Sunday, September 23, 2012


Here's Where Public Ignorance is Most Dangerous
Having exposed themselves on race and class, the Repoobs have re-grouped.  The morning talk shows today feature Mitt touting Space Defense.  Here again, these clandestine skunks are counting on public ignorance.  To catch up, Google:
These studies show how and why we came as a nation to our current position on the technologies of energy, space, and defense.  To blame our current position on President Obama is a very dangerous lie and distortion.  This shows that the rats now see themselves as cornered.
If you have carefully read the Transcripts from Boca Raton; recorded  comments by Mitt to his monied backers, you now know how dangerously ignorant Mitt is on these subjects.  His talk about a "dirty bomb" is highly disturbing.  His technical misunderstanding is laughable, if not tragic for a person reaching for the "button".
Stay Vigilant!  Our Media "talking heads" seem to have their collective heads "up and locked"!

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