to foreign workers, on foreign soil; MANY OF WHOM WERE TRAINED BY OUR WORKERS BEFORE THEY WERE LAID OFF.
Because of these twin advances in technology, Peter predicted that, by the year 2000, no company on the planet would employ more that 200 of the "right" workers. Those companies could operate from anywhere, even from a mountain top or a ship at sea; so long as there was access to the talent required. The year 2000 brought us a technology-driven financial melt-down, instead, with more of the same to follow. The joblessness continued to mount, however.
WE STILL DON'T GET IT! We keep being fooled by the agents of those who profit from the decline in employment, because they have the money to "mind-eff " voters when it comes time to vote. Will we continue to vote our baser emotions instead of what is good for our financial futures?
In parallel, the rise of the "new financial industry" occurred, driven by people like Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken. Romney sought the "instruments" used by Milken in 1988, according to TIME, September 3, 2012.
This triple-play combined in the Meltdown of 2008. To expect ANY PRESIDENT to significantly eradicate the results of these long-running forces IN ONE TERM is certifiable!
No matter which candidate is selected in 2012, there will be NO QUICK FIX! The economic die is cast for a significant period ahead.
A close look at the Romney-Ryan proposals will show that the HELL NO Repoob stance will continue, and the wreckage will continue to mount. The vultures, both at home and abroad, will have plenty to feed on. The voters in this country really have NOT been better-off since 1975!!
Stay Vigilant!
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Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
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